- name: Quote the JSON queries to escape invalid characters set_fact: item_id: '"{{ item }}".id' item_group: '"{{ item }}".group' item_only: '"{{ item }}"' - name: Lookup deployment UUID set_fact: deployment_uuid: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name ~ '/' ~ ansible_hostname | lower ~ '/' ~ item) | from_yaml | json_query(item_id) }}" - name: Lookup deployment group set_fact: deployment_group: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name ~ '/' ~ ansible_hostname | lower ~ '/' ~ item) | from_yaml | json_query(item_group) }}" - name: Hiera check and diff mode block: - name: Create hiera check-mode directory file: path: /etc/puppet/check-mode/hieradata state: directory check_mode: no - name: Create deployed check-mode directory file: path: /var/lib/heat-config/check-mode state: directory check_mode: no - name: Create tripleo-config-download check-mode directory file: path: /var/lib/heat-config/tripleo-config-download/check-mode state: directory check_mode: no - name: "Render deployment file for {{ item }} for check-mode" copy: content: "[ {{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name ~ '/' ~ ansible_hostname | lower ~ '/' ~ item) | from_yaml | json_query(item_only) }} ]" dest: "/var/lib/heat-config/tripleo-config-download/check-mode/{{ item ~ '-' ~ deployment_uuid }}" become: true check_mode: no - name: Run hiera deployment for check mode shell: | rm -f /var/lib/heat-config/check-mode/{{ deployment_uuid }}.json /usr/libexec/os-refresh-config/configure.d/55-heat-config exit $(jq .deploy_status_code /var/lib/heat-config/check-mode/{{ deployment_uuid }}.notify.json) args: warn: false become: true environment: HEAT_SHELL_CONFIG: /var/lib/heat-config/tripleo-config-download/check-mode/{{ item ~ '-' ~ deployment_uuid }} HEAT_PUPPET_HIERA_DATADIR: /etc/puppet/check-mode/hieradata HEAT_HIERA_CONFIG: /etc/puppet/check-mode/hiera.yaml HEAT_CONFIG_DEPLOYED: /var/lib/heat-config/check-mode check_mode: no ignore_errors: yes - name: List hieradata files for check mode find: path: /etc/puppet/check-mode/hieradata register: hieradata_files check_mode: no - name: diff hieradata changes for check mode command: diff -uN {{ hieradata_item.path | regex_replace('check-mode', '') }} {{ hieradata_item.path }} with_items: "{{ hieradata_files.files }}" check_mode: no register: diff_results changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 loop_control: loop_var: hieradata_item label: "{{ hieradata_item.path }}" failed_when: false when: ansible_diff_mode|bool - name: diff hieradata changes for check mode debug: var: item.stdout_lines with_items: "{{ diff_results.results }}" changed_when: item.rc == 1 loop_control: label: "{{ item._ansible_item_label }}" when: ansible_diff_mode|bool - name: hiera.yaml changes for check mode command: diff -uN /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml /etc/puppet/check-mode/hiera.yaml check_mode: no register: diff_results changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 failed_when: false - name: diff hiera.yaml changes for check mode debug: var: diff_results.stdout_lines changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 when: ansible_diff_mode|bool ignore_errors: yes when: - deployment_group == 'hiera' - ansible_check_mode|bool - name: "Render deployment file for {{ item }}" copy: content: "[ {{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name ~ '/' ~ ansible_hostname | lower ~ '/' ~ item) | from_yaml | json_query(item_only) }} ]" dest: "/var/lib/heat-config/tripleo-config-download/{{ item ~ '-' ~ deployment_uuid }}" become: true - name: "Check if deployed file exists for {{ item }}" stat: path: /var/lib/heat-config/deployed/{{ deployment_uuid }}.json register: deployed_file_stat - name: "Check previous deployment rc for {{ item }}" shell: | exit $(jq .deploy_status_code /var/lib/heat-config/deployed/{{ deployment_uuid }}.notify.json) register: previous_deployment_result ignore_errors: true failed_when: false when: deployed_file_stat.stat.exists - name: "Remove deployed file for {{ item }} when previous deployment failed" file: path: /var/lib/heat-config/deployed/{{ deployment_uuid }}.json state: absent become: true when: - not ansible_check_mode|bool - deployed_file_stat.stat.exists - previous_deployment_result.rc != 0 - name: "Force remove deployed file for {{ item }}" file: path: /var/lib/heat-config/deployed/{{ deployment_uuid }}.json state: absent become: true when: (force | bool) - name: Set fact for async_deployment set_fact: use_async_deployment: "{{ (async_deployment | default(False)) or (item == 'NetworkDeployment') }}" - name: "Run deployment {{ item }}" shell: | /usr/libexec/os-refresh-config/configure.d/55-heat-config exit $(jq .deploy_status_code /var/lib/heat-config/deployed/{{ deployment_uuid }}.notify.json) become: true environment: HEAT_SHELL_CONFIG: /var/lib/heat-config/tripleo-config-download/{{ item ~ '-' ~ deployment_uuid }} register: deployment_sync_result ignore_errors: yes when: not use_async_deployment|bool - name: "Run async deployment {{ item }}" shell: | /usr/libexec/os-refresh-config/configure.d/55-heat-config exit $(jq .deploy_status_code /var/lib/heat-config/deployed/{{ deployment_uuid }}.notify.json) become: true environment: HEAT_SHELL_CONFIG: /var/lib/heat-config/tripleo-config-download/{{ item ~ '-' ~ deployment_uuid }} register: deployment_async_result ignore_errors: yes when: use_async_deployment|bool async: "{{ async_timeout | default(300) }}" poll: "{{ async_poll | default(3) }}" - name: "Output for sync deployment {{ item }}" debug: msg: - stderr: "{{ deployment_sync_result.stderr.split('\n') }}" - status_code: "{{ deployment_sync_result.rc }}" tags: - output failed_when: deployment_sync_result.rc != 0 when: not ansible_check_mode|bool and not use_async_deployment|bool - name: "Output for async deployment {{ item }}" debug: msg: - stderr: "{{ deployment_async_result.stderr.split('\n') }}" - status_code: "{{ deployment_async_result.rc }}" tags: - output failed_when: deployment_async_result.rc != 0 when: not ansible_check_mode|bool and use_async_deployment|bool - name: "Check-mode for Run deployment {{ item }} (changed status indicates deployment would run)" stat: path: /var/lib/heat-config/deployed/{{ deployment_uuid }}.json become: true register: deploy_exists changed_when: not deploy_exists.stat.exists when: ansible_check_mode|bool ignore_errors: yes