Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 adoption overview
Adoption is the process of migrating a Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 overcloud to a Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 data plane. To ensure that you understand the entire adoption process and how to sufficiently prepare your RHOSP environment, review the prerequisites, adoption process, and post-adoption tasks.
It is important to read the whole adoption guide before you start the adoption. You should form an understanding of the procedure, prepare the necessary configuration snippets for each service ahead of time, and test the procedure in a representative test environment before you adopt your main environment. |
Adoption limitations
Before you proceed with the adoption, check which features are Technology Previews or unsupported.
The following features are Technology Previews and have not been tested within the context of the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift adoption:
Bare Metal Provisioning service (ironic)
NFS Ganesha back end for Shared File Systems service (manila)
iSCSI, NFS, and FC-based drivers for Block Storage service (cinder)
Block Storage service back end for the Image Service (glance)
NFS back end for the Image service
Third-party drivers for the Shared File Systems service
The following Compute service (nova) features are Technology Previews:
Compute hosts with
on NFS -
NUMA-aware vswitches
PCI passthrough by flavor
SR-IOV trusted virtual functions
RX and TX queue sizes
Virtio multiqueue
Emulated virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM)
Direct download from Rados Block Device (RBD)
File-backed memory
The adoption process does not support the following features:
Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 multi-cell deployments
Load-balancing service (octavia)
NFS back end for ephemeral Compute service virtual machine instances storage
Adopting a FIPS environment
The Key Manager service only supports the simple crypto plug-in
The Block Storage service only supports RBD back-end adoption
Known issues
Review the following known issues that might affect a successful adoption:
Red Hat has not verified a process for adoption of a Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 environment where Controller and Networker roles are composed together on Controller nodes. If your RHOSP 17.1 environment does use combined Controller/Networker roles on the Controller nodes, the documented adoption process will not produce the expected results.
Adoption of RHOSP 17.1 environments that use dedicated Networker nodes has been verified to work as documented.
Adoption prerequisites
Before you begin the adoption procedure, complete the following prerequisites:
- Planning information
Review the Adoption limitations.
Review the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) requirements, data plane node requirements, Compute node requirements, and so on. For more information, see Planning your deployment.
Review the adoption-specific networking requirements. For more information, see Configuring the network for the RHOSO deployment.
Review the adoption-specific storage requirements. For more information, see Storage requirements.
Review how to customize your deployed control plane with the services that are required for your environment. For more information, see Customizing the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift deployment.
Familiarize yourself with a disconnected environment deployment. For more information, see Configuring an airgapped environment in Deploying an overcloud in a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster with director Operator.
Familiarize yourself with the following RHOCP concepts that are used during adoption:
- Back-up information
Back up your Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 environment by using one of the following options:
The Relax-and-Recover tool. For more information, see Backing up the undercloud and the control plane nodes by using the Relax-and-Recover tool in Backing up and restoring the undercloud and control plane nodes.
The Snapshot and Revert tool. For more information, see Backing up your Red Hat OpenStack Platform cluster by using the Snapshot and Revert tool in Backing up and restoring the undercloud and control plane nodes.
A third-party backup and recovery tool. For more information about certified backup and recovery tools, see the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.
Back up the configuration files from the RHOSP services and director Operator on your file system. For more information, see Pulling the configuration from a director Operator deployment.
- Compute
Upgrade your Compute nodes to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2. For more information, see Upgrading all Compute nodes to RHEL 9.2 in Framework for upgrades (16.2 to 17.1).
Perform a minor update to the latest RHOSP version. For more information, see Performing a minor update of Red Hat OpenStack Platform.
If the
package is not installed on your Compute hosts, install it by using the following command:$ sudo dnf -y install systemd-container
Reboot all hypervisors one by one to activate the
package. To avoid interrupting your workloads during the reboot, live migrate virtual machine instances before rebooting a node. For more information, see Rebooting Compute nodes in Performing a minor update of Red Hat OpenStack Platform.
If you use the Modular Layer 2 plug-in with Open vSwitch mechanism driver (ML2/OVS), migrate it to the Modular Layer 2 plug-in with Open Virtual Networking (ML2/OVN) mechanism driver. For more information, see Migrating to the OVN mechanism driver.
- Tools
Install the
command line tool on your workstation. -
Install the
command line tool on your workstation.
- RHOSP 17.1 release
The RHOSP 17.1 cloud is updated to the latest minor version of the 17.1 release.
- RHOSP 17.1 hosts
All control plane and data plane hosts of the RHOSP 17.1 cloud are up and running, and continue to run throughout the adoption procedure.
Guidelines for planning the adoption
When planning to adopt a Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) 18.0 environment, consider the scope of the change. An adoption is similar in scope to a data center upgrade. Different firmware levels, hardware vendors, hardware profiles, networking interfaces, storage interfaces, and so on affect the adoption process and can cause changes in behavior during the adoption.
Review the following guidelines to adequately plan for the adoption and increase the chance that you complete the adoption successfully:
All commands in the adoption documentation are examples. Do not copy and paste the commands without understanding what the commands do. |
To minimize the risk of an adoption failure, reduce the number of environmental differences between the staging environment and the production sites.
If the staging environment is not representative of the production sites, or a staging environment is not available, then you must plan to include contingency time in case the adoption fails.
Review your custom Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) service configuration at every major release.
Every major release upgrades through multiple OpenStack releases.
Each major release might deprecate configuration options or change the format of the configuration.
Prepare a Method of Procedure (MOP) that is specific to your environment to reduce the risk of variance or omitted steps when running the adoption process.
You can use representative hardware in a staging environment to prepare a MOP and validate any content changes.
Include a cross-section of firmware versions, additional interface or device hardware, and any additional software in the representative staging environment to ensure that it is broadly representative of the variety that is present in the production environments.
Ensure that you validate any Red Hat Enterprise Linux update or upgrade in the representative staging environment.
Use Satellite for localized and version-pinned RPM content where your data plane nodes are located.
In the production environment, use the content that you tested in the staging environment.
Adoption process overview
Familiarize yourself with the steps of the adoption process and the optional post-adoption tasks.
Optional: Run tempest to verify that the entire adoption process is working properly. For more information, see Validating and troubleshooting the deployed cloud.
Optional: Perform a minor update from RHEL 9.2 to 9.4. You can perform a minor update any time after you complete the adoption procedure. For more information, see Updating your environment to the latest maintenance release.
Optional: Verify that you migrated all services from the Controller nodes, and then power off the nodes. If any services are still running in the Controller nodes, such as Open Virtual Networking (ML2/OVN), Object Storage service (swift), or Red Hat Ceph Storage, do not power off the nodes.
Identity service authentication
If you have custom policies enabled, contact Red Hat Support before adopting a director Operator OpenStack deployment. You must complete the following steps for adoption:
Remove custom policies.
Run the adoption.
Re-add custom policies by using the new SRBAC syntax.
After you adopt a director Operator-based OpenStack deployment to a Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift deployment, the Identity service performs user authentication and authorization by using Secure RBAC (SRBAC). If SRBAC is already enabled, then there is no change to how you perform operations. If SRBAC is disabled, then adopting a director Operator-based OpenStack deployment might change how you perform operations due to changes in API access policies.
For more information on SRBAC, see Secure role based access control in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift in Performing security operations.
Configuring the network for the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift deployment
When you adopt a new Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) deployment, you must align the network configuration with the adopted cluster to maintain connectivity for existing workloads.
Perform the following tasks to incorporate the existing network configuration:
Configure Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) worker nodes to align VLAN tags and IP Address Management (IPAM) configuration with the existing deployment.
Configure control plane services to use compatible IP ranges for service and load-balancing IP addresses.
Configure data plane nodes to use corresponding compatible configuration for VLAN tags and IPAM.
When configuring nodes and services, the general approach is as follows:
For IPAM, you can either reuse subnet ranges from the existing deployment or, if there is a shortage of free IP addresses in existing subnets, define new ranges for the new control plane services. If you define new ranges, you configure IP routing between the old and new ranges. For more information, see Planning your IPAM configuration.
For VLAN tags, always reuse the configuration from the existing deployment.
For more information about the network architecture and configuration, see Preparing networks for Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift in Deploying Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift and About networking in Networking. |
Retrieving the network configuration from your existing deployment
You must determine which isolated networks are defined in your existing deployment. After you retrieve your network configuration, you have the following information:
A list of isolated networks that are used in the existing deployment.
For each of the isolated networks, the VLAN tag and IP ranges used for dynamic address allocation.
A list of existing IP address allocations that are used in the environment. When reusing the existing subnet ranges to host the new control plane services, these addresses are excluded from the corresponding allocation pools.
Find the network configuration in the
file. For example:- name: InternalApi mtu: 1500 vip: true vlan: 20 name_lower: internal_api dns_domain: internal.mydomain.tld. service_net_map_replace: internal subnets: internal_api_subnet: ip_subnet: '' allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
Retrieve the VLAN tag that is used in the
key and the IP range in theip_subnet
key for each isolated network from thenetwork_data.yaml
file. When reusing subnet ranges from the existing deployment for the new control plane services, the ranges are split into separate pools for control plane services and load-balancer IP addresses. -
Use the
file to determine the list of IP addresses that are already consumed in the adopted environment. For each listed host in the file, make a note of the IP and VIP addresses that are consumed by the node. For example:Standalone: hosts: standalone: ... internal_api_ip: ... ... standalone: children: Standalone: {} vars: ... internal_api_vip: ...
In this example, the
values are consumed and are not available for the new control plane services until the adoption is complete. -
Repeat this procedure for each isolated network and each host in the configuration.
For more information about director Operator network configurations, see Creating networks with director Operator in Deploying an overcloud in a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster with director Operator.
Planning your IPAM configuration
In a Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) deployment, each service that is deployed on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) worker nodes requires an IP address from the IP Address Management (IPAM) pool. In a Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) deployment, all services that are hosted on a Controller node share the same IP address.
The RHOSO control plane has different requirements for the number of IP addresses that are made available for services. Depending on the size of the IP ranges that are used in the existing RHOSO deployment, you might reuse these ranges for the RHOSO control plane.
The total number of IP addresses that are required for the new control plane services in each isolated network is calculated as the sum of the following:
The number of RHOCP worker nodes. Each worker node requires 1 IP address in the
custom resource (CR). -
The number of IP addresses required for the data plane nodes. Each node requires an IP address from the
CRs. -
The number of IP addresses required for control plane services. Each service requires an IP address from the
CRs. This number depends on the number of replicas for each service. -
The number of IP addresses required for load balancer IP addresses. Each service requires a Virtual IP address from the
For example, a simple single worker node RHOCP deployment
with Red Hat OpenShift Local has the following IP ranges defined for the internalapi
1 IP address for the single worker node
1 IP address for the data plane node
CRs for control plane services:X.X.X.30-X.X.X.70
(41 addresses) -
CRs for load balancer IPs:X.X.X.80-X.X.X.90
(11 addresses)
This example shows a total of 54 IP addresses allocated to the internalapi
allocation pools.
The requirements might differ depending on the list of RHOSP services to be deployed, their replica numbers, and the number of RHOCP worker nodes and data plane nodes.
Additional IP addresses might be required in future RHOSP releases, so you must plan for some extra capacity for each of the allocation pools that are used in the new environment.
After you determine the required IP pool size for the new deployment, you can choose to define new IP address ranges or reuse your existing IP address ranges. Regardless of the scenario, the VLAN tags in the existing deployment are reused in the new deployment. Ensure that the VLAN tags are properly retained in the new configuration. For more information, see Configuring isolated networks.
Configuring new subnet ranges
If you are using IPv6, you can reuse existing subnet ranges in most cases. For more information about existing subnet ranges, see Reusing existing subnet ranges. |
You can define new IP ranges for control plane services that belong to a different subnet that is not used in the existing cluster. Then you configure link local IP routing between the existing and new subnets to enable existing and new service deployments to communicate. This involves using the director Operator mechanism on a pre-adopted cluster to configure additional link local routes. This enables the data plane deployment to reach out to Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) nodes by using the existing subnet addresses. You can use new subnet ranges with any existing subnet configuration, and when the existing cluster subnet ranges do not have enough free IP addresses for the new control plane services.
You must size the new subnet appropriately to accommodate the new control plane services. There are no specific requirements for the existing deployment allocation pools that are already consumed by the RHOSP environment.
Defining a new subnet for Storage and Storage management is not supported because Compute service (nova) and Red Hat Ceph Storage do not allow modifying those networks during adoption. |
In the following procedure, you configure NetworkAttachmentDefinition
custom resources (CRs) to use a different subnet from what is configured in the network_config
section of the OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR for the same networks. The new range in the NetworkAttachmentDefinition
CR is used for control plane services, while the existing range in the OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR is used to manage IP Address Management (IPAM) for data plane nodes.
The values that are used in the following procedure are examples. Use values that are specific to your configuration.
Configure link local routes on the existing deployment nodes for the control plane subnets. This is done through director Operator configuration:
network_config: - type: ovs_bridge name: br-ctlplane routes: - ip_netmask: next_hop: - ip_netmask: (1) next_hop: (2)
1 The new control plane subnet. 2 The control plane IP address of the existing data plane node. Repeat this configuration for other networks that need to use different subnets for the new and existing parts of the deployment.
For more information about director Operator network configurations, see Creating networks with director Operator in Deploying an overcloud in a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster with director Operator.
Apply the new configuration to every RHOSP node:
(undercloud)$ openstack overcloud network provision \ [--templates <templates_directory> \] --output <deployment_file> \ /home/stack/templates/<networks_definition_file>
(undercloud)$ openstack overcloud node provision \ [--templates <templates_directory> \] --stack <stack> \ --network-config \ --output <deployment_file> \ /home/stack/templates/<node_definition_file>
Optional: Include the
option to use your own templates instead of the default templates located in/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates
. Replace<templates_directory>
with the path to the directory that contains your templates. -
with the name of the stack for which the bare-metal nodes are provisioned. If not specified, the default isovercloud
. -
Include the
optional argument to provide the network definitions to thecli-overcloud-node-network-config.yaml
Ansible playbook. Thecli-overcloud-node-network-config.yaml
playbook uses theos-net-config
tool to apply the network configuration on the deployed nodes. If you do not use--network-config
to provide the network definitions, then you must configure the{{}}NetworkConfigTemplate
parameters in yournetwork-environment.yaml
file, otherwise the default network definitions are used. -
with the name of the heat environment file to generate for inclusion in the deployment command, for example/home/stack/templates/overcloud-baremetal-deployed.yaml
. -
with the name of your node definition file, for example,overcloud-baremetal-deploy.yaml
. Ensure that thenetwork_config_update
variable is set totrue
in the node definition file.Network configuration changes are not applied by default to avoid the risk of network disruption. You must enforce the changes by setting the StandaloneNetworkConfigUpdate: true
in the director Operator configuration files.
Confirm that there are new link local routes to the new subnet on each node. For example:
# ip route | grep 172 via dev br-ctlplane
You also must configure link local routes to existing deployment on Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) worker nodes. This is achieved by adding
entries to theNodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
CRs for each network. For example:- destination: (1) next-hop-interface: ospbr (2)
1 The original subnet of the isolated network on the data plane. 2 The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) worker network interface that corresponds to the isolated network on the data plane. As a result, the following route is added to your RHOCP nodes:
# ip route | grep 192 dev ospbr proto static scope link
Later, during the data plane adoption, in the
section of theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR, add the same link local routes for the new control plane subnet ranges. For example:nodeTemplate: ansible: ansibleUser: root ansibleVars: additional_ctlplane_host_routes: - ip_netmask: next_hop: '{{ ctlplane_ip }}' edpm_network_config_template: | network_config: - type: ovs_bridge routes: {{ ctlplane_host_routes + additional_ctlplane_host_routes }} ...
List the IP addresses that are used for the data plane nodes in the existing deployment as
. For example:nodes: standalone: ansible: ansibleHost: ansibleUser: "" hostName: standalone networks: - defaultRoute: true fixedIP: name: ctlplane subnetName: subnet1
Do not change RHOSP node IP addresses during the adoption process. List previously used IP addresses in the fixedIP
fields for each node entry in thenodes
section of theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR. -
Expand the SSH range for the firewall configuration to include both subnets to allow SSH access to data plane nodes from both subnets:
edpm_sshd_allowed_ranges: - -
This provides SSH access from the new subnet to the RHOSP nodes as well as the RHOSP subnets.
edpm_network_config_update: true
to enforce the changes that you are applying to the nodes.
Reusing existing subnet ranges
You can reuse existing subnet ranges if they have enough IP addresses to allocate to the new control plane services. You configure the new control plane services to use the same subnet as you used in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment, and configure the allocation pools that are used by the new services to exclude IP addresses that are already allocated to existing cluster nodes. By reusing existing subnets, you avoid additional link local route configuration between the existing and new subnets.
If your existing subnets do not have enough IP addresses in the existing subnet ranges for the new control plane services, you must create new subnet ranges. For more information, see Using new subnet ranges.
No special routing configuration is required to reuse subnet ranges. However, you must ensure that the IP addresses that are consumed by RHOSP services do not overlap with the new allocation pools configured for Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift control plane services.
If you are especially constrained by the size of the existing subnet, you may have to apply elaborate exclusion rules when defining allocation pools for the new control plane services. For more information, see Configuring isolated networks.
Configuring isolated networks
Before you begin replicating your existing VLAN and IPAM configuration in the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) environment, you must have the following IP address allocations for the new control plane services:
1 IP address for each isolated network on each Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) worker node. You configure these IP addresses in the
custom resources (CRs) for the RHOCP worker nodes. For more information, see Configuring RHOCP worker nodes. -
1 IP range for each isolated network for the data plane nodes. You configure these ranges in the
CRs for the data plane nodes. For more information, see Configuring data plane nodes. -
1 IP range for each isolated network for control plane services. These ranges enable pod connectivity for isolated networks in the
CRs. For more information, see Configuring the networking for control plane services. -
1 IP range for each isolated network for load balancer IP addresses. These IP ranges define load balancer IP addresses for MetalLB in the
CRs. For more information, see Configuring the networking for control plane services.
The exact list and configuration of isolated networks in the following procedures should reflect the actual Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment. The number of isolated networks might differ from the examples used in the procedures. The IPAM scheme might also differ. Only the parts of the configuration that are relevant to configuring networks are shown. The values that are used in the following procedures are examples. Use values that are specific to your configuration. |
Configuring isolated networks on RHOCP worker nodes
To connect service pods to isolated networks on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) worker nodes that run Red Hat OpenStack Platform services, physical network configuration on the hypervisor is required.
This configuration is managed by the NMState operator, which uses NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
custom resources (CRs) to define the desired network configuration for the nodes.
For each RHOCP worker node, define a
CR that describes the desired network configuration. For example:apiVersion: v1 items: - apiVersion: kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy spec: desiredState: interfaces: - description: internalapi vlan interface ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 dhcp: false enabled: true ipv6: enabled: false name: enp6s0.20 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp6s0 id: 20 reorder-headers: true - description: storage vlan interface ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 dhcp: false enabled: true ipv6: enabled: false name: enp6s0.21 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp6s0 id: 21 reorder-headers: true - description: tenant vlan interface ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 dhcp: false enabled: true ipv6: enabled: false name: enp6s0.22 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp6s0 id: 22 reorder-headers: true nodeSelector: ocp-worker-0 ""
Configuring isolated networks on control plane services
After the NMState operator creates the desired hypervisor network configuration for isolated networks, you must configure the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) services to use the configured interfaces. You define a NetworkAttachmentDefinition
custom resource (CR) for each isolated network. In some clusters, these CRs are managed by the Cluster Network Operator, in which case you use Network
CRs instead. For more information, see
Cluster Network Operator in Networking.
Define a
CR for each isolated network. For example:apiVersion: kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: internalapi namespace: openstack spec: config: | { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "name": "internalapi", "type": "macvlan", "master": "enp6s0.20", "ipam": { "type": "whereabouts", "range": "", "range_start": "", "range_end": "" } }
Ensure that the interface name and IPAM range match the configuration that you used in the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
CRs. -
Optional: When reusing existing IP ranges, you can exclude part of the range that is used in the existing deployment by using the
parameter in theNetworkAttachmentDefinition
pool. For example:apiVersion: kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: internalapi namespace: openstack spec: config: | { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "name": "internalapi", "type": "macvlan", "master": "enp6s0.20", "ipam": { "type": "whereabouts", "range": "", "range_start": "", (1) "range_end": "", (2) "exclude": [ (3) "", "" ] } }
1 Defines the start of the IP range. 2 Defines the end of the IP range. 3 Excludes part of the IP range. This example excludes IP addresses
from the allocation pool. -
If your RHOSP services require load balancer IP addresses, define the pools for these services in an
CR. For example:The load balancer IP addresses belong to the same IP range as the control plane services, and are managed by MetalLB. This pool should also be aligned with the RHOSP configuration. - apiVersion: kind: IPAddressPool spec: addresses: -
CRs for each isolated network that requires load balancer IP addresses. -
Optional: When reusing existing IP ranges, you can exclude part of the range by listing multiple entries in the
section of theIPAddressPool
. For example:- apiVersion: kind: IPAddressPool spec: addresses: - -
The example above would exclude the
address from the allocation pool.
Configuring isolated networks on data plane nodes
Data plane nodes are configured by the OpenStack Operator and your OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
custom resources (CRs). The OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CRs define your desired network configuration for the nodes.
Your Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) network configuration should reflect the existing Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) network setup. You must pull the network_data.yaml
files from each RHOSP node and reuse them when you define the OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CRs. The format of the configuration does not change, so you can put network templates under edpm_network_config_template
variables, either for all nodes or for each node.
To ensure that the latest network configuration is used during the data plane adoption, you should also set edpm_network_config_update: true
in the nodeTemplate
field of the OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
Configure a
CR with your desired VLAN tags and IPAM configuration. For example:apiVersion: kind: NetConfig metadata: name: netconfig spec: networks: - name: internalapi dnsDomain: subnets: - name: subnet1 allocationRanges: - end: start: cidr: vlan: 20 - name: storage dnsDomain: subnets: - name: subnet1 allocationRanges: - end: start: cidr: vlan: 21 - name: tenant dnsDomain: subnets: - name: subnet1 allocationRanges: - end: start: cidr: vlan: 22
Optional: In the
CR, list multiple ranges for theallocationRanges
field to exclude some of the IP addresses, for example, to accommodate IP addresses that are already consumed by the adopted environment:apiVersion: kind: NetConfig metadata: name: netconfig spec: networks: - name: internalapi dnsDomain: subnets: - name: subnet1 allocationRanges: - end: start: - end: start: cidr: vlan: 20
This example excludes the
address from the pool.
Storage requirements
Storage in a Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) deployment refers to the following types:
The storage that is needed for the service to run
The storage that the service manages
Before you can deploy the services in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO), you must review the storage requirements, plan your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) node selection, prepare your RHOCP nodes, and so on.
Storage driver certification
Before you adopt your Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 deployment to a Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) 18.0 deployment, confirm that your deployed storage drivers are certified for use with RHOSO 18.0.
For information on software certified for use with RHOSO 18.0, see the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.
Block Storage service guidelines
Prepare to adopt your Block Storage service (cinder):
Take note of the Block Storage service back ends that you use.
Determine all the transport protocols that the Block Storage service back ends use, such as RBD, iSCSI, FC, NFS, NVMe-TCP, and so on. You must consider them when you place the Block Storage services and when the right storage transport-related binaries are running on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) nodes. For more information about each storage transport protocol, see RHOCP preparation for Block Storage service adoption.
Use a Block Storage service volume service to deploy each Block Storage service volume back end.
For example, you have an LVM back end, a Ceph back end, and two entries in
, and you cannot set global defaults for all volume services. You must define a service for each of them:apiVersion: kind: OpenStackControlPlane metadata: name: openstack spec: cinder: enabled: true template: cinderVolumes: lvm: customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] debug = True [lvm] < . . . > ceph: customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] debug = True [ceph] < . . . >
Check that all configuration options are still valid for RHOSO 18.0 version. Configuration options might be deprecated, removed, or added. This applies to both back-end driver-specific configuration options and other generic options.
Limitations for adopting the Block Storage service
Before you begin the Block Storage service (cinder) adoption, review the following limitations:
There is no global
option for all Block Storage service volumes. You must specify thenodeSelector
for each back end. -
There are no global
options for all Block Storage service volumes. You must specify these options for each back end. -
Support for Block Storage service back ends that require kernel modules that are not included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux is not tested in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO).
RHOCP preparation for Block Storage service adoption
Before you deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) nodes, ensure that the networks are ready, that you decide which RHOCP nodes to restrict, and that you make any necessary changes to the RHOCP nodes.
- Node selection
You might need to restrict the RHOCP nodes where the Block Storage service volume and backup services run.
An example of when you need to restrict nodes for a specific Block Storage service is when you deploy the Block Storage service with the LVM driver. In that scenario, the LVM data where the volumes are stored only exists in a specific host, so you need to pin the Block Storage-volume service to that specific RHOCP node. Running the service on any other RHOCP node does not work. You cannot use the RHOCP host node name to restrict the LVM back end. You need to identify the LVM back end by using a unique label, an existing label, or a new label:
$ oc label nodes worker0 lvm=cinder-volumes
apiVersion: kind: OpenStackControlPlane metadata: name: openstack spec: secret: osp-secret storageClass: local-storage cinder: enabled: true template: cinderVolumes: lvm-iscsi: nodeSelector: lvm: cinder-volumes < . . . >
For more information about node selection, see About node selectors.
If your nodes do not have enough local disk space for temporary images, you can use a remote NFS location by setting the extra volumes feature,
. - Transport protocols
Some changes to the storage transport protocols might be required for RHOCP:
If you use a
to make changes to RHOCP nodes, the nodes reboot. -
Check the back-end sections that are listed in the
configuration option in yourcinder.conf
file to determine the enabled storage back-end sections. -
Depending on the back end, you can find the transport protocol by viewing the
configuration options. -
service, andNVMe-TCP
kernel modules start automatically on data plane nodes.- NFS
RHOCP connects to NFS back ends without additional changes.
- Rados Block Device and Red Hat Ceph Storage
RHOCP connects to Red Hat Ceph Storage back ends without additional changes. You must provide credentials and configuration files to the services.
To connect to iSCSI volumes, the iSCSI initiator must run on the RHOCP hosts where the volume and backup services run. The Linux Open iSCSI initiator does not support network namespaces, so you must only run one instance of the service for the normal RHOCP usage, as well as the RHOCP CSI plugins and the RHOSP services.
If you are not already running
on the RHOCP nodes, then you must apply aMachineConfig
. For example:apiVersion: kind: MachineConfig metadata: labels: worker service: cinder name: 99-master-cinder-enable-iscsid spec: config: ignition: version: 3.2.0 systemd: units: - enabled: true name: iscsid.service
If you use labels to restrict the nodes where the Block Storage services run, you must use a
to limit the effects of theMachineConfig
to the nodes where your services might run. For more information, see About node selectors. -
If you are using a single node deployment to test the process, replace
in theMachineConfig
. -
For production deployments that use iSCSI volumes, configure multipathing for better I/O.
- FC
The Block Storage service volume and Block Storage service backup services must run in an RHOCP host that has host bus adapters (HBAs). If some nodes do not have HBAs, then use labels to restrict where these services run. For more information, see About node selectors.
If you have virtualized RHOCP clusters that use FC you need to expose the host HBAs inside the virtual machine.
For production deployments that use FC volumes, configure multipathing for better I/O.
To connect to NVMe-TCP volumes, load NVMe-TCP kernel modules on the RHOCP hosts.
If you do not already load the
module on the RHOCP nodes where the volume and backup services are going to run, then you must apply aMachineConfig
. For example:apiVersion: kind: MachineConfig metadata: labels: worker service: cinder name: 99-master-cinder-load-nvme-fabrics spec: config: ignition: version: 3.2.0 storage: files: - path: /etc/modules-load.d/nvme_fabrics.conf overwrite: false # Mode must be decimal, this is 0644 mode: 420 user: name: root group: name: root contents: # Source can be a http, https, tftp, s3, gs, or data as defined in rfc2397. # This is the rfc2397 text/plain string format source: data:,nvme-fabrics
If you use labels to restrict the nodes where Block Storage services run, use a
to limit the effects of theMachineConfig
to the nodes where your services run. For more information, see About node selectors. -
If you use a single node deployment to test the process, replace
in theMachineConfig
. -
Only load the
module because it loads the transport-specific modules, such as TCP, RDMA, or FC, as needed. -
For production deployments that use NVMe-TCP volumes, use multipathing for better I/O. For NVMe-TCP volumes, RHOCP uses native multipathing, called ANA.
After the RHOCP nodes reboot and load the
module, you can confirm that the operating system is configured and that it supports ANA by checking the host:$ cat /sys/module/nvme_core/parameters/multipath
ANA does not use the Linux Multipathing Device Mapper, but RHOCP requires multipathd
to run on Compute nodes for the Compute service (nova) to be able to use multipathing. Multipathing is automatically configured on data plane nodes when they are provisioned.
- Multipathing
Use multipathing for iSCSI and FC protocols. To configure multipathing on these protocols, you perform the following tasks:
Prepare the RHOCP hosts
Configure the Block Storage services
Prepare the Compute service nodes
Configure the Compute service
To prepare the RHOCP hosts, ensure that the Linux Multipath Device Mapper is configured and running on the RHOCP hosts by using
. For example:# Includes the /etc/multipathd.conf contents and the systemd unit changes apiVersion: kind: MachineConfig metadata: labels: worker service: cinder name: 99-master-cinder-enable-multipathd spec: config: ignition: version: 3.2.0 storage: files: - path: /etc/multipath.conf overwrite: false # Mode must be decimal, this is 0600 mode: 384 user: name: root group: name: root contents: # Source can be a http, https, tftp, s3, gs, or data as defined in rfc2397. # This is the rfc2397 text/plain string format source: data:,defaults%20%7B%0A%20%20user_friendly_names%20no%0A%20%20recheck_wwid%20yes%0A%20%20skip_kpartx%20yes%0A%20%20find_multipaths%20yes%0A%7D%0A%0Ablacklist%20%7B%0A%7D systemd: units: - enabled: true name: multipathd.service
If you use labels to restrict the nodes where Block Storage services run, you need to use a
to limit the effects of theMachineConfig
to only the nodes where your services run. For more information, see About node selectors. -
If you are using a single node deployment to test the process, replace
in theMachineConfig
. -
Cinder volume and backup are configured by default to use multipathing.
Converting the Block Storage service configuration
In your previous deployment, you use the same cinder.conf
file for all the services. To prepare your Block Storage service (cinder) configuration for adoption, split this single-file configuration into individual configurations for each Block Storage service service. Review the following information to guide you in coverting your previous configuration:
Determine what part of the configuration is generic for all the Block Storage services and remove anything that would change when deployed in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP), such as the
in the[database]
section, thetransport_url
in the[DEFAULT]
sections, the whole[coordination]
sections. The remaining generic configuration goes into thecustomServiceConfig
option, or aSecret
custom resource (CR) and is then used in thecustomServiceConfigSecrets
section, at thecinder: template:
level. -
Determine if there is a scheduler-specific configuration and add it to the
option incinder: template: cinderScheduler
. -
Determine if there is an API-specific configuration and add it to the
option incinder: template: cinderAPI
. -
If the Block Storage service backup is deployed, add the Block Storage service backup configuration options to
option, or to aSecret
CR that you can add tocustomServiceConfigSecrets
section at thecinder: template: cinderBackup:
level. Remove thehost
configuration in the[DEFAULT]
section to support multiple replicas later. -
Determine the individual volume back-end configuration for each of the drivers. The configuration is in the specific driver section, and it includes the
section and FC zoning sections if you use them. The Block Storage service operator does not support a globalcustomServiceConfig
option for all volume services. Each back end has its own section undercinder: template: cinderVolumes
, and the configuration goes in thecustomServiceConfig
option or in aSecret
CR and is then used in thecustomServiceConfigSecrets
section. -
If any of the Block Storage service volume drivers require a custom vendor image, find the location of the image in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog, and create or modify an
CR to specify the custom image by using the key from thecinderVolumes
section.For example, if you have the following configuration:
spec: cinder: enabled: true template: cinderVolume: pure: customServiceConfigSecrets: - openstack-cinder-pure-cfg < . . . >
Then the
CR that describes the container image for that back end looks like the following example:apiVersion: kind: OpenStackVersion metadata: name: openstack spec: customContainerImages: cinderVolumeImages: pure:'
The name of the OpenStackVersion
must match the name of yourOpenStackControlPlane
CR. -
If your Block Storage services use external files, for example, for a custom policy, or to store credentials or SSL certificate authority bundles to connect to a storage array, make those files available to the right containers. Use
to store the information in RHOCP and then in theextraMounts
key. For example, for Red Hat Ceph Storage credentials that are stored in aSecret
, you patch the top-levelextraMounts
key in theOpenstackControlPlane
CR:spec: extraMounts: - extraVol: - extraVolType: Ceph mounts: - mountPath: /etc/ceph name: ceph readOnly: true propagation: - CinderVolume - CinderBackup - Glance volumes: - name: ceph projected: sources: - secret: name: ceph-conf-files
For a service-specific file, such as the API policy, you add the configuration on the service itself. In the following example, you include the
configuration that references the policy you are adding from aConfigMap
that has apolicy
key with the contents of the policy:spec: cinder: enabled: true template: cinderAPI: customServiceConfig: | [oslo_policy] policy_file=/etc/cinder/api/policy.yaml extraMounts: - extraVol: - extraVolType: Ceph mounts: - mountPath: /etc/cinder/api name: policy readOnly: true propagation: - CinderAPI volumes: - name: policy projected: sources: - configMap: name: my-cinder-conf items: - key: policy path: policy.yaml
Changes to CephFS through NFS
Before you begin the adoption, review the following information to understand the changes to CephFS through NFS between Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 and Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) 18.0:
If the RHOSP 17.1 deployment uses CephFS through NFS as a back end for Shared File Systems service (manila), you cannot directly import the
service on the RHOSP Controller nodes into RHOSO 18.0. In RHOSO 18.0, the Shared File Systems service only supports using a clustered NFS service that is directly managed on the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster. Adoption with theceph-nfs
service involves a data path disruption to existing NFS clients. -
On RHOSP 17.1, Pacemaker controls the high availability of the
service. This service is assigned a Virtual IP (VIP) address that is also managed by Pacemaker. The VIP is typically created on an isolatedStorageNFS
network. The Controller nodes have ordering and collocation constraints established between this VIP,ceph-nfs
, and the Shared File Systems service (manila) share manager service. Prior to adopting Shared File Systems service, you must adjust the Pacemaker ordering and collocation constraints to separate the share manager service. This establishesceph-nfs
with its VIP as an isolated, standalone NFS service that you can decommission after completing the RHOSO adoption. -
In Red Hat Ceph Storage 7, a native clustered Ceph NFS service has to be deployed on the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster by using the Ceph Orchestrator prior to adopting the Shared File Systems service. This NFS service eventually replaces the standalone NFS service from RHOSP 17.1 in your deployment. When the Shared File Systems service is adopted into the RHOSO 18.0 environment, it establishes all the existing exports and client restrictions on the new clustered Ceph NFS service. Clients can continue to read and write data on existing NFS shares, and are not affected until the old standalone NFS service is decommissioned. After the service is decommissioned, you can re-mount the same share from the new clustered Ceph NFS service during a scheduled downtime.
To ensure that NFS users are not required to make any networking changes to their existing workloads, assign an IP address from the same isolated
network to the clustered Ceph NFS service. NFS users only need to discover and re-mount their shares by using new export paths. When the adoption is complete, RHOSO users can query the Shared File Systems service API to list the export locations on existing shares to identify the preferred paths to mount these shares. These preferred paths correspond to the new clustered Ceph NFS service in contrast to other non-preferred export paths that continue to be displayed until the old isolated, standalone NFS service is decommissioned.
For more information on setting up a clustered NFS service, see Creating an NFS Ganesha cluster.
Red Hat Ceph Storage prerequisites
Before you migrate your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster daemons from your Controller nodes, complete the following tasks in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 environment:
Upgrade your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster to release 7. For more information, see Upgrading Red Hat Ceph Storage 6 to 7 in Framework for upgrades (16.2 to 17.1).
Your Red Hat Ceph Storage 7 deployment is managed by
. -
The undercloud is still available, and the nodes and networks are managed by director Operator.
If you use an externally deployed Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, you must recreate a
cluster in the target nodes as well as propogate theStorageNFS
Complete the prerequisites for your specific Red Hat Ceph Storage environment:
Completing prerequisites for a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with monitoring stack components
Complete the following prerequisites before you migrate a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with monitoring stack components.
In addition to updating the container images related to the monitoring stack, you must update the configuration entry related to the container_image_base . This has an impact on all the Red Hat Ceph Storage daemons that rely on the undercloud images.
New daemons are deployed by using the new image registry location that is configured in the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
Gather the current status of the monitoring stack. Verify that the hosts have no
label, orgrafana
, oralertmanager
, in cases of a per daemons placement evaluation:The entire relocation process is driven by cephadm
and relies on labels to be assigned to the target nodes, where the daemons are scheduled. For more information about assigning labels to nodes, review the Red Hat Knowledgebase article Red Hat Ceph Storage: Supported configurations.[tripleo-admin@controller-0 ~]$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host ls HOST ADDR LABELS STATUS cephstorage-0.redhat.local osd mds cephstorage-1.redhat.local osd mds cephstorage-2.redhat.local osd mds controller-0.redhat.local _admin mon mgr controller-1.redhat.local mon _admin mgr controller-2.redhat.local mon _admin mgr 6 hosts in cluster
Confirm that the cluster is healthy and that both
ceph orch ls
andceph orch ps
return the expected number of deployed daemons. -
Review and update the container image registry:
If you run the Red Hat Ceph Storage externalization procedure after you migrate the Red Hat OpenStack Platform control plane, update the container images in the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster configuration. The current container images point to the undercloud registry, which might not be available anymore. Because the undercloud is not available after adoption is complete, replace the undercloud-provided images with an alternative registry. $ ceph config dump ... ... mgr advanced mgr/cephadm/container_image_alertmanager undercloud-0.ctlplane.redhat.local:8787/rh-osbs/openshift-ose-prometheus-alertmanager:v4.10 mgr advanced mgr/cephadm/container_image_base undercloud-0.ctlplane.redhat.local:8787/rh-osbs/rhceph mgr advanced mgr/cephadm/container_image_grafana undercloud-0.ctlplane.redhat.local:8787/rh-osbs/grafana:latest mgr advanced mgr/cephadm/container_image_node_exporter undercloud-0.ctlplane.redhat.local:8787/rh-osbs/openshift-ose-prometheus-node-exporter:v4.10 mgr advanced mgr/cephadm/container_image_prometheus undercloud-0.ctlplane.redhat.local:8787/rh-osbs/openshift-ose-prometheus:v4.10
Remove the undercloud container images:
$ cephadm shell -- ceph config rm mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_base for i in prometheus grafana alertmanager node_exporter; do cephadm shell -- ceph config rm mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_$i done
Completing prerequisites for Red Hat Ceph Storage RGW migration
Complete the following prerequisites before you begin the Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) migration.
Check the current status of the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes:
(undercloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ metalsmith list +------------------------+ +----------------+ | IP Addresses | | Hostname | +------------------------+ +----------------+ | ctlplane= | | cephstorage-0 | | ctlplane= | | cephstorage-1 | | ctlplane= | | cephstorage-2 | | ctlplane= | | compute-0 | | ctlplane= | | compute-1 | | ctlplane= | | controller-0 | | ctlplane= | | controller-1 | | ctlplane= | | controller-2 | +------------------------+ +----------------+
Log in to
and check the Pacemaker status to identify important information for the RGW migration:Full List of Resources: * ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0 * ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 * ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-2 * ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-0 * ip- (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 * Container bundle set: haproxy-bundle [undercloud-0.ctlplane.redhat.local:8787/rh-osbs/rhosp17-openstack-haproxy:pcmklatest]: * haproxy-bundle-podman-0 (ocf:heartbeat:podman): Started controller-2 * haproxy-bundle-podman-1 (ocf:heartbeat:podman): Started controller-0 * haproxy-bundle-podman-2 (ocf:heartbeat:podman): Started controller-1
Identify the ranges of the storage networks. The following is an example and the values might differ in your environment:
[heat-admin@controller-0 ~]$ ip -o -4 a 1: lo inet scope host lo\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp1s0 inet brd scope global enp1s0\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp1s0 inet brd scope global enp1s0\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 7: br-ex inet brd scope global br-ex\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever (1) 8: vlan70 inet brd scope global vlan70\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 8: vlan70 inet brd scope global vlan70\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 9: vlan50 inet brd scope global vlan50\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 10: vlan30 inet brd scope global vlan30\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever (2) 10: vlan30 inet brd scope global vlan30\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 11: vlan20 inet brd scope global vlan20\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 12: vlan40 inet brd scope global vlan40\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
1 br-ex
represents the External Network, where in the current environment, HAProxy has the front-end Virtual IP (VIP) assigned.2 vlan30
represents the Storage Network, where the new RGW instances should be started on the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes. -
Identify the network that you previously had in HAProxy and propagate it through director Operator to the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes. Use this network to reserve a new VIP that is owned by Red Hat Ceph Storage as the entry point for the RGW service.
Log in to
and find theceph_rgw
section in the current HAProxy configuration:$ less /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/haproxy/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ... ... listen ceph_rgw bind transparent bind transparent mode http balance leastconn http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc } http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto http if !{ ssl_fc } http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port] option httpchk GET /swift/healthcheck option httplog option forwardfor server check fall 5 inter 2000 rise 2 server check fall 5 inter 2000 rise 2 server check fall 5 inter 2000 rise 2
Confirm that the network is used as an HAProxy front end. The following example shows that
exposes the services by using the external network, which is absent from the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes. You must propagate the external network through director Operator:[controller-0]$ ip -o -4 a ... 7: br-ex inet brd scope global br-ex\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever ...
If the target nodes are not managed by director, you cannot use this procedure to configure the network. An administrator must manually configure all the required networks.
Propagate the HAProxy front-end network to Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes.
In the NIC template that you use to define the
network interfaces, add the new config section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage network configuration template file, for example,/home/stack/composable_roles/network/nic-configs/ceph-storage.j2
:--- network_config: - type: interface name: nic1 use_dhcp: false dns_servers: {{ ctlplane_dns_nameservers }} addresses: - ip_netmask: {{ ctlplane_ip }}/{{ ctlplane_cidr }} routes: {{ ctlplane_host_routes }} - type: vlan vlan_id: {{ storage_mgmt_vlan_id }} device: nic1 addresses: - ip_netmask: {{ storage_mgmt_ip }}/{{ storage_mgmt_cidr }} routes: {{ storage_mgmt_host_routes }} - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false defroute: false - type: vlan vlan_id: {{ storage_vlan_id }} device: nic2 addresses: - ip_netmask: {{ storage_ip }}/{{ storage_cidr }} routes: {{ storage_host_routes }} - type: ovs_bridge name: {{ neutron_physical_bridge_name }} dns_servers: {{ ctlplane_dns_nameservers }} domain: {{ dns_search_domains }} use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: {{ external_ip }}/{{ external_cidr }} routes: {{ external_host_routes }} members: [] - type: interface name: nic3 primary: true
Add the External Network to the bare metal file, for example,
that is used bymetalsmith
:Ensure that network_config_update is enabled for network propagation to the target nodes when os-net-config
is triggered.- name: CephStorage count: 3 hostname_format: cephstorage-%index% instances: - hostname: cephstorage-0 name: ceph-0 - hostname: cephstorage-1 name: ceph-1 - hostname: cephstorage-2 name: ceph-2 defaults: profile: ceph-storage network_config: template: /home/stack/composable_roles/network/nic-configs/ceph-storage.j2 network_config_update: true networks: - network: ctlplane vif: true - network: storage - network: storage_mgmt - network: external
Configure the new network on the bare metal nodes:
(undercloud) [stack@undercloud-0]$ openstack overcloud node provision -o overcloud-baremetal-deployed-0.yaml \ --stack overcloud \ --network-config -y \ $PWD/composable_roles/network/baremetal_deployment.yaml
Verify that the new network is configured on the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes:
[root@cephstorage-0 ~]# ip -o -4 a 1: lo inet scope host lo\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp1s0 inet brd scope global enp1s0\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 11: vlan40 inet brd scope global vlan40\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 12: vlan30 inet brd scope global vlan30\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 14: br-ex inet brd scope global br-ex\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Completing prerequisites for a Red Hat Ceph Storage RBD migration
Complete the following prerequisites before you begin the Red Hat Ceph Storage Rados Block Device (RBD) migration.
The target CephStorage or ComputeHCI nodes are configured to have both
networks. This ensures that you can use both Red Hat Ceph Storage public and cluster networks from the same node. From Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 and later you do not have to run a stack update. -
NFS Ganesha is migrated from a director Operator deployment to
. For more information, see Creating an NFS Ganesha cluster. -
Ceph Metadata Server, monitoring stack, Ceph Object Gateway, and any other daemon that is deployed on Controller nodes.
The daemons distribution follows the cardinality constraints that are described in Red Hat Ceph Storage: Supported configurations.
The Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster is healthy, and the
ceph -s
command returnsHEALTH_OK
. -
on the bare metal node and configure additional networks:-
If target nodes are
, ensure that the network is defined in the bare metal file for theCephStorage
nodes, for example,/home/stack/composable_roles/network/baremetal_deployment.yaml
:- name: CephStorage count: 2 instances: - hostname: oc0-ceph-0 name: oc0-ceph-0 - hostname: oc0-ceph-1 name: oc0-ceph-1 defaults: networks: - network: ctlplane vif: true - network: storage_cloud_0 subnet: storage_cloud_0_subnet - network: storage_mgmt_cloud_0 subnet: storage_mgmt_cloud_0_subnet network_config: template: templates/single_nic_vlans/single_nic_vlans_storage.j2
Add the missing network:
$ openstack overcloud node provision \ -o overcloud-baremetal-deployed-0.yaml --stack overcloud-0 \ /--network-config -y --concurrency 2 /home/stack/metalsmith-0.yaml
Verify that the storage network is configured on the target nodes:
(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ ssh heat-admin@ ip -o -4 a 1: lo inet scope host lo\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 5: br-storage inet brd scope global br-storage\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 6: vlan1 inet brd scope global vlan1\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 7: vlan11 inet brd scope global vlan11\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 8: vlan12 inet brd scope global vlan12\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Creating an NFS Ganesha cluster
If you use CephFS through NFS with the Shared File Systems service (manila), you must create a new clustered NFS service on the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster. This service replaces the standalone, Pacemaker-controlled ceph-nfs
service that you use in Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1.
Identify the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes to deploy the new clustered NFS service, for example,
.You must deploy this service on the StorageNFS
isolated network so that you can mount your existing shares through the new NFS export locations. You can deploy the new clustered NFS service on your existing CephStorage nodes or HCI nodes, or on new hardware that you enrolled in the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster. -
If you deployed your Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes with director Operator, propagate the
network to the target nodes where theceph-nfs
service is deployed.If the target nodes are not managed by director, you cannot use this procedure to configure the network. An administrator must manually configure all the required networks. -
Identify the node definition file,
, that is used in the RHOSP environment. For more information about identifying theovercloud-baremetal-deploy.yaml
file, see Customizing overcloud networks in Customizing the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift deployment. -
Edit the networks that are associated with the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes to include the
network:- name: CephStorage count: 3 hostname_format: cephstorage-%index% instances: - hostname: cephstorage-0 name: ceph-0 - hostname: cephstorage-1 name: ceph-1 - hostname: cephstorage-2 name: ceph-2 defaults: profile: ceph-storage network_config: template: /home/stack/network/nic-configs/ceph-storage.j2 network_config_update: true networks: - network: ctlplane vif: true - network: storage - network: storage_mgmt - network: storage_nfs
Edit the network configuration template file, for example,
, for the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes to include an interface that connects to theStorageNFS
network:- type: vlan device: nic2 vlan_id: {{ storage_nfs_vlan_id }} addresses: - ip_netmask: {{ storage_nfs_ip }}/{{ storage_nfs_cidr }} routes: {{ storage_nfs_host_routes }}
Update the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes:
$ openstack overcloud node provision \ --stack overcloud \ --network-config -y \ -o overcloud-baremetal-deployed-storage_nfs.yaml \ --concurrency 2 \ /home/stack/network/baremetal_deployment.yaml
When the update is complete, ensure that a new interface is created in theRed Hat Ceph Storage nodes and that they are tagged with the VLAN that is associated with
Identify the IP address from the
network to use as the Virtual IP address (VIP) for the Ceph NFS service:$ openstack port list -c "Fixed IP Addresses" --network storage_nfs
In a running
shell, identify the hosts for the NFS service:$ ceph orch host ls
Label each host that you identified. Repeat this command for each host that you want to label:
$ ceph orch host label add <hostname> nfs
with the name of the host that you identified.
Create the NFS cluster:
$ ceph nfs cluster create cephfs \ "label:nfs" \ --ingress \ --virtual-ip=<VIP> \ --ingress-mode=haproxy-protocol
with the VIP for the Ceph NFS service.You must set the ingress-mode
argument tohaproxy-protocol
. No other ingress-mode is supported. This ingress mode allows you to enforce client restrictions through the Shared File Systems service. For more information on deploying the clustered Ceph NFS service, see the Management of NFS-Ganesha gateway using the Ceph Orchestrator (Limited Availability) in Red Hat Ceph Storage 7 Operations Guide.
Check the status of the NFS cluster:
$ ceph nfs cluster ls $ ceph nfs cluster info cephfs
Comparing configuration files between deployments
To help you manage the configuration for your director Operator and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) services, you can compare the configuration files between your director Operator deployment and the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) cloud by using the os-diff tool.
Os-diff does not currently support director Operator. |
Golang is installed and configured on your environment:
dnf install -y golang-github-openstack-k8s-operators-os-diff
Configure the
file and the/etc/os-diff/ssh.config
file according to your environment. To allow os-diff to connect to your clouds and pull files from the services that you describe in theconfig.yaml
file, you must set the following options in theos-diff.cfg
file:[Default] local_config_dir=/tmp/ service_config_file=config.yaml [Tripleo] ssh_cmd=ssh -F ssh.config (1) director_host=standalone (2) container_engine=podman connection=ssh remote_config_path=/tmp/tripleo local_config_path=/tmp/ [Openshift] ocp_local_config_path=/tmp/ocp connection=local ssh_cmd=""
1 Instructs os-diff to access your director Operator host through SSH. The default value is ssh -F ssh.config
. However, you can set the value without an ssh.config file, for example,ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa stack@my.undercloud.local
.2 The host to use to access your cloud, and the podman/docker binary is installed and allowed to interact with the running containers. You can leave this key blank. -
If you use a host file to connect to your cloud, configure the
file to allow os-diff to access your RHOSP environment, for example:Host * IdentitiesOnly yes Host virthost Hostname virthost IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa User root StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null Host standalone Hostname standalone IdentityFile <path to SSH key> User root StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null Host crc Hostname crc IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa User stack StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
<path to SSH key>
with the path to your SSH key. You must provide a value forIdentityFile
to get full working access to your RHOSP environment.
If you use an inventory file to connect to your cloud, generate the
file from your Ansible inventory, for example,tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml
file:$ os-diff configure -i tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml -o ssh.config --yaml
Test your connection:
$ ssh -F ssh.config standalone
Preparing director Operator for adoption
You must prepare your existing director Operator environment and the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) environment for adoption.
Preparing Controller nodes for director Operator adoption
Prepare the Controller nodes in your director Operator (OSPdO) environment for adoption to the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) environment.
The following procedure uses a single Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster that is shared by the source OSPdO environment and a destination RHOSO environment. Two RHOCP master nodes are transferred to the RHOSO environment, leaving OSPdO with one node for the duration of the adoption process. After adoption, the remaining node can be used by the RHOSO environment as well. |
Log in to the RHOCP environment where RHOSP OSPdO is deployed and change to the project that hosts your RHOSP deployment:
$ oc project openstack
Define the common environment variables:
export PASSWORD_FILE="tripleo-passwords.yaml" export RHOSO18_NAMESPACE="rhoso18" export OSPDO_NAMESPACE="openstack" export OS_CLIENT="oc exec -c openstackclient -t openstackclient -- " export CONTROLLER_SSH="oc rsh -n $OSPDO_NAMESPACE -c openstackclient openstackclient ssh controller-0.ctlplane" export CONTROLLER1_SSH="oc -n $OSPDO_NAMESPACE rsh -c openstackclient openstackclient ssh controller-0.ctlplane" export CONTROLLER2_SSH= export CONTROLLER3_SSH= export OSPDO_INTERNAL_API_NET="internalapi" export STORAGE_CLASS=$(oc get -n $OSPDO_NAMESPACE pvc openstackclient-hosts -o jsonpath='{.spec.storageClassName}')
Get the name of the node where the current RHOSP Controller virtual machine (VM) is running:
$ export CONTROLLER_NODE=$(oc -n $OSPDO_NAMESPACE get vmi -ojson | jq -r '.items[0].status.nodeName')
If you are using a combination master/worker cluster with a high availability OSPdO environment, configure OSPdO to use a single RHOSP Controller node:
Disable stonith:
$ stonith_resources=$($CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo pcs stonith status|grep Started|awk '{print $2}') for resource in stonith_resources ;do $CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo pcs stonith disable $resource;done
Put non-Controller nodes in maintenance:
$CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo pcs node maintenance <controller-1> <controller-2>
with the names of the Controller nodes in your environment.
Update the quorum for single node:
$CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo systemctl stop corosync $CONTROLLER2_SSH sudo systemctl stop corosync $CONTROLLER3_SSH sudo systemctl stop corosync $CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo pcs quorum update last_man_standing=1 wait_for_all=1 $CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo systemctl restart corosync
Restart the Pacemaker cluster:
$CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo pcs cluster stop $CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo pcs cluster start
Check that only Controller-0 is started and that the other 2 Controllers are stopped:
$CONTROLLER_SSH sudo pcs status
Check if the RHOSP control plane is still operational:
$OS_CLIENT openstack compute service list
You might need to wait a few minutes for the control plane to get operational. The control plane response slows down after this point. -
When Pacemaker is only managing one of the Controllers, delete 2 of the Controller VMs. The following example specifies Controller-1 and Controller-2 VMs for deletion:
$ oc -n openstack annotate vm controller-1 $ oc -n openstack annotate vm controller-2
Reduce the
for the Controller role in theOpenStackControlPlane
CR to1
:$ oc -n openstack patch OpenStackControlPlane overcloud --type json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path":"/spec/virtualMachineRoles/controller/roleCount", "value": 1}]'
Ensure that the
pod is running on the same RHOCP nodes as the remaining Controller VM. If theOpenStackClient
pod is not on the same node, then move it by cordoning off the two nodes that have been freed up for RHOSO. Then you delete theOpenStackClient
pod so that it gets rescheduled on the RHOCP node that has the remaining Controller VM. After the pod is moved to the correct node, uncordon all the nodes:$ oc adm cordon $OSP18_NODE1 $ oc adm cordon $OSP18_NODE2 $ oc delete pod openstackclient $ oc adm uncordon $OSP18_NODE1 $ oc adm uncordon $OSP18_NODE2
Remove the OSPdO node network configuration policies from the other two nodes that are not running the Controller VM by placing a
on the RHOCP node that contains the Controller VM:$ for i in br-ctlplane br-ex br-osp; do oc patch osnetconfig openstacknetconfig --type json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/attachConfigurations/'$i'/nodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy/nodeSelector", "value": {"": "'$CONTROLLER_NODE'"}}]'; done
Preparing RHOSO for director Operator adoption
When you deploy a Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) environment by using two Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) master nodes, you must perform the following actions:
Create a new namespace for RHOSO installation.
Create custom node network configuration policies.
custom resources for each isolated network. -
Install RHOSO operators.
Save the hostnames of the remaining two nodes to the
variable:$ RHOSO_NODES=$(oc get nodes -o name | grep -v $CONTROLLER_NODE | sed 's#node/##g' | tr '\n' ' ')
Extract nodes to be used for RHOSO installation and label nodes:
$ export RHOSO18_NODE1=$(echo "${RHOSO_NODES}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) $ export RHOSO18_NODE2=$(echo "${RHOSO_NODES}" | cut -d ' ' -f 2) $ oc label nodes "${RHOSO18_NODE1}" type=openstack $ oc label nodes "${RHOSO18_NODE2}" type=openstack
Create a new namespace to use to install RHOSO. You must install RHOSO in a different namespace from director Operator (OSPdO):
$ oc get namespace ${RHOSO18_NAMESPACE} 2>/dev/null || { oc create namespace ${RHOSO18_NAMESPACE} || { echo "Failed to create namespace ${RHOSO18_NAMESPACE}" exit 1 } }
Create custom node network configuration policies for RHOSO:
The node network configuration policies use the nodeSelector
attribute to be constrained toOSP18_NODE1/2
. The new node network configuration policy mirrors the existing node network configuration policies. In the following example, the subnets ranges are reused. In addition, the OSPdO use of bridges for the control and external interfaces is duplicated.$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy metadata: labels: osp/interface: enp7s0 name: enp7s0-<RHOSO18_NODE1> spec: desiredState: dns-resolver: config: search: [] server: - interfaces: - description: internalapi vlan interface name: enp7s0.20 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp7s0 id: 20 reorder-headers: true ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 enabled: true dhcp: false ipv6: enabled: false - description: storage vlan interface name: enp7s0.30 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp7s0 id: 30 reorder-headers: true ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 enabled: true dhcp: false ipv6: enabled: false - description: tenant vlan interface name: enp7s0.50 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp7s0 id: 50 reorder-headers: true ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 enabled: true dhcp: false ipv6: enabled: false - description: storagemgmt vlan interface name: enp7s0.40 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp7s0 id: 40 reorder-headers: true ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 enabled: true dhcp: false ipv6: enabled: false - description: Configuring Bridge ospbr with interface enp1s0 name: br-ctlplane mtu: 1500 type: linux-bridge state: up bridge: options: stp: enabled: false port: - name: enp1s0 vlan: {} ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 enabled: true dhcp: false ipv6: enabled: false - description: external bridge name: br-external type: linux-bridge mtu: 1500 ipv6: enabled: false ipv4: enabled: false bridge: options: stp: enabled: false port: - name: enp6s0 nodeSelector: <RHOSO18_NODE1> "" EOF
with the name of your node.
Apply a
custom resource for RHOSO for each isolated network to attach the service pods to the networks:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: ctlplane namespace: <RHOSO18_NAMESPACE> spec: config: | { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "name": "ctlplane", "type": "bridge", "master": "br-ctlplane", "ipam": { "type": "whereabouts", "range": "", "range_start": "", "range_end": "" } } --- apiVersion: kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: internalapi namespace: <RHOSO18_NAMESPACE> spec: config: | { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "name": "internalapi", "type": "macvlan", "master": "enp7s0.20", "ipam": { "type": "whereabouts", "range": "", "range_start": "", "range_end": "" } } --- apiVersion: kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: external namespace: <RHOSO18_NAMESPACE> spec: config: | { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "name": "external", "type": "macvlan", "master": "br-external", "ipam": { "type": "whereabouts", "range": "", "range_start": "", "range_end": "" } } --- apiVersion: kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: storage namespace: $<RHOSO18_NAMESPACE> spec: config: | { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "name": "storage", "type": "macvlan", "master": "enp7s0.30", "ipam": { "type": "whereabouts", "range": "", "range_start": "", "range_end": "" } } --- apiVersion: kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: storagemgmt namespace: <RHOSO18_NAMESPACE> spec: config: | { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "name": "storagemgmt", "type": "macvlan", "master": "enp7s0.40", "ipam": { "type": "whereabouts", "range": "", "range_start": "", "range_end": "" } } --- apiVersion: kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: tenant namespace: <RHOSO18_NAMESPACE> spec: config: | { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "name": "tenant", "type": "macvlan", "master": "enp7s0.50", "ipam": { "type": "whereabouts", "range": "", "range_start": "", "range_end": "" } } EOF
with your OpenStack 18 namespace.
Ensure that the
OVNKubernetes IPForwarding
field is set to toenabled
:$ oc patch network.operator cluster -p '{"spec":{"defaultNetwork":{"ovnKubernetesConfig":{"gatewayConfig":{"ipForwarding": "Global"}}}}}' --type=merge
Extract and save passwords from OSPdO:
$ oc get secret tripleo-passwords -n $OSPDO_NAMESPACE -o json | jq -r '.data["tripleo-overcloud-passwords.yaml"]' | base64 -d >"${PASSWORD_FILE}" || { echo "ERROR: Failed to extract passwords from OSPdO" exit 1 }
Install the RHOSO operators. For more information, see Installing and preparing the Operators in Deploying Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift.
Apply the
resource that matches the new OpenStack 18 deployment to configure which IPs can be used as virtual IPs (VIPs):$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: IPAddressPool ...
Apply the
resource to define how the VIPs are announced:$ cat << EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: L2Advertisement
Migrating TLS-e to the RHOSO deployment
If you enabled TLS everywhere (TLS-e) in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 deployment, you must migrate TLS-e to the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) deployment.
The RHOSO deployment uses the cert-manager operator to issue, track, and renew the certificates. In the following procedure, you extract the CA signing certificate from the FreeIPA instance that you use to provide the certificates in the RHOSP environment, and then import them into cert-manager in the RHOSO environment. As a result, you minimize the disruption on the Compute nodes because you do not need to install a new chain of trust.
You then decommission the previous FreeIPA node and no longer use it to issue certificates. This might not be possible if you use the IPA server to issue certificates for non-RHOSP systems.
Your RHOSP deployment is using TLS-e.
Ensure that the back-end services on the new deployment are not started yet.
Define the following shell variables. The values are examples and refer to a single-node standalone director Operator deployment. Replace these example values with values that are correct for your environment:
IPA_SSH="ssh -i <path_to_ssh_key> root@<freeipa-server-ip-address>"
To locate the CA certificate and key, list all the certificates inside your NSSDB. If you installed OSPdO by using director-dev-tools, the server host runs the freeipa server as a container:
$ IPA_SSH certutil -L -d /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias $ IPA_SSH="podman exec -ti freeipa-server"
option lists all certificates. -
option specifies where the certificates are stored.The command produces an output similar to the following example:
Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes SSL,S/MIME,JAR/XPI caSigningCert cert-pki-ca CTu,Cu,Cu ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca u,u,u Server-Cert cert-pki-ca u,u,u subsystemCert cert-pki-ca u,u,u auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca u,u,Pu
Export the certificate and key from the
directory. The following example uses thecaSigningCert cert-pki-ca
certificate:$IPA_SSH pk12util -o /tmp/freeipa.p12 -n 'caSigningCert\ cert-pki-ca' -d /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias -k /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/pwdfile.txt -w /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/pwdfile.txt
The command generates a P12 file with both the certificate and the key. The
file contains the password that protects the key. You can use the password to both extract the key and generate the new file,/tmp/freeipa.p12
. You can also choose another password. If you choose a different password for the new file, replace the parameter of the-w
option, or use the-W
option followed by the password, in clear text.With that file, you can also get the certificate and the key by using the
openssl pkcs12
command. -
Create the secret that contains the root CA:
$ oc create secret generic rootca-internal -n openstack
Import the certificate and the key from FreeIPA:
$ oc patch secret rootca-internal -n openstack -p="{\"data\":{\"ca.crt\": \"`$IPA_SSH openssl pkcs12 -in /tmp/freeipa.p12 -passin file:/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/pwdfile.txt -nokeys | openssl x509 | base64 -w 0`\"}}" $ oc patch secret rootca-internal -n openstack -p="{\"data\":{\"tls.crt\": \"`$IPA_SSH openssl pkcs12 -in /tmp/freeipa.p12 -passin file:/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/pwdfile.txt -nokeys | openssl x509 | base64 -w 0`\"}}" $ oc patch secret rootca-internal -n openstack -p="{\"data\":{\"tls.key\": \"`$IPA_SSH openssl pkcs12 -in /tmp/freeipa.p12 -passin file:/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/pwdfile.txt -nocerts -noenc | openssl rsa | base64 -w 0`\"}}"
Create the cert-manager issuer and reference the secret:
$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: Issuer metadata: name: rootca-internal namespace: openstack labels: osp-rootca-issuer-public: "" osp-rootca-issuer-internal: "" osp-rootca-issuer-libvirt: "" osp-rootca-issuer-ovn: "" spec: ca: secretName: rootca-internal EOF
Delete the previously created p12 files:
$IPA_SSH rm /tmp/freeipa.p12
Verify that the necessary resources are created:
$ oc get issuers -n openstack
$ oc get secret rootca-internal -n openstack -o yaml
After the adoption is complete, the cert-manager operator issues new certificates and updates the secrets with the new certificates. As a result, the pods on the control plane automatically restart in order to obtain the new certificates. On the data plane, you must manually initiate a new deployment and restart certain processes to use the new certificates. The old certificates remain active until both the control plane and data plane obtain the new certificates. |
Migrating databases to the control plane
To begin creating the control plane, enable back-end services and import the databases from your original Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 deployment.
Retrieving topology-specific service configuration
Before you migrate your databases to the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) control plane, retrieve the topology-specific service configuration from your Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment. You need this configuration for the following reasons:
To check your current database for inaccuracies
To ensure that you have the data you need before the migration
To compare your RHOSP database with the adopted RHOSO database
Define the following shell variables. Replace the example values with values that are correct for your environment:
If you use IPv6, define the SOURCE_MARIADB_IP
value without brackets. For example,SOURCE_MARIADB_IP=fd00:bbbb::2
.$ PASSWORD_FILE="$HOME/overcloud-passwords.yaml" $ NAMESPACE="openstack" $ $ declare -A TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS $ CELLS="default" $ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > oc get secret tripleo-passwords -n $NAMESPACE -o json | jq -r '.data["tripleo-overcloud-passwords.yaml"]' | base64 -d >"$TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[$CELL]" > done $ declare -A SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD $ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[$CELL]} | grep ' MysqlRootPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') > done
You can only deploy a single {compute service} cell on the source cloud.
Get the name of the RHOCP node where the RHOSP Controller virtual machine is running:
$ export CONTROLLER_NODE=$(oc get vmi -ojson | jq -r '.items[0].status.nodeName') $ export SOURCE_OVN_OVSDB_IP= # get this from the source OVN DB
Find the mysql service IP in the
section of thetripleo-exports-default
ConfigMap:$ cpexport=$(oc -n "${NAMESPACE}" get cm tripleo-exports-default -o json | jq -r '.data["ctlplane-export.yaml"]') $ declare -A SOURCE_MARIADB_IP $ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]=$(echo "$cpexport" | sed -e '0,/ MysqlInternal/d' | sed -n '0,/host_nobrackets/s/^.*host_nobrackets\:\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p') > done $ RUN_OVERRIDES='{ > "apiVersion": "v1", > "metadata": { > "annotations": { > "": "[{\"name\": \"internalapi-static\",\"namespace\": \"openstack\", \"ips\":[\"\"]}]" > } > }, > "spec": { > "nodeName": "'"$CONTROLLER_NODE"'", > "securityContext": { > "allowPrivilegeEscalation": false, > "capabilities": { > "drop": ["ALL"] > }, > "runAsNonRoot": true, > "seccompProfile": { > "type": "RuntimeDefault" > } > } > } > }'
needs to run on the same Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) node where the RHOSP Controller node is running. In addition, theinternalapi-static
network needs to be attached to the pod.
Define the following shell variables. Replace the example values with values that are correct for your environment:
$ MARIADB_CLIENT_ANNOTATIONS="-n $NAMESPACE" $ MARIADB_RUN_OVERRIDES="--overrides=${RUN_OVERRIDES} $MARIADB_CLIENT_ANNOTATIONS" $ CONTROLLER1_SSH="oc -n $NAMESPACE rsh -c openstackclient openstackclient ssh controller-0.ctlplane" $ oc get secret tripleo-passwords -n $NAMESPACE -o json | jq -r '.data["tripleo-overcloud-passwords.yaml"]' | base64 -d >"${PASSWORD_FILE}" $ declare -A SOURCE_MARIADB_IP $ SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[default]=*<galera cluster VIP>*
settings with SSH connection details for any non-cell Controller of the source director Operator cloud. -
For each cell that is defined in
, replaceSOURCE_MARIADB_IP[*]= ...
, with the records lists for the cell names and VIP addresses of MariaDB Galera clusters, including the cells, of the source director Operator cloud. -
To get the values for
, query the puppet-generated configurations in a Controller node:$ sudo grep -rI 'listen mysql' -A10 /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/ | grep bind
The source cloud always uses the same password for cells databases. For that reason, the same passwords file is used for all cells stacks. However, split-stack topology allows using different passwords files for each stack.
Ensure you are on the
namespace:oc project openstack
Export the shell variables for the following outputs and test the connection to the RHOSP database:
$ unset PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_DATABASES $ declare -xA PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_DATABASES $ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_DATABASES[$CELL]=$(oc run mariadb-client-1-$CELL ${MARIADB_RUN_OVERRIDES} -q --image ${MARIADB_IMAGE} -i --rm --restart=Never -- \ > mysql -rsh "${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]}" -uroot -p"${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]}" -e 'SHOW databases;') > done
The nova
, andnova_cell0
databases are included in the same database host for the main overcloud Orchestration service (heat) stack. -
on the RHOSP database to check for inaccuracies:$ unset PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_MYSQLCHECK_NOK $ declare -xA PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_MYSQLCHECK_NOK $ run_mysqlcheck() { > PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_MYSQLCHECK_NOK=$(oc run mariadb-client-2-$1 ${MARIADB_RUN_OVERRIDES} -q --image ${MARIADB_IMAGE} -i --rm --restart=Never -- \ > mysqlcheck --all-databases -h ${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]} -u root -p"${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]}" | grep -v OK) > } $ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > run_mysqlcheck $CELL > done $ if [ "$PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_MYSQLCHECK_NOK" != "" ]; then > for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > MYSQL_UPGRADE=$(oc run mariadb-client-3 ${MARIADB_RUN_OVERRIDES} -q --image ${MARIADB_IMAGE} -i --rm --restart=Never -- \ > mysql_upgrade -v -h ${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]} -u root -p"${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]}") > # rerun mysqlcheck to check if problem is resolved > run_mysqlcheck > done > fi
Get the Compute service (nova) cell mappings:
export PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVADB_MAPPED_CELLS=$(oc run mariadb-client-1 ${MARIADB_RUN_OVERRIDES} -q --image ${MARIADB_IMAGE} -i --rm --restart=Never -- \ mysql -rsh "${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP['default]}" -uroot -p"${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD['default']}" nova_api -e \ 'select uuid,name,transport_url,database_connection,disabled from cell_mappings;')
Get the hostnames of the registered Compute services:
$ unset PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVA_COMPUTE_HOSTNAMES $ declare -xA PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVA_COMPUTE_HOSTNAMES $ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVA_COMPUTE_HOSTNAMES[$CELL]=$(oc run mariadb-client-4-$CELL ${MARIADB_RUN_OVERRIDES} -q --image ${MARIADB_IMAGE} -i --rm --restart=Never -- \ > mysql -rsh "${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]}" -uroot -p"${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]}" -e \ > "select host from where services.binary='nova-compute' and deleted=0;") > done
Get the list of the mapped Compute service cells:
export PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVAMANAGE_CELL_MAPPINGS=$($CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo podman exec -it nova_conductor nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells)
After the RHOSP control plane services are shut down, if any of the exported values are lost, re-running the command fails because the control plane services are no longer running on the source cloud, and the data cannot be retrieved. To avoid data loss, preserve the exported values in an environment file before shutting down the control plane services. -
Store the exported variables for future use:
$ unset SRIOV_AGENTS $ declare -xA SRIOV_AGENTS (1) $ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > RCELL=$CELL > [ "$CELL" = "$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME" ] && RCELL=default > cat > ~/.source_cloud_exported_variables_$CELL << EOF > unset PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_DATABASES > unset PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_MYSQLCHECK_NOK > unset PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVA_COMPUTE_HOSTNAMES > declare -xA PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_DATABASES > declare -xA PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_MYSQLCHECK_NOK > declare -xA PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVA_COMPUTE_HOSTNAMES > PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_DATABASES[$CELL]="$(oc run mariadb-client-5-$CELL ${MARIADB_RUN_OVERRIDES} -q --image ${MARIADB_IMAGE} -i --rm --restart=Never -- \ > mysql -rsh ${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$RCELL]} -uroot -p${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$RCELL]} -e 'SHOW databases;')" > PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_MYSQLCHECK_NOK[$CELL]="$(oc run mariadb-client-6-$CELL ${MARIADB_RUN_OVERRIDES} -q --image ${MARIADB_IMAGE} -i --rm --restart=Never -- \ > mysqlcheck --all-databases -h ${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$RCELL]} -u root -p${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$RCELL]} | grep -v OK)" > PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVA_COMPUTE_HOSTNAMES[$CELL]="$(oc run mariadb-client-7-$CELL ${MARIADB_RUN_OVERRIDES} -q --image ${MARIADB_IMAGE} -i --rm --restart=Never -- \ > mysql -rsh ${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$RCELL]} -uroot -p${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$RCELL]} -e \ > "select host from where services.binary='nova-compute' and deleted=0;")" > if [ "$RCELL" = "default" ]; then > PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVADB_MAPPED_CELLS="$(oc run mariadb-client-2 ${MARIADB_RUN_OVERRIDES} -q --image ${MARIADB_IMAGE} -i --rm --restart=Never -- \ > mysql -rsh ${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$RCELL]} -uroot -p${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$RCELL]} nova_api -e \ > 'select uuid,name,transport_url,database_connection,disabled from cell_mappings;')" > PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVAMANAGE_CELL_MAPPINGS="$($CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo podman exec -it nova_conductor nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells)" > fi > EOF > done $ chmod 0600 ~/.source_cloud_exported_variables*
1 If neutron-sriov-nic-agent
agents are running in your RHOSP deployment, get the configuration to use for the data plane adoption.
This configuration and the exported variables are required later, during the data plane adoption post-checks. |
Deploying back-end services
Create the OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) with the basic back-end services deployed, and disable all the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) services. This CR is the foundation of the control plane.
The cloud that you want to adopt is running, and it is on the latest minor version of RHOSP 17.1.
All control plane and data plane hosts of the source cloud are running, and continue to run throughout the adoption procedure.
is deployed, butOpenStackControlPlane
is not deployed. -
Install the OpenStack Operators. For more information, see Installing and preparing the Operators in Deploying Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift.
If you enabled TLS everywhere (TLS-e) on the RHOSP environment, you must copy the
root CA from the RHOSP environment to therootca-internal
issuer. -
There are free PVs available for MariaDB and RabbitMQ.
Set the desired admin password for the control plane deployment. This can be the admin password from your original deployment or a different password:
To use the existing RHOSP deployment password:
declare -A TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]="$HOME/overcloud-passwords.yaml" ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' AdminPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }')
Set the service password variables to match the original deployment. Database passwords can differ in the control plane environment, but you must synchronize the service account passwords.
For example, in developer environments with director Operator Standalone, the passwords can be extracted:
AODH_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' AodhPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') BARBICAN_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' BarbicanPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') CEILOMETER_METERING_SECRET=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' CeilometerMeteringSecret:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') CEILOMETER_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' CeilometerPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') CINDER_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' CinderPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') GLANCE_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' GlancePassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') HEAT_AUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' HeatAuthEncryptionKey:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') HEAT_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' HeatPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') HEAT_STACK_DOMAIN_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' HeatStackDomainAdminPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') IRONIC_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' IronicPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') MANILA_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' ManilaPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') NEUTRON_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' NeutronPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') NOVA_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' NovaPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') OCTAVIA_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' OctaviaPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') PLACEMENT_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' PlacementPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') SWIFT_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' SwiftPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }')
Ensure that you are using the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) namespace where you want the control plane to be deployed:
$ oc project openstack
Create the RHOSP secret. For more information, see Providing secure access to the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift services in Deploying Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift.
If the
is different than the password you set inosp-secret
, amend theAdminPassword
key in theosp-secret
:$ oc set data secret/osp-secret "AdminPassword=$ADMIN_PASSWORD"
Set service account passwords in
to match the service account passwords from the original deployment:$ oc set data secret/osp-secret "AodhPassword=$AODH_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "BarbicanPassword=$BARBICAN_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "CeilometerPassword=$CEILOMETER_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "CinderPassword=$CINDER_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "GlancePassword=$GLANCE_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "HeatAuthEncryptionKey=$HEAT_AUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "HeatPassword=$HEAT_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "HeatStackDomainAdminPassword=$HEAT_STACK_DOMAIN_ADMIN_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "IronicPassword=$IRONIC_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "IronicInspectorPassword=$IRONIC_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "ManilaPassword=$MANILA_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "MetadataSecret=$METADATA_SECRET" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "NeutronPassword=$NEUTRON_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "NovaPassword=$NOVA_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "OctaviaPassword=$OCTAVIA_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "PlacementPassword=$PLACEMENT_PASSWORD" $ oc set data secret/osp-secret "SwiftPassword=$SWIFT_PASSWORD"
If you enabled TLS-e in your RHOSP environment, in the
section, set theenabled
parameter totrue
:apiVersion: kind: OpenStackControlPlane metadata: name: openstack spec: tls: podLevel: enabled: true internal: ca: customIssuer: rootca-internal libvirt: ca: customIssuer: rootca-internal ovn: ca: customIssuer: rootca-internal ingress: ca: customIssuer: rootca-internal enabled: true
If you did not enable TLS-e, in the
section, set theenabled
parameter tofalse
:apiVersion: kind: OpenStackControlPlane metadata: name: openstack spec: tls: podLevel: enabled: false ingress: enabled: false
Deploy the
CR. Ensure that you only enable the DNS, MariaDB, Memcached, and RabbitMQ services. All other services must be disabled:If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IPs to the IPs in your environment:
... ctlplane fd00:aaaa::80 ... internalapi fd00:bbbb::85 ... internalapi fd00:bbbb::86
$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: OpenStackControlPlane metadata: name: openstack spec: secret: osp-secret storageClass: <storage_class> barbican: enabled: false template: barbicanAPI: {} barbicanWorker: {} barbicanKeystoneListener: {} cinder: enabled: false template: cinderAPI: {} cinderScheduler: {} cinderBackup: {} cinderVolumes: {} dns: template: override: service: metadata: annotations: <address_pool> <address_pool> <loadBalancer_IP> spec: type: LoadBalancer options: - key: server values: - replicas: 1 glance: enabled: false template: glanceAPIs: {} heat: enabled: false template: {} horizon: enabled: false template: {} ironic: enabled: false template: ironicConductors: [] keystone: enabled: false template: {} manila: enabled: false template: manilaAPI: {} manilaScheduler: {} manilaShares: {} mariadb: enabled: false templates: {} galera: enabled: true templates: openstack: secret: osp-secret replicas: 3 storageRequest: 5G openstack-cell1: secret: osp-secret replicas: 3 storageRequest: 5G memcached: enabled: true templates: memcached: replicas: 3 neutron: enabled: false template: {} nova: enabled: false template: {} ovn: enabled: false template: ovnController: networkAttachment: tenant nodeSelector: node: non-existing-node-name ovnNorthd: replicas: 0 ovnDBCluster: ovndbcluster-nb: replicas: 3 dbType: NB networkAttachment: <networkAttachment_name> ovndbcluster-sb: replicas: 3 dbType: SB networkAttachment: <networkAttachment_name> placement: enabled: false template: {} rabbitmq: templates: rabbitmq: override: service: metadata: annotations: internalapi spec: type: LoadBalancer rabbitmq-cell1: persistence: storage: 1G override: service: metadata: annotations: <networkAttachment_name> <loadBalancer_IP> spec: type: LoadBalancer telemetry: enabled: false swift: enabled: false template: swiftRing: ringReplicas: 1 swiftStorage: replicas: 0 swiftProxy: replicas: 1 EOF
Select an existing
in your RHOCP cluster. -
Select an existing
in your RHOCP cluster. -
with the name of your network definition. -
with the LoadBalancer IP address. -
with the name of your network.
This example provides the required infrastructure database and messaging services for 1 Compute cell
named cell1
. Adjust the names, counts, IP addresses, and numbers, such as for replicas
, storage
, or storageRequest
, as needed.
Verify that MariaDB and RabbitMQ are running for all defined cells:
$ RENAMED_CELLS="cell1" $ oc get pod openstack-galera-0 -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}{"\n"}' | grep Running $ oc get pod rabbitmq-server-0 -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}{"\n"}' | grep Running $ for CELL in $(echo $RENAMED_CELLS); do oc get pod openstack-$CELL-galera-0 -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}{"\n"}' | grep Running oc get pod rabbitmq-$CELL-server-0 -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}{"\n"}' | grep Running done
The given cells names are later referred to by using the environment variable
. -
Verify that you can access the
pod. For more information, see Accessing the OpenStackClient pod in Maintaining the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift deployment.
Configuring a Red Hat Ceph Storage back end
If your Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 deployment uses a Red Hat Ceph Storage back end for any service, such as Image Service (glance), Block Storage service (cinder), Compute service (nova), or Shared File Systems service (manila), you must configure the custom resources (CRs) to use the same back end in the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) 18.0 deployment.
To run ceph commands, you must use SSH to connect to a Red Hat Ceph Storage node and run sudo cephadm shell . This generates a Ceph orchestrator container that enables you to run administrative commands against the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster. If you deployed the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster by using director Operator, you can launch the cephadm shell from an RHOSP Controller node.
CR is created. -
If your RHOSP 17.1 deployment uses the Shared File Systems service, the openstack keyring is updated. Modify the
user so that you can use it across all RHOSP services:ceph auth caps client.openstack \ mgr 'allow *' \ mon 'allow r, profile rbd' \ osd 'profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=images, allow rw pool manila_data'
Using the same user across all services makes it simpler to create a common Red Hat Ceph Storage secret that includes the keyring and
file and propagate the secret to all the services that need it. -
The following shell variables are defined. Replace the following example values with values that are correct for your environment:
CEPH_SSH="ssh -i <path to SSH key> root@<node IP>" CEPH_KEY=$($CEPH_SSH "cat /etc/ceph/ceph.client.openstack.keyring | base64 -w 0") CEPH_CONF=$($CEPH_SSH "cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf | base64 -w 0")
Create the
secret that includes the Red Hat Ceph Storage configuration:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 data: ceph.client.openstack.keyring: $CEPH_KEY ceph.conf: $CEPH_CONF kind: Secret metadata: name: ceph-conf-files namespace: openstack type: Opaque EOF
The content of the file should be similar to the following example:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: ceph-conf-files namespace: openstack stringData: ceph.client.openstack.keyring: | [client.openstack] key = <secret key> caps mgr = "allow *" caps mon = "allow r, profile rbd" caps osd = "pool=vms, profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=images, allow rw pool manila_data' ceph.conf: | [global] fsid = 7a1719e8-9c59-49e2-ae2b-d7eb08c695d4 mon_host =,, (1)
1 If you use IPv6, use brackets for the mon_host
. For example:mon_host = [v2:[fd00:cccc::100]:3300/0,v1:[fd00:cccc::100]:6789/0]
In your
CR, injectceph.conf
to the RHOSP services that are defined in the propagation list. For example:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: extraMounts: - name: v1 region: r1 extraVol: - propagation: - CinderVolume - CinderBackup - GlanceAPI - ManilaShare extraVolType: Ceph volumes: - name: ceph projected: sources: - secret: name: ceph-conf-files mounts: - name: ceph mountPath: "/etc/ceph" readOnly: true '
Stopping Red Hat OpenStack Platform services
Before you start the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) adoption, you must stop the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) services to avoid inconsistencies in the data that you migrate for the data plane adoption. Inconsistencies are caused by resource changes after the database is copied to the new deployment.
You should not stop the infrastructure management services yet, such as:
HAProxy Load Balancer
Compute service
Containerized modular libvirt daemons
Object Storage service (swift) back-end services
Ensure that there no long-running tasks that require the services that you plan to stop, such as instance live migrations, volume migrations, volume creation, backup and restore, attaching, detaching, and other similar operations:
openstack server list --all-projects -c ID -c Status |grep -E '\| .+ing \|' openstack volume list --all-projects -c ID -c Status |grep -E '\| .+ing \|'| grep -vi error openstack volume backup list --all-projects -c ID -c Status |grep -E '\| .+ing \|' | grep -vi error openstack share list --all-projects -c ID -c Status |grep -E '\| .+ing \|'| grep -vi error openstack image list -c ID -c Status |grep -E '\| .+ing \|'
Collect the services topology-specific configuration. For more information, see Retrieving topology-specific service configuration.
Define the following shell variables. The values are examples and refer to a single node standalone director Operator deployment. Replace these example values with values that are correct for your environment:
CONTROLLER1_SSH="ssh -i <path to SSH key> root@<controller-1 IP>" (1) CONTROLLER2_SSH="ssh -i <path to SSH key> root@<controller-2 IP>" CONTROLLER3_SSH="ssh -i <path to SSH key> root@<controller-3 IP>"
Specify the IP addresses of all Controller nodes, for example:
CONTROLLER1_SSH="ssh -i <path to SSH key> root@<controller-1 IP>" (2) CONTROLLER2_SSH="ssh -i <path to SSH key> root@<controller-2 IP>" CONTROLLER3_SSH="ssh -i <path to SSH key> root@<controller-3 IP>" # ...
1 Replace <path_to_SSH_key>
with the path to your SSH key.2 Replace <controller-<X> IP>
with IP addresses of all Controller nodes.
If your deployment enables CephFS through NFS as a back end for Shared File Systems service (manila), remove the following Pacemaker ordering and co-location constraints that govern the Virtual IP address of the
service and themanila-share
service:# check the co-location and ordering constraints concerning "manila-share" sudo pcs constraint list --full # remove these constraints sudo pcs constraint remove colocation-openstack-manila-share-ceph-nfs-INFINITY sudo pcs constraint remove order-ceph-nfs-openstack-manila-share-Optional
Disable RHOSP control plane services:
# Update the services list to be stopped ServicesToStop=("tripleo_aodh_api.service" "tripleo_aodh_api_cron.service" "tripleo_aodh_evaluator.service" "tripleo_aodh_listener.service" "tripleo_aodh_notifier.service" "tripleo_ceilometer_agent_central.service" "tripleo_ceilometer_agent_notification.service" "tripleo_octavia_api.service" "tripleo_octavia_health_manager.service" "tripleo_octavia_rsyslog.service" "tripleo_octavia_driver_agent.service" "tripleo_octavia_housekeeping.service" "tripleo_octavia_worker.service" "tripleo_horizon.service" "tripleo_keystone.service" "tripleo_barbican_api.service" "tripleo_barbican_worker.service" "tripleo_barbican_keystone_listener.service" "tripleo_cinder_api.service" "tripleo_cinder_api_cron.service" "tripleo_cinder_scheduler.service" "tripleo_cinder_volume.service" "tripleo_cinder_backup.service" "tripleo_collectd.service" "tripleo_glance_api.service" "tripleo_gnocchi_api.service" "tripleo_gnocchi_metricd.service" "tripleo_gnocchi_statsd.service" "tripleo_manila_api.service" "tripleo_manila_api_cron.service" "tripleo_manila_scheduler.service" "tripleo_neutron_api.service" "tripleo_placement_api.service" "tripleo_nova_api_cron.service" "tripleo_nova_api.service" "tripleo_nova_conductor.service" "tripleo_nova_metadata.service" "tripleo_nova_scheduler.service" "tripleo_nova_vnc_proxy.service" "tripleo_aodh_api.service" "tripleo_aodh_api_cron.service" "tripleo_aodh_evaluator.service" "tripleo_aodh_listener.service" "tripleo_aodh_notifier.service" "tripleo_ceilometer_agent_central.service" "tripleo_ceilometer_agent_compute.service" "tripleo_ceilometer_agent_ipmi.service" "tripleo_ceilometer_agent_notification.service" "tripleo_ovn_cluster_northd.service" "tripleo_ironic_neutron_agent.service" "tripleo_ironic_api.service" "tripleo_ironic_inspector.service" "tripleo_ironic_conductor.service") PacemakerResourcesToStop=("openstack-cinder-volume" "openstack-cinder-backup" "openstack-manila-share") echo "Stopping systemd OpenStack services" for service in ${ServicesToStop[*]}; do SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then echo "Stopping the $service in controller $i" if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo systemctl is-active $service; then ${!SSH_CMD} sudo systemctl stop $service fi fi done echo "Checking systemd OpenStack services" for service in ${ServicesToStop[*]}; do for i in {1..3}; do SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER${i}_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then if ! ${!SSH_CMD} systemctl show $service | grep ActiveState=inactive >/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: Service $service still running on controller $i" else echo "OK: Service $service is not running on controller $i" fi fi done done echo "Stopping pacemaker OpenStack services" SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then echo "Using controller $i to run pacemaker commands" for resource in ${PacemakerResourcesToStop[*]}; do if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource config $resource &>/dev/null; then echo "Stopping $resource" ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource disable $resource else echo "Service $resource not present" fi break fi done echo "Checking pacemaker OpenStack services" SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then echo "Using controller $i to run pacemaker commands" for resource in ${PacemakerResourcesToStop[*]}; do if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource config $resource &>/dev/null; then if ! ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource status $resource | grep Started; then echo "OK: Service $resource is stopped" else echo "ERROR: Service $resource is started" fi fi done break fi
If the status of each service is
, then the services stopped successfully.
Migrating databases to MariaDB instances
Migrate your databases from the original Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) deployment to the MariaDB instances in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster.
Ensure that the control plane MariaDB and RabbitMQ are running, and that no other control plane services are running.
Retrieve the topology-specific service configuration. For more information, see Retrieving topology-specific service configuration.
Stop the RHOSP services. For more information, see Stopping Red Hat OpenStack Platform services.
Ensure that there is network routability between the original MariaDB and the MariaDB for the control plane.
Define the following shell variables. Replace the following example values with values that are correct for your environment:
$ STORAGE_CLASS=local-storage $ $ CELLS="default" (1) $ DEFAULT_CELL_NAME="cell1" $ RENAMED_CELLS="$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME" $ NAMESPACE="openstack" $ CHARACTER_SET=utf8 (2) $ COLLATION=utf8_general_ci $ declare -A PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD $ for CELL in $(echo "super $RENAMED_CELLS"); do > PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]=$(oc get -o json secret/osp-secret | jq -r .data.DbRootPassword | base64 -d) > done $ declare -A PODIFIED_MARIADB_IP $ for CELL in $(echo "super $RENAMED_CELLS"); do > if [ "$CELL" = "super" ]; then > PODIFIED_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]=$(oc get svc --selector "mariadb/name=openstack" -ojsonpath='{.items[0].spec.clusterIP}') > else > PODIFIED_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]=$(oc get svc --selector "mariadb/name=openstack-$CELL" -ojsonpath='{.items[0].spec.clusterIP}') > fi > done $ declare -A TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS $ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > if [ "$CELL" = "default" ]; then > TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]="$HOME/overcloud-passwords.yaml" > else > # in a split-stack source cloud, it should take a stack-specific passwords file instead > TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[$CELL]="$HOME/overcloud-passwords.yaml" > fi > done $ declare -A SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD $ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[$CELL]} | grep ' MysqlRootPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') > done $ declare -A SOURCE_MARIADB_IP $ SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[default]=*<galera cluster VIP>* (3) $ SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[cell1]=*<galera cell1 cluster VIP>* (4) $ SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[cell2]=*<galera cell2 cluster VIP>* (5) # ... $ declare -A SOURCE_GALERA_MEMBERS_DEFAULT $ SOURCE_GALERA_MEMBERS_DEFAULT=( > ["standalone.localdomain"]= (6) > # [...]=... > ) $ declare -A SOURCE_GALERA_MEMBERS_CELL1 $ SOURCE_GALERA_MEMBERS_CELL1=( > # ... > ) $ declare -A SOURCE_GALERA_MEMBERS_CELL2 $ SOURCE_GALERA_MEMBERS_CELL2=( > # ... > )
represent changes that are going to be made after you import the databases. Thedefault
cell takes a new name fromDEFAULT_CELL_NAME
. In a multi-cell adoption scenario,default
cell might retain its original default name as well.2 The CHARACTER_SET
variable and collation should match the source database. If they do not match, then foreign key relationships break for any tables that are created in the future as part of database sync.3 Add data in SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[*]= ...
for each cell that is defined inCELLS
. Provide records for the cell names and VIP addresses of MariaDB Galera clusters.4 Replace <galera_cell1_cluster_VIP>
with the VIP of your galera cell1 cluster.5 Replace <galera_cell2_cluster_VIP>
with the VIP of your galera cell2 cluster, and so on.6 For each cell defined in CELLS
, add the names of the MariaDB Galera cluster members and its IP address. Replace["standalone.localdomain"]=""
with the real hosts data.
A standalone director Operator environment only creates a default cell, which should be the only CELLS value in this case. The DEFAULT_CELL_NAME value should be cell1 .
The super is the top-scope Nova API upcall database instance. A super conductor connects to that database. In subsequent examples, the upcall and cells databases use the same password that is defined in osp-secret . Old passwords are only needed to prepare the data exports.
To get the values for SOURCE_MARIADB_IP
, query the puppet-generated configurations in the Controller and CellController nodes:
$ sudo grep -rI 'listen mysql' -A10 /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/ | grep bind
To get the values for
, query the puppet-generated configurations in the Controller and CellController nodes:$ sudo grep -rI 'listen mysql' -A10 /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/ | grep server
The source cloud always uses the same password for cells databases. For that reason, the same passwords file is used for all cells stacks. However, split-stack topology allows using different passwords files for each stack.
Prepare the MariaDB adoption helper pod:
Create a temporary volume claim and a pod for the database data copy. Edit the volume claim storage request if necessary, to give it enough space for the overcloud databases:
oc apply -f - <<EOF --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: mariadb-data spec: storageClassName: $STORAGE_CLASS accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: mariadb-copy-data annotations: anyuid '[{"name": internalapi-static, "ips": [""]}]' labels: app: adoption spec: nodeName: <$CONTROLLER_NODE> containers: - image: $MARIADB_IMAGE command: [ "sh", "-c", "sleep infinity"] name: adoption volumeMounts: - mountPath: /backup name: mariadb-data securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: drop: ALL runAsNonRoot: true seccompProfile: type: RuntimeDefault volumes: - name: mariadb-data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: mariadb-data EOF
Wait for the pod to be ready:
$ oc wait --for condition=Ready pod/mariadb-copy-data --timeout=30s
Check that the source Galera database clusters in each cell have its members online and synced:
$ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > MEMBERS=SOURCE_GALERA_MEMBERS_$(echo ${CELL}|tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')[@] > for i in "${!MEMBERS}"; do > echo "Checking for the database node $i WSREP status Synced" > oc rsh mariadb-copy-data mysql \ > -h "$i" -uroot -p"${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]}" \ > -e "show global status like 'wsrep_local_state_comment'" | \ > grep -qE "\bSynced\b" > done > done
Each additional Compute service (nova) v2 cell runs a dedicated Galera database cluster, so the command checks each cell.
Get the count of source databases with the
(not-OK) status:$ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > oc rsh mariadb-copy-data mysql -h "${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]}" -uroot -p"${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]}" -e "SHOW databases;" > end
Check that
had no errors:$ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > set +u > . ~/.source_cloud_exported_variables_$CELL > set -u > done $ test -z "$PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_MYSQLCHECK_NOK" || [ "x$PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_MYSQLCHECK_NOK" = "x " ] && echo "OK" || echo "CHECK FAILED"
Test the connection to the control plane upcall and cells databases:
$ for CELL in $(echo "super $RENAMED_CELLS"); do > oc run mariadb-client -n $NAMESPACE --image $MARIADB_IMAGE -i --rm --restart=Never -- \ > mysql -rsh "${PODIFIED_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]}" -uroot -p"${PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]}" -e 'SHOW databases;' > done
You must transition Compute services that you import later into a superconductor architecture by deleting the old service records in the cell databases, starting with cell1
. New records are registered with different hostnames that are provided by the Compute service operator. All Compute services, except the Compute agent, have no internal state, and you can safely delete their service records. You also need to rename the formerdefault
. -
Create a dump of the original databases:
$ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > oc rsh mariadb-copy-data << EOF > mysql -h"${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]}" -uroot -p"${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]}" \ > -N -e "show databases" | grep -E -v "schema|mysql|gnocchi|aodh" | \ > while read dbname; do > echo "Dumping $CELL cell \${dbname}"; > mysqldump -h"${SOURCE_MARIADB_IP[$CELL]}" -uroot -p"${SOURCE_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]}" \ > --single-transaction --complete-insert --skip-lock-tables --lock-tables=0 \ > "\${dbname}" > /backup/"${CELL}.\${dbname}".sql; > done > EOF > done
Note filtering the information and performance schema tables. Gnocchi is no longer used as a metric store as well
Restore the databases from
files into the control plane MariaDB:$ for CELL in $(echo $CELLS); do > RCELL=$CELL > [ "$CELL" = "default" ] && RCELL=$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME > oc rsh -n $NAMESPACE mariadb-copy-data << EOF > declare -A db_name_map (1) > db_name_map['nova']="nova_$RCELL" > db_name_map['ovs_neutron']='neutron' > db_name_map['ironic-inspector']='ironic_inspector' > declare -A db_cell_map (2) > db_cell_map['nova']="nova_$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME" > db_cell_map["nova_$RCELL"]="nova_$RCELL" (3) > declare -A db_server_map (4) > db_server_map['default']=${PODIFIED_MARIADB_IP['super']} > db_server_map["nova"]=${PODIFIED_MARIADB_IP[$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME]} > db_server_map["nova_$RCELL"]=${PODIFIED_MARIADB_IP[$RCELL]} > declare -A db_server_password_map (5) > db_server_password_map['default']=${PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD['super']} > db_server_password_map["nova"]=${PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME]} > db_server_password_map["nova_$RCELL"]=${PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$RCELL]} > cd /backup > for db_file in \$(ls ${CELL}.*.sql); do > db_name=\$(echo \${db_file} | awk -F'.' '{ print \$2; }') > [[ "$CELL" != "default" && ! -v "db_cell_map[\${db_name}]" ]] && continue > if [[ "$CELL" == "default" && -v "db_cell_map[\${db_name}]" ]] ; then > target=$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME > elif [[ "$CELL" == "default" && ! -v "db_cell_map[\${db_name}]" ]] ; then > target=super > else > target=$RCELL > fi (6) > renamed_db_file="\${target}_new.\${db_name}.sql" > mv -f \${db_file} \${renamed_db_file} > if [[ -v "db_name_map[\${db_name}]" ]]; then > echo "renaming $CELL cell \${db_name} to \$target \${db_name_map[\${db_name}]}" > db_name=\${db_name_map[\${db_name}]} > fi > db_server=\${db_server_map["default"]} > if [[ -v "db_server_map[\${db_name}]" ]]; then > db_server=\${db_server_map[\${db_name}]} > fi > db_password=\${db_server_password_map['default']} > if [[ -v "db_server_password_map[\${db_name}]" ]]; then > db_password=\${db_server_password_map[\${db_name}]} > fi > echo "creating $CELL cell \${db_name} in \$target \${db_server}" > mysql -h"\${db_server}" -uroot "-p\${db_password}" -e \ > "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \${db_name} DEFAULT \ > CHARACTER SET ${CHARACTER_SET} DEFAULT COLLATE ${COLLATION};" > echo "importing $CELL cell \${db_name} into \$target \${db_server} from \${renamed_db_file}" > mysql -h "\${db_server}" -uroot "-p\${db_password}" "\${db_name}" < "\${renamed_db_file}" > done > if [ "$CELL" = "default" ] ; then > mysql -h "\${db_server_map['default']}" -uroot -p"\${db_server_password_map['default']}" -e \ > "update nova_api.cell_mappings set name='$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME' where name='default';" > fi > mysql -h "\${db_server_map["nova_$RCELL"]}" -uroot -p"\${db_server_password_map["nova_$RCELL"]}" -e \ > "delete from nova_${RCELL}.services where host not like '%nova_${RCELL}-%' and services.binary != 'nova-compute';" > EOF > done
1 Defines which common databases to rename when importing them. 2 Defines which cells databases to import, and how to rename them, if needed. 3 Omits importing special cell0
databases of the cells, as its contents cannot be consolidated during adoption.4 Defines which databases to import into which servers, usually dedicated for cells. 5 Defines the root passwords map for database servers. You can only use the same password for now. 6 Assigns which databases to import into which hosts when extracting databases from the default
Compare the following outputs with the topology-specific service configuration. For more information, see Retrieving topology-specific service configuration.
Check that the databases are imported correctly:
$ set +u $ . ~/.source_cloud_exported_variables_default $ set -u $ dbs=$(oc exec openstack-galera-0 -n $NAMESPACE -c galera -- mysql -rs -uroot -p"${PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD['super']}" -e 'SHOW databases;') $ echo $dbs | grep -Eq '\bkeystone\b' && echo "OK" || echo "CHECK FAILED" $ echo $dbs | grep -Eq '\bneutron\b' && echo "OK" || echo "CHECK FAILED" $ echo "${PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_DATABASES[@]}" | grep -Eq '\bovs_neutron\b' && echo "OK" || echo "CHECK FAILED" (1) $ novadb_mapped_cells=$(oc exec openstack-galera-0 -n $NAMESPACE -c galera -- mysql -rs -uroot -p"${PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD['super']}" \ > nova_api -e 'select uuid,name,transport_url,database_connection,disabled from cell_mappings;') (2) $ uuidf='\S{8,}-\S{4,}-\S{4,}-\S{4,}-\S{12,}' $ default=$(printf "%s\n" "$PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVADB_MAPPED_CELLS" | sed -rn "s/^($uuidf)\s+default\b.*$/\1/p") $ difference=$(diff -ZNua \ > <(printf "%s\n" "$PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVADB_MAPPED_CELLS") \ > <(printf "%s\n" "$novadb_mapped_cells")) || true $ if [ "$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME" != "default" ]; then > printf "%s\n" "$difference" | grep -qE "^\-$default\s+default\b" && echo "OK" || echo "CHECK FAILED" > printf "%s\n" "$difference" | grep -qE "^\+$default\s+$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME\b" && echo "OK" || echo "CHECK FAILED" > [ $(grep -E "^[-\+]$uuidf" <<<"$difference" | wc -l) -eq 2 ] && echo "OK" || echo "CHECK FAILED" > else > [ "x$difference" = "x" ] && echo "OK" || echo "CHECK FAILED" > fi $ for CELL in $(echo $RENAMED_CELLS); do (3) > RCELL=$CELL > [ "$CELL" = "$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME" ] && RCELL=default > set +u > . ~/.source_cloud_exported_variables_$RCELL > set -u > c1dbs=$(oc exec openstack-$CELL-galera-0 -n $NAMESPACE -c galera -- mysql -rs -uroot -p${PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]} -e 'SHOW databases;') (4) > echo $c1dbs | grep -Eq "\bnova_${CELL}\b" && echo "OK" || echo "CHECK FAILED" > novadb_svc_records=$(oc exec openstack-$CELL-galera-0 -n $NAMESPACE -c galera -- mysql -rs -uroot -p${PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]} \ > nova_$CELL -e "select host from services where services.binary='nova-compute' and deleted=0 order by host asc;") > diff -Z <(echo "x$novadb_svc_records") <(echo "x${PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVA_COMPUTE_HOSTNAMES[@]}") && echo "OK" || echo "CHECK FAILED" (5) > done
1 Ensures that the Networking service (neutron) database is renamed from ovs_neutron
.2 Ensures that the default
cell is renamed to$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME
, and the cell UUIDs are retained.3 Ensures that the registered Compute services names have not changed. 4 Ensures Compute service cells databases are extracted to separate database servers, and renamed from nova
.5 Ensures that the registered Compute service name has not changed. -
Delete the
pod and themariadb-copy-data
persistent volume claim that contains the database backup:Consider taking a snapshot of them before deleting. $ oc delete pod mariadb-copy-data $ oc delete pvc mariadb-data
During the pre-checks and post-checks, the mariadb-client pod might return a pod security warning related to the restricted:latest security context constraint. This warning is due to default security context constraints and does not prevent the admission controller from creating a pod. You see a warning for the short-lived pod, but it does not interfere with functionality.
For more information, see About pod security standards and warnings.
Migrating OVN data
Migrate the data in the OVN databases from the original Red Hat OpenStack Platform deployment to ovsdb-server
instances that are running in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster.
resource is created. -
custom resources (CRs) for the original cluster are defined. Specifically, theinternalapi
network is defined. -
The original Networking service (neutron) and OVN
are not running. -
There is network routability between the control plane services and the adopted cluster.
The cloud is migrated to the Modular Layer 2 plug-in with Open Virtual Networking (ML2/OVN) mechanism driver.
Define the following shell variables. Replace the example values with values that are correct for your environment:
STORAGE_CLASS=local-storage SOURCE_OVSDB_IP= # For IPv4 SOURCE_OVSDB_IP=[fd00:bbbb::100] # For IPv6
Update the IP address value for SOURCE_OVSDB_IP to the internalApi IP address associated with the remaining OSP 17 controller VM. The IP address can be retrieved by the following command:
$ $CONTROLLER_SSH ip a s enp4s0 ** Select the non /32 IP address
If you use a disconnected environment director Operator deployment, use .
For more information, see Configuring an airgapped environment in Deploying an overcloud in a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster with director Operator.
Get the RHOCP master node that contains the RHOSP Controller node:
$ oc get vmi -n $<ospdo_namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.labels.kubevirt\.io/nodeName}'
with your OSPdO namespace.
Prepare a temporary
claim and the helper pod for the OVN backup. Adjust the storage requests for a large database, if needed:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF --- apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: ovn-data-cert namespace: openstack spec: commonName: ovn-data-cert secretName: ovn-data-cert issuerRef: name: rootca-internal --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: namespace: $OSPDO_NAMESPACE name: ovn-data spec: storageClassName: $STORAGE_CLASS accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: ovn-copy-data annotations: anyuid '[{"name": "internalapi-static", "namespace": $<ospdo_namespace>, "ips": ["<internalapi-static-ips>"]}]' labels: app: adoption namespace: $OSPDO_NAMESPACE spec: nodeName: '{{ <ocp_node_holding_controller> }}' (1) containers: - image: $OVSDB_IMAGE command: [ "sh", "-c", "sleep infinity"] name: adoption volumeMounts: - mountPath: /backup name: ovn-data - mountPath: /etc/pki/tls/misc name: ovn-data-cert readOnly: true securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: drop: ALL runAsNonRoot: true seccompProfile: type: RuntimeDefault volumes: - name: ovn-data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: ovn-data - name: ovn-data-cert secret: secretName: ovn-data-cert EOF
1 Replace <ocp_node_holding_controller>
with the RHOSP node that contains the Controller node. -
Wait for the pod to be ready:
$ oc wait --for=condition=Ready -n $OSPDO_NAMESPACE pod/ovn-copy-data --timeout=30s
If the podified internalapi cidr is different than the source internalapi cidr, add an iptables accept rule on the Controller nodes:
$ $CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo iptables -I INPUT -s {PODIFIED_INTERNALAPI_NETWORK} -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6641 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT $ $CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo iptables -I INPUT -s {PODIFIED_INTERNALAPI_NETWORK} -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6642 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT
Back up your OVN databases:
If you did not enable TLS everywhere, run the following command:
$ oc exec -n $OSPDO_NAMESPACE ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client backup tcp:$SOURCE_OVSDB_IP:6641 > /backup/ovs-nb.db" $ oc exec -n $OSPDO_NAMESPACE ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client backup tcp:$SOURCE_OVSDB_IP:6642 > /backup/ovs-sb.db"
If you enabled TLS everywhere, run the following command:
$ oc exec ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client backup --ca-cert=/etc/pki/tls/misc/ca.crt --private-key=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.key --certificate=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.crt ssl:$SOURCE_OVSDB_IP:6641 > /backup/ovs-nb.db" $ oc exec ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client backup --ca-cert=/etc/pki/tls/misc/ca.crt --private-key=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.key --certificate=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.crt ssl:$SOURCE_OVSDB_IP:6642 > /backup/ovs-sb.db"
Start the control plane OVN database services prior to import, with
disabled:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: ovn: enabled: true template: ovnDBCluster: ovndbcluster-nb: replicas: 3 dbType: NB storageRequest: 10G networkAttachment: internalapi ovndbcluster-sb: replicas: 3 dbType: SB storageRequest: 10G networkAttachment: internalapi ovnNorthd: replicas: 0 ovnController: networkAttachment: tenant nodeSelector: '
Wait for the OVN database services to reach the
phase:$ oc wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Running pod --selector=service=ovsdbserver-nb $ oc wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Running pod --selector=service=ovsdbserver-sb
Fetch the OVN database IP addresses on the
service network:PODIFIED_OVSDB_NB_IP=$(oc get svc --selector "" -ojsonpath='{.items[0].spec.clusterIP}') PODIFIED_OVSDB_SB_IP=$(oc get svc --selector "" -ojsonpath='{.items[0].spec.clusterIP}')
If you are using IPv6, adjust the address to the format expected by
Upgrade the database schema for the backup files:
If you did not enable TLS everywhere, use the following command:
$ oc exec ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client get-schema tcp:$PODIFIED_OVSDB_NB_IP:6641 > /backup/ovs-nb.ovsschema && ovsdb-tool convert /backup/ovs-nb.db /backup/ovs-nb.ovsschema" $ oc exec ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client get-schema tcp:$PODIFIED_OVSDB_SB_IP:6642 > /backup/ovs-sb.ovsschema && ovsdb-tool convert /backup/ovs-sb.db /backup/ovs-sb.ovsschema"
If you enabled TLS everywhere, use the following command:
$ oc exec ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client get-schema --ca-cert=/etc/pki/tls/misc/ca.crt --private-key=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.key --certificate=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.crt ssl:$PODIFIED_OVSDB_NB_IP:6641 > /backup/ovs-nb.ovsschema && ovsdb-tool convert /backup/ovs-nb.db /backup/ovs-nb.ovsschema" $ oc exec ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client get-schema --ca-cert=/etc/pki/tls/misc/ca.crt --private-key=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.key --certificate=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.crt ssl:$PODIFIED_OVSDB_SB_IP:6642 > /backup/ovs-sb.ovsschema && ovsdb-tool convert /backup/ovs-sb.db /backup/ovs-sb.ovsschema"
Restore the database backup to the new OVN database servers:
If you did not enable TLS everywhere, use the following command:
$ oc exec -n $RHOSO_NAMESPACE ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client restore tcp:$PODIFIED_OVSDB_NB_IP:6641 < /backup/ovs-nb.db" $ oc exec -n $RHOSO_NAMESPACE ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client restore tcp:$PODIFIED_OVSDB_SB_IP:6642 < /backup/ovs-sb.db"
If you enabled TLS everywhere, use the following command:
$ oc exec ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client restore --ca-cert=/etc/pki/tls/misc/ca.crt --private-key=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.key --certificate=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.crt ssl:$PODIFIED_OVSDB_NB_IP:6641 < /backup/ovs-nb.db" $ oc exec ovn-copy-data -- bash -c "ovsdb-client restore --ca-cert=/etc/pki/tls/misc/ca.crt --private-key=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.key --certificate=/etc/pki/tls/misc/tls.crt ssl:$PODIFIED_OVSDB_SB_IP:6642 < /backup/ovs-sb.db"
Check that the data was successfully migrated by running the following commands against the new database servers, for example:
$ oc exec -it ovsdbserver-nb-0 -- ovn-nbctl show $ oc exec -it ovsdbserver-sb-0 -- ovn-sbctl list Chassis
Start the control plane
service to keep both OVN databases in sync:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: ovn: enabled: true template: ovnNorthd: replicas: 1 '
If you are running OVN gateway services on RHOCP nodes, enable the control plane
service:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=json -p="[{'op': 'remove', 'path': '/spec/ovn/template/ovnController/nodeSelector'}]"
Running OVN gateways on RHOCP nodes might be prone to data plane downtime during Open vSwitch upgrades. Consider running OVN gateways on dedicated Networker
data plane nodes for production deployments instead. -
Delete the
helper pod and the temporaryPersistentVolumeClaim
that is used to store OVN database backup files:$ oc delete --ignore-not-found=true pod ovn-copy-data $ oc delete --ignore-not-found=true pvc ovn-data
Consider taking a snapshot of the ovn-data
helper pod and the temporaryPersistentVolumeClaim
before deleting them. For more information, see About volume snapshots in OpenShift Container Platform storage overview. -
Stop the adopted OVN database servers:
ServicesToStop=("tripleo_ovn_cluster_north_db_server.service" "tripleo_ovn_cluster_south_db_server.service") echo "Stopping systemd OpenStack services" for service in ${ServicesToStop[*]}; do SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then echo "Stopping the $service in controller $i" if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo systemctl is-active $service; then ${!SSH_CMD} sudo systemctl stop $service fi fi done echo "Checking systemd OpenStack services" for service in ${ServicesToStop[*]}; do SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then if ! ${!SSH_CMD} systemctl show $service | grep ActiveState=inactive >/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: Service $service still running on controller $i" else echo "OK: Service $service is not running on controller $i" fi fi done
Scaling down director Operator resources
Before you migrate your databases to the control plane, you must scale down and remove OpenStack director Operator (OSPdO) resources in order to use the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) resources.
You must perform the following actions:
Dump selected data from the existing RHOSP 17.1 cluster. You use this data to build the custom resources for the data plane adoption.
After you extract and save the data, remove the OSPdO control plane and operator.
Download the NIC templates:
# Make temp directory if doesn't exist mkdir -p temp cd temp echo "Extract nic templates" oc get -n "${OSPDO_NAMESPACE}" cm tripleo-tarball -ojson | jq -r '.binaryData."tripleo-tarball.tar.gz"' | base64 -d | tar xzvf - # Revert back to original directory cd -
Get the SSH key for accessing the data plane nodes:
# Make temp directory if doesn't exist mkdir -p temp # Get the SSH key from the openstackclient (osp 17) # to be used later to create the SSH secret for dataplane adoption $OS_CLIENT cat /home/cloud-admin/.ssh/id_rsa > temp/ssh.private $OS_CLIENT cat /home/cloud-admin/.ssh/ > temp/ echo "SSH private and public keys saved in temp/ssh.private and temp/"
Get the OVN configuration from each Compute node role,
. This configuration is used later to build theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
(s). Repeat the following step for each `OpenStackBaremetalSet `:# Make temp directory if doesn't exist mkdir -p temp # # Query the first node in OSBMS # IP=$(oc -n "${OSPDO_NAMESPACE}" get <<OSBMS-NAME>> -ojson | jq -r '.status.baremetalHosts| keys[] as $k | .[$k].ipaddresses["ctlplane"]'| awk -F'/' '{print $1}') # Get the OVN parameters oc -n "${OSPDO_NAMESPACE}" exec -c openstackclient openstackclient -- \ ssh cloud-admin@${IP} sudo ovs-vsctl -f json --columns=external_ids list Open | jq -r '.data[0][0][1][]|join("=")' | sed -n -E 's/^(ovn.*)+=(.*)+/edpm_\1: \2/p' | grep -v -e ovn-remote -e encap-tos -e openflow -e ofctrl > temp/<<OSBMS-NAME>>.txt
# Create temp directory if it does not exist mkdir -p temp for name in $(oc -n "${OSPDO_NAMESPACE}" get | awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}'); do oc -n "${OSPDO_NAMESPACE}" get $name -ojson | jq -r '.status.baremetalHosts| "nodes:", keys[] as $k | .[$k].ipaddresses as $a | " \($k):", " hostName: \($k)", " ansible:", " ansibleHost: \($a["ctlplane"] | sub("/\\d+"; ""))", " networks:", ($a | to_entries[] | " - name: \(.key) \n fixedIP: \(.value | sub("/\\d+"; ""))\n subnetName: subnet1")' > temp/${name}-nodes.txt done
Remove the conflicting repositories and packages from all Compute hosts. Define the OSPdO and RHOSP 17.1 Pacemaker services that must be stopped:
PacemakerResourcesToStop_dataplane=( "galera-bundle" "haproxy-bundle" "rabbitmq-bundle") # Stop these PCM services after adopting control # plane, but before starting deletion of OSPD0 (osp17) env echo "Stopping pacemaker OpenStack services" SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER_SSH if [ -n "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then echo "Using controller 0 to run pacemaker commands " for resource in "${PacemakerResourcesToStop_dataplane[@]}"; do if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource config "$resource" &>/dev/null; then echo "Stopping $resource" ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource disable "$resource" else echo "Service $resource not present" fi done fi
Scale down the RHOSO OpenStack Operator
to 0 replicas and temporarily delete theOpenStackControlPlane
pod, so that you can use the OSPdOcontroller-manager
to clean up some of its resources. The cleanup is needed to avoid a pod name collision between the OSPdO OpenStackClient and the RHOSO OpenStackClient.$ oc patch csv -n openstack-operators openstack-operator.v1.0.5 --type json -p="[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/install/spec/deployments/0/spec/replicas", "value": "0"}]" $ oc delete --all
Replace the CSV version with the CSV version that is deployed in the cluster.
Delete the OSPdO
custom resource (CR):$ oc delete -n openstack --all
Delete the OSPdO
CR to remove the associated node network configuration policies:$ oc delete osnetconfig -n openstack --all
Label the RHOCP node that contains the OSPdO virtual machine (VM):
$ oc label nodes <ospdo_vm_master_node> type=openstack
with the remaining master node that contains the OSPdO VM.
Create a node network configuration policy for the third RHOCP node. For example:
$ cat << EOF > /tmp/node3_nncp.yaml apiVersion: kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy metadata: labels: osp/interface: enp7s0 name: <ostest-master-node> spec: desiredState: dns-resolver: config: search: [] server: - interfaces: - description: internalapi vlan interface name: enp7s0.20 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp7s0 id: 20 reorder-headers: true ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 enabled: true dhcp: false ipv6: enabled: false - description: storage vlan interface name: enp7s0.30 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp7s0 id: 30 reorder-headers: true ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 enabled: true dhcp: false ipv6: enabled: false - description: storagemgmt vlan interface name: enp7s0.40 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp7s0 id: 40 reorder-headers: true ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 enabled: true dhcp: false ipv6: enabled: false - description: tenant vlan interface name: enp7s0.50 state: up type: vlan vlan: base-iface: enp7s0 id: 50 reorder-headers: true ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 enabled: true dhcp: false ipv6: enabled: false - description: Configuring Bridge br-ctlplane with interface enp7s0 name: br-ctlplane mtu: 1500 type: linux-bridge state: up bridge: options: stp: enabled: false port: - name: enp1s0 vlan: {} ipv4: address: - ip: prefix-length: 24 enabled: true dhcp: false ipv6: enabled: false - bridge: options: stp: enabled: false port: - name: enp6s0 description: Linux bridge with enp6s0 as a port ipv4: enabled: false ipv6: enabled: false mtu: 1500 name: br-external state: up type: linux-bridge nodeSelector: <ostest-master-node> "" EOF $ oc apply -f /tmp/node3_nncp.yaml
Delete the remaining OSPdO resources. Do not delete the
resources:$ for i in $(oc get crd | grep osp-director | grep -v baremetalset | grep -v provisionserver | awk {'print $1'}); do echo Deleting $i...; oc delete $i -n openstack --all; done
Scale down OSPdO to 0 replicas:
$ ospdo_csv_ver=$(oc get csv -n openstack -l -o json | jq -r '.items[0]') $ oc patch csv -n openstack $ospdo_csv_ver --type json -p="[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/install/spec/deployments/0/spec/replicas", "value": "0"}]"
Remove the webhooks from OSPdO:
$ oc patch csv $ospdo_csv_ver -n openstack --type json -p="[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/webhookdefinitions"}]"
Remove the finalizer from the OSPdO
resource:$ oc patch -n openstack compute --type json -p="[{"op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers"}]"
Delete the
resources:$ oc delete -n openstack --all $ oc delete -n openstack --all
Annotate each RHOSP Compute
resource so that Metal3 does not start the node:$ compute_bmh_list=$(oc get bmh -n openshift-machine-api |grep compute|awk '{printf $1 " "}') $ for bmh_compute in $compute_bmh_list;do oc annotate bmh -n openshift-machine-api $bmh_compute"";\ oc -n openshift-machine-api wait bmh/$bmh_compute --for=jsonpath='{.status.operationalStatus}'=detached --timeout=30s || { echo "ERROR: BMH did not enter detatched state" exit 1 } done
Delete the
resource after its operational status is detached:for bmh_compute in $compute_bmh_list;do \ oc -n openshift-machine-api delete bmh $bmh_compute; \ done
Delete the OSPdO Operator Lifecycle Manager resources to remove OSPdO:
$ oc delete subscription osp-director-operator -n openstack $ oc delete operatorgroup osp-director-operator -n openstack $ oc delete catalogsource osp-director-operator-index -n openstack $ oc delete csv $ospdo_csv_ver -n openstack
Scale up the RHOSO OpenStack Operator
to 1 replica so that the associatedOpenStackControlPlane
CR is reconciled and itsOpenStackClient
pod is recreated:$ oc patch csv -n openstack-operators openstack-operator.v0.0.1 --type json -p="[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/install/spec/deployments/0/spec/replicas", "value": "1"}]"
Adopting Red Hat OpenStack Platform control plane services
Adopt your Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 control plane services to deploy them in the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) 18.0 control plane.
Adopting the Identity service
To adopt the Identity service (keystone), you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) where the Identity service is disabled. The patch starts the service with the configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment.
Create the keystone secret that includes the Fernet keys that were copied from the RHOSP environment:
$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 data: CredentialKeys0: $($CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo cat /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/keystone/etc/keystone/credential-keys/0 | base64 -w 0) CredentialKeys1: $($CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo cat /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/keystone/etc/keystone/credential-keys/1 | base64 -w 0) FernetKeys0: $($CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo cat /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/keystone/etc/keystone/fernet-keys/0 | base64 -w 0) FernetKeys1: $($CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo cat /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/keystone/etc/keystone/fernet-keys/1 | base64 -w 0) kind: Secret metadata: name: keystone namespace: openstack type: Opaque EOF
Patch the
CR to deploy the Identity service:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: keystone: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer databaseInstance: openstack secret: osp-secret '
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
. -
Create an alias to use the
command in the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) deployment:$ alias openstack="oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack"
Remove services and endpoints that still point to the RHOSP control plane, excluding the Identity service and its endpoints:
$ openstack endpoint list | grep keystone | awk '/admin/{ print $2; }' | xargs ${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} endpoint delete || true for service in aodh heat heat-cfn barbican cinderv3 glance gnocchi manila manilav2 neutron nova placement swift ironic-inspector ironic octavia; do openstack service list | awk "/ $service /{ print \$2; }" | xargs -r ${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} service delete || true done
Verify that you can access the
pod. For more information, see Accessing the OpenStackClient pod in Maintaining the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift deployment. -
Confirm that the Identity service endpoints are defined and are pointing to the control plane FQDNs:
$ openstack endpoint list | grep keystone
Adopting the Key Manager service
To adopt the Key Manager service (barbican), you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) where Key Manager service is disabled. The patch starts the service with the configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment.
The Key Manager service adoption is complete if you see the following results:
, andBarbicanKeystoneListener
services are up and running. -
Keystone endpoints are updated, and the same crypto plugin of the source cloud is available.
This procedure configures the Key Manager service to use the simple_crypto back end. Additional back ends, such as PKCS11 and DogTag, are currently not supported in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO).
Add the kek secret:
$ oc set data secret/osp-secret "BarbicanSimpleCryptoKEK=$($CONTROLLER1_SSH "python3 -c \"import configparser; c = configparser.ConfigParser();'/var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/barbican/etc/barbican/barbican.conf'); print(c['simple_crypto_plugin']['kek'])\"")"
Patch the
CR to deploy the Key Manager service:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: barbican: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: databaseInstance: openstack databaseAccount: barbican rabbitMqClusterName: rabbitmq secret: osp-secret simpleCryptoBackendSecret: osp-secret serviceAccount: barbican serviceUser: barbican passwordSelectors: service: BarbicanPassword simplecryptokek: BarbicanSimpleCryptoKEK barbicanAPI: replicas: 1 override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer barbicanWorker: replicas: 1 barbicanKeystoneListener: replicas: 1 '
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
Ensure that the Identity service (keystone) endpoints are defined and are pointing to the control plane FQDNs:
$ openstack endpoint list | grep key-manager
Ensure that Barbican API service is registered in the Identity service:
$ openstack service list | grep key-manager
$ openstack endpoint list | grep key-manager
List the secrets:
$ openstack secret list
Adopting the Networking service
To adopt the Networking service (neutron), you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) that has the Networking service disabled. The patch starts the service with the
configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment.
The Networking service adoption is complete if you see the following results:
service is running. -
The Identity service (keystone) endpoints are updated, and the same back end of the source cloud is available.
Ensure that Single Node OpenShift or OpenShift Local is running in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster.
Adopt the Identity service. For more information, see Adopting the Identity service.
Migrate your OVN databases to
instances that run in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster. For more information, see Migrating OVN data.
Patch the
CR to deploy the Networking service:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: neutron: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer databaseInstance: openstack databaseAccount: neutron secret: osp-secret networkAttachments: - internalapi '
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
. -
Note: If neutron-dhcp-agent was used in the OSP-17.1 deployment and should still be used after adoption, please enable also dhcp_agent_notification for neutron-api service. This can be done with patch:
$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: neutron: template: customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] dhcp_agent_notification = True '
Inspect the resulting Networking service pods:
NEUTRON_API_POD=`oc get pods -l service=neutron | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d' '` oc exec -t $NEUTRON_API_POD -c neutron-api -- cat /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
Ensure that the
Neutron API
service is registered in the Identity service:$ openstack service list | grep network
$ openstack endpoint list | grep network | 6a805bd6c9f54658ad2f24e5a0ae0ab6 | regionOne | neutron | network | True | public | http://neutron-public-openstack.apps-crc.testing | | b943243e596847a9a317c8ce1800fa98 | regionOne | neutron | network | True | internal | http://neutron-internal.openstack.svc:9696 |
Create sample resources so that you can test whether the user can create networks, subnets, ports, or routers:
$ openstack network create net $ openstack subnet create --network net --subnet-range subnet $ openstack router create router
Adopting the Object Storage service
If you are using Object Storage as a service, adopt the Object Storage service (swift) to the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) environment. If you are using the Object Storage API of the Ceph Object Gateway (RGW), skip the following procedure.
The Object Storage service storage back-end services are running in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) deployment.
The storage network is properly configured on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster. For more information, see Preparing Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift in Deploying Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift.
Create the
secret that includes the Object Storage service hash path suffix and prefix:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: swift-conf namespace: openstack type: Opaque data: swift.conf: $($CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo cat /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/swift/etc/swift/swift.conf | base64 -w0) EOF
Create the
that includes the Object Storage service ring files:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: swift-ring-files binaryData: swiftrings.tar.gz: $($CONTROLLER1_SSH "cd /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/swift/etc/swift && tar cz *.builder *.ring.gz backups/ | base64 -w0") account.ring.gz: $($CONTROLLER1_SSH "base64 -w0 /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/swift/etc/swift/account.ring.gz") container.ring.gz: $($CONTROLLER1_SSH "base64 -w0 /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/swift/etc/swift/container.ring.gz") object.ring.gz: $($CONTROLLER1_SSH "base64 -w0 /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/swift/etc/swift/object.ring.gz") EOF
Patch the
custom resource to deploy the Object Storage service:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: swift: enabled: true template: memcachedInstance: memcached swiftRing: ringReplicas: 1 swiftStorage: replicas: 0 networkAttachments: - storage storageClass: local-storage (1) storageRequest: 10Gi swiftProxy: secret: osp-secret replicas: 1 passwordSelectors: service: SwiftPassword serviceUser: swift override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (2) spec: type: LoadBalancer networkAttachments: (3) - storage '
1 Must match the RHOSO deployment storage class. 2 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
.3 Must match the network attachment for the previous Object Storage service configuration from the RHOSP deployment.
Inspect the resulting Object Storage service pods:
$ oc get pods -l component=swift-proxy
Verify that the Object Storage proxy service is registered in the Identity service (keystone):
$ openstack service list | grep swift | b5b9b1d3c79241aa867fa2d05f2bbd52 | swift | object-store |
$ openstack endpoint list | grep swift | 32ee4bd555414ab48f2dc90a19e1bcd5 | regionOne | swift | object-store | True | public | https://swift-public-openstack.apps-crc.testing/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s | | db4b8547d3ae4e7999154b203c6a5bed | regionOne | swift | object-store | True | internal | http://swift-internal.openstack.svc:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s |
Verify that you are able to upload and download objects:
openstack container create test +---------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------+ | account | container | x-trans-id | +---------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------+ | AUTH_4d9be0a9193e4577820d187acdd2714a | test | txe5f9a10ce21e4cddad473-0065ce41b9 | +---------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------------+ openstack object create test --name obj <(echo "Hello World!") +--------+-----------+----------------------------------+ | object | container | etag | +--------+-----------+----------------------------------+ | obj | test | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | +--------+-----------+----------------------------------+ openstack object save test obj --file - Hello World!
The Object Storage data is still stored on the existing RHOSP nodes. For more information about migrating the actual data from the RHOSP deployment to the RHOSO deployment, see Migrating the Object Storage service (swift) data from RHOSP to Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) nodes. |
Adopting the Image service
To adopt the Image Service (glance) you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) that has the Image service disabled. The patch starts the service with the configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment.
The Image service adoption is complete if you see the following results:
service up and running. -
The Identity service endpoints are updated, and the same back end of the source cloud is available.
To complete the Image service adoption, ensure that your environment meets the following criteria:
You have a running director Operator environment (the source cloud).
You have a Single Node OpenShift or OpenShift Local that is running in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster.
Optional: You can reach an internal/external
cluster by bothcrc
and director Operator.
If you have image quotas in RHOSP 17.1, these quotas are transferred to Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) 18.0 because the image quota system in 18.0 is disabled by default. For more information about enabling image quotas in 18.0, see Configuring image quotas in Customizing persistent storage. If you enable image quotas in RHOSO 18.0, the new quotas replace the legacy quotas from RHOSP 17.1.
Adopting the Image service that is deployed with a Object Storage service back end
Adopt the Image Service (glance) that you deployed with an Object Storage service (swift) back end in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment. The control plane glanceAPI
instance is deployed with the following configuration. You use this configuration in the patch manifest that deploys the Image service with the object storage back end:
.. spec glance: ... customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_backends = default_backend:swift [glance_store] default_backend = default_backend [default_backend] swift_store_create_container_on_put = True swift_store_auth_version = 3 swift_store_auth_address = {{ .KeystoneInternalURL }} swift_store_endpoint_type = internalURL swift_store_user = service:glance swift_store_key = {{ .ServicePassword }}
You have completed the previous adoption steps.
Create a new file, for example,
, and include the following content:spec: glance: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: secret: osp-secret databaseInstance: openstack storage: storageRequest: 10G customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_backends = default_backend:swift [glance_store] default_backend = default_backend [default_backend] swift_store_create_container_on_put = True swift_store_auth_version = 3 swift_store_auth_address = {{ .KeystoneInternalURL }} swift_store_endpoint_type = internalURL swift_store_user = service:glance swift_store_key = {{ .ServicePassword }} glanceAPIs: default: replicas: 1 override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer networkAttachments: - storage
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
.The Object Storage service as a back end establishes a dependency with the Image service. Any deployed GlanceAPI
instances do not work if the Image service is configured with the Object Storage service that is not available in theOpenStackControlPlane
custom resource. After the Object Storage service, and in particularSwiftProxy
, is adopted, you can proceed with theGlanceAPI
adoption. For more information, see Adopting the Object Storage service. -
Verify that
is available:$ oc get pod -l component=swift-proxy | grep Running swift-proxy-75cb47f65-92rxq 3/3 Running 0
Patch the
service that is deployed in the control plane:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch-file=glance_swift.patch
Adopting the Image service that is deployed with a Block Storage service back end
Adopt the Image Service (glance) that you deployed with a Block Storage service (cinder) back end in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment. The control plane glanceAPI
instance is deployed with the following configuration. You use this configuration in the patch manifest that deploys the Image service with the block storage back end:
.. spec glance: ... customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_backends = default_backend:cinder [glance_store] default_backend = default_backend [default_backend] rootwrap_config = /etc/glance/rootwrap.conf description = Default cinder backend cinder_store_auth_address = {{ .KeystoneInternalURL }} cinder_store_user_name = {{ .ServiceUser }} cinder_store_password = {{ .ServicePassword }} cinder_store_project_name = service cinder_catalog_info = volumev3::internalURL cinder_use_multipath = true
You have completed the previous adoption steps.
Create a new file, for example
, and include the following content:spec: glance: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: secret: osp-secret databaseInstance: openstack storage: storageRequest: 10G customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_backends = default_backend:cinder [glance_store] default_backend = default_backend [default_backend] rootwrap_config = /etc/glance/rootwrap.conf description = Default cinder backend cinder_store_auth_address = {{ .KeystoneInternalURL }} cinder_store_user_name = {{ .ServiceUser }} cinder_store_password = {{ .ServicePassword }} cinder_store_project_name = service cinder_catalog_info = volumev3::internalURL cinder_use_multipath = true glanceAPIs: default: replicas: 1 override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer networkAttachments: - storage
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
.The Block Storage service as a back end establishes a dependency with the Image service. Any deployed GlanceAPI
instances do not work if the Image service is configured with the Block Storage service that is not available in theOpenStackControlPlane
custom resource. After the Block Storage service, and in particularCinderVolume
, is adopted, you can proceed with theGlanceAPI
adoption. For more information, see Adopting the Block Storage service. -
Verify that
is available:$ oc get pod -l component=cinder-volume | grep Running cinder-volume-75cb47f65-92rxq 3/3 Running 0
Patch the
service that is deployed in the control plane:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch-file=glance_cinder.patch
Adopting the Image service that is deployed with an NFS back end
Adopt the Image Service (glance) that you deployed with an NFS back end. To complete the following procedure, ensure that your environment meets the following criteria:
The Storage network is propagated to the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) control plane.
The Image service can reach the Storage network and connect to the nfs-server through the port
You have completed the previous adoption steps.
In the source cloud, verify the NFS parameters that the overcloud uses to configure the Image service back end. Specifically, in yourdirector Operator heat templates, find the following variables that override the default content that is provided by the
file in the/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage
directory:GlanceBackend: file GlanceNfsEnabled: true GlanceNfsShare:
In this example, the
variable shows that the Image service has no notion of an NFS back end. The variable is using theFile
driver and, in the background, thefilesystem_store_datadir
. Thefilesystem_store_datadir
is mapped to the export value provided by theGlanceNfsShare
variable instead of/var/lib/glance/images/
. If you do not export theGlanceNfsShare
through a network that is propagated to the adopted Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) control plane, you must stop thenfs-server
and remap the export to thestorage
network. Before doing so, ensure that the Image service is stopped in the source Controller nodes.In the control plane, the Image service is attached to the Storage network, then propagated through the associated
custom resource (CR), and the resulting pods already have the right permissions to handle the Image service traffic through this network. In a deployed RHOSP control plane, you can verify that the network mapping matches with what has been deployed in the director Operator-based environment by checking both theNodeNetworkConfigPolicy
) and theNetworkAttachmentDefinition
). The following is an example of the output that you should check in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) environment to make sure that there are no issues with the propagated networks:$ oc get nncp NAME STATUS REASON enp6s0-crc-8cf2w-master-0 Available SuccessfullyConfigured $ oc get net-attach-def NAME ctlplane internalapi storage tenant $ oc get ipaddresspool -n metallb-system NAME AUTO ASSIGN AVOID BUGGY IPS ADDRESSES ctlplane true false [""] internalapi true false [""] storage true false [""] tenant true false [""]
Adopt the Image service and create a new
instance that is connected with the existing NFS share:$ cat << EOF > glance_nfs_patch.yaml spec: extraMounts: - extraVol: - extraVolType: Nfs mounts: - mountPath: /var/lib/glance/images name: nfs propagation: - Glance volumes: - name: nfs nfs: path: <exported_path> (1) server: <ip_address> (2) name: r1 region: r1 glance: enabled: true template: databaseInstance: openstack customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_backends = default_backend:file [glance_store] default_backend = default_backend [default_backend] filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images/ storage: storageRequest: 10G glanceAPIs: default: replicas: 3 type: single override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (3) spec: type: LoadBalancer networkAttachments: - storage EOF
1 Replace <exported_path>
with the exported path in thenfs-server
.2 Replace <ip_address>
with the IP address that you use to communicate with thenfs-server
.3 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
. -
Patch the
CR to deploy the Image service with an NFS back end:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch-file glance_nfs_patch.yaml
is active, confirm that you can see a single API instance:$ oc get pods -l service=glance NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS glance-default-single-0 3/3 Running 0
Ensure that the description of the pod reports the following output:
Mounts: ... nfs: Type: NFS (an NFS mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod) Server: {{ server ip address }} Path: {{ nfs export path }} ReadOnly: false ...
Check that the mountpoint that points to
is mapped to the expectednfs server ip
andnfs path
that you defined in the new defaultGlanceAPI
instance:$ oc rsh -c glance-api glance-default-single-0 sh-5.1# mount ... ... {{ ip address }}:/var/nfs on /var/lib/glance/images type nfs4 (rw,relatime,vers=4.2,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,local_lock=none,addr= ... ...
Confirm that the UUID is created in the exported directory on the NFS node. For example:
$ oc rsh openstackclient $ openstack image list sh-5.1$ curl -L -o /tmp/cirros-0.6.3-x86_64-disk.img ... ... sh-5.1$ openstack image create --container-format bare --disk-format raw --file /tmp/cirros-0.6.3-x86_64-disk.img cirros ... ... sh-5.1$ openstack image list +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+ | ID | Name | Status | +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+ | 634482ca-4002-4a6d-b1d5-64502ad02630 | cirros | active | +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
On the
node, the sameuuid
is in the exported/var/nfs
:$ ls /var/nfs/ 634482ca-4002-4a6d-b1d5-64502ad02630
Adopting the Image service that is deployed with a Red Hat Ceph Storage back end
Adopt the Image Service (glance) that you deployed with a Red Hat Ceph Storage back end. Use the customServiceConfig
parameter to inject the right configuration to the GlanceAPI
You have completed the previous adoption steps.
Ensure that the Ceph-related secret (
) is created in theopenstack
namespace and that theextraMounts
property of theOpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) is configured properly. For more information, see Configuring a Ceph back end.$ cat << EOF > glance_patch.yaml spec: glance: enabled: true template: databaseInstance: openstack customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_backends=default_backend:rbd [glance_store] default_backend=default_backend [default_backend] rbd_store_ceph_conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf rbd_store_user=openstack rbd_store_pool=images store_description=Ceph glance store backend. storage: storageRequest: 10G glanceAPIs: default: replicas: 0 override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer networkAttachments: - storage EOF
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
If you backed up your Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) services configuration file from the original environment, you can compare it with the confgiuration file that you adopted and ensure that the configuration is correct. For more information, see Pulling the configuration from a director Operator deployment.
os-diff diff /tmp/collect_tripleo_configs/glance/etc/glance/glance-api.conf glance_patch.yaml --crd This command produces the difference between both ini configuration files. |
Patch the
CR to deploy the Image service with a Red Hat Ceph Storage back end:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch-file glance_patch.yaml
Verifying the Image service adoption
Verify that you adopted the Image Service (glance) to the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) 18.0 deployment.
Test the Image service from the Red Hat OpenStack Platform CLI. You can compare and ensure that the configuration is applied to the Image service pods:
$ os-diff diff /etc/glance/glance.conf.d/02-config.conf glance_patch.yaml --frompod -p glance-api
If no line appears, then the configuration is correct.
Inspect the resulting Image service pods:
GLANCE_POD=`oc get pod |grep glance-default | cut -f 1 -d' ' | head -n 1` oc exec -t $GLANCE_POD -c glance-api -- cat /etc/glance/glance.conf.d/02-config.conf [DEFAULT] enabled_backends=default_backend:rbd [glance_store] default_backend=default_backend [default_backend] rbd_store_ceph_conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf rbd_store_user=openstack rbd_store_pool=images store_description=Ceph glance store backend.
If you use a Red Hat Ceph Storage back end, ensure that the Red Hat Ceph Storage secrets are mounted:
$ oc exec -t $GLANCE_POD -c glance-api -- ls /etc/ceph ceph.client.openstack.keyring ceph.conf
Check that the service is active, and that the endpoints are updated in the RHOSP CLI:
$ oc rsh openstackclient $ openstack service list | grep image | fc52dbffef36434d906eeb99adfc6186 | glance | image | $ openstack endpoint list | grep image | 569ed81064f84d4a91e0d2d807e4c1f1 | regionOne | glance | image | True | internal | http://glance-internal-openstack.apps-crc.testing | | 5843fae70cba4e73b29d4aff3e8b616c | regionOne | glance | image | True | public | http://glance-public-openstack.apps-crc.testing |
Check that the images that you previously listed in the source cloud are available in the adopted service:
$ openstack image list +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+ | ID | Name | Status | +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+ | c3158cad-d50b-452f-bec1-f250562f5c1f | cirros | active | +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
Adopting the Placement service
To adopt the Placement service, you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) that has the Placement service disabled. The patch starts the service with the configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment.
You import your databases to MariaDB instances on the control plane. For more information, see Migrating databases to MariaDB instances.
You adopt the Identity service (keystone). For more information, see Adopting the Identity service.
Patch the
CR to deploy the Placement service:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: placement: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: databaseInstance: openstack databaseAccount: placement secret: osp-secret override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer '
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
Check that the Placement service endpoints are defined and pointing to the control plane FQDNs, and that the Placement API responds:
$ alias openstack="oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack" $ openstack endpoint list | grep placement # Without OpenStack CLI placement plugin installed: PLACEMENT_PUBLIC_URL=$(openstack endpoint list -c 'Service Name' -c 'Service Type' -c URL | grep placement | grep public | awk '{ print $6; }') oc exec -t openstackclient -- curl "$PLACEMENT_PUBLIC_URL" # With OpenStack CLI placement plugin installed: openstack resource class list
Adopting the Compute service
To adopt the Compute service (nova), you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) where the Compute service is disabled. The patch starts the service with the configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment. The following procedure describes a single-cell setup.
You have completed the previous adoption steps.
You have defined the following shell variables. Replace the following example values with the values that are correct for your environment:
$ alias openstack="oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack"
Patch the
CR to deploy the Compute service:This procedure assumes that Compute service metadata is deployed on the top level and not on each cell level. If the RHOSP deployment has a per-cell metadata deployment, adjust the following patch as needed. You cannot run the metadata service in cell0
.$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack -n openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: nova: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: secret: osp-secret apiServiceTemplate: override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=true metadataServiceTemplate: enabled: true # deploy single nova metadata on the top level override: service: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi spec: type: LoadBalancer customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=true schedulerServiceTemplate: customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=true cellTemplates: cell0: conductorServiceTemplate: customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=true cell1: metadataServiceTemplate: enabled: false # enable here to run it in a cell instead override: service: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi spec: type: LoadBalancer customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=true conductorServiceTemplate: customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=true '
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
. -
If you are adopting the Compute service with the Bare Metal Provisioning service (ironic), append the following
in thecell1
section of the Compute service CR patch:cell1: novaComputeTemplates: standalone: customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] host = <hostname> [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=true
Replace <hostname> with the hostname of the node that is running the
Compute driver in the source cloud.
Wait for the CRs for the Compute control plane services to be ready:
$ oc wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=300s Nova/nova
The local Conductor services are started for each cell, while the superconductor runs in cell0
. Note thatdisable_compute_service_check_for_ffu
is mandatory for all imported Compute services until the external data plane is imported, and until Compute services are fast-forward upgraded. For more information, see Adopting Compute services to the RHOSO data plane and Performing a fast-forward upgrade on Compute services.
Check that Compute service endpoints are defined and pointing to the control plane FQDNs, and that the Nova API responds:
$ openstack endpoint list | grep nova $ openstack server list
Compare the outputs with the topology-specific configuration in Retrieving topology-specific service configuration.
Query the superconductor to check that
exists, and compare it to pre-adoption values:set +u . ~/.source_cloud_exported_variables_default set -u echo $PULL_OPENSTACK_CONFIGURATION_NOVAMANAGE_CELL_MAPPINGS oc rsh nova-cell0-conductor-0 nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells | grep -F '| cell1 |'
The following changes are expected:
database and username becomenova_cell1
. -
The default cell is renamed to
. -
RabbitMQ transport URL no longer uses
At this point, the Compute service control plane services do not control the existing Compute service workloads. The control plane manages the data plane only after the data adoption process is completed. For more information, see Adopting Compute services to the RHOSO data plane. |
To import external Compute services to the RHOSO data plane, you must upgrade them first. For more information, see Adopting Compute services to the RHOSO data plane, and Performing a fast-forward upgrade on Compute services. |
Adopting the Block Storage service
To adopt a director Operator-deployed Block Storage service (cinder), create the manifest based on the existing cinder.conf
file, deploy the Block Storage service, and validate the new deployment.
You have reviewed the Block Storage service limitations. For more information, see Limitations for adopting the Block Storage service.
You have planned the placement of the Block Storage services.
You have prepared the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) nodes where the volume and backup services run. For more information, see RHOCP preparation for Block Storage service adoption.
The Block Storage service (cinder) is stopped.
The service databases are imported into the control plane MariaDB.
The Identity service (keystone) and Key Manager service (barbican) are adopted.
The Storage network is correctly configured on the RHOCP cluster.
The contents of
file. Download the file so that you can access it locally:$CONTROLLER1_SSH cat /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/cinder/etc/cinder/cinder.conf > cinder.conf
Create a new file, for example,
, and apply the configuration:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch-file=<patch_name>
with the name of your patch file.The following example shows a
file:spec: extraMounts: - extraVol: - extraVolType: Ceph mounts: - mountPath: /etc/ceph name: ceph readOnly: true propagation: - CinderVolume - CinderBackup - Glance volumes: - name: ceph projected: sources: - secret: name: ceph-conf-files cinder: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: databaseInstance: openstack databaseAccount: cinder secret: osp-secret cinderAPI: override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer replicas: 1 customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] default_volume_type=tripleo cinderScheduler: replicas: 0 cinderBackup: networkAttachments: - storage replicas: 0 cinderVolumes: ceph: networkAttachments: - storage replicas: 0
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
Retrieve the list of the previous scheduler and backup services:
$ openstack volume service list +------------------+------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+ | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At | +------------------+------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+ | cinder-scheduler | standalone.localdomain | nova | enabled | down | 2024-11-04T17:47:14.000000 | | cinder-backup | standalone.localdomain | nova | enabled | down | 2024-11-04T17:47:14.000000 | | cinder-volume | hostgroup@tripleo_ceph | nova | enabled | down | 2024-11-04T17:47:14.000000 | +------------------+------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+
Remove services for hosts that are in the
state:$ oc exec -t cinder-api-0 -c cinder-api -- cinder-manage service remove <service_binary> <service_host>
with the name of the binary, for example,cinder-backup
. -
with the host name, for example,cinder-backup-0
Deploy the scheduler, backup, and volume services:
Create another file, for example,
, and apply the configuration:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch-file=<patch_name>
with the name of your patch file. -
The following example shows a
file for a Ceph RBD deployment:spec: cinder: enabled: true template: cinderScheduler: replicas: 1 cinderBackup: networkAttachments: - storage replicas: 1 customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] backup_driver=cinder.backup.drivers.ceph.CephBackupDriver backup_ceph_conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf backup_ceph_user=openstack backup_ceph_pool=backups cinderVolumes: ceph: networkAttachments: - storage replicas: 1 customServiceConfig: | [tripleo_ceph] backend_host=hostgroup volume_backend_name=tripleo_ceph volume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver rbd_ceph_conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf rbd_user=openstack rbd_pool=volumes rbd_flatten_volume_from_snapshot=False report_discard_supported=True
Configure the NetApp NFS Block Storage volume service:
Create secrets that include sensitive information such as hostnames, passwords, and usernames to access the third-party NetApp NFS storage. You can find the credentials in the
file that was generated from the director Operator deployment.$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: labels: service: cinder component: cinder-volume name: cinder-volume-ontap-secrets type: Opaque stringData: ontap-cinder-secrets: | [ontap-nfs] netapp_login= netapp_username netapp_password= netapp_password netapp_vserver= netapp_vserver nas_host= netapp_nfsip nas_share_path=/netapp_nfspath netapp_pool_name_search_pattern=(netapp_poolpattern) EOF
Patch the
CR to deploy NetApp NFS Block Storage volume back end:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch-file=<cinder_netappNFS.patch>
The following example shows a
file that configures a NetApp NFS Block Storage volume service:spec: cinder: enabled: true template: cinderVolumes: ontap-nfs: networkAttachments: - storage customServiceConfig: | [ontap-nfs] volume_backend_name=ontap-nfs volume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver nfs_snapshot_support=true nas_secure_file_operations=false nas_secure_file_permissions=false netapp_server_hostname= netapp_backendip netapp_server_port=80 netapp_storage_protocol=nfs netapp_storage_family=ontap_cluster customServiceConfigSecrets: - cinder-volume-ontap-secrets
Check if all the services are up and running:
$ openstack volume service list +------------------+------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+ | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At | +------------------+------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+ | cinder-volume | hostgroup@tripleo_ceph | nova | enabled | up | 2023-06-28T17:00:03.000000 | | cinder-scheduler | cinder-scheduler-0 | nova | enabled | up | 2023-06-28T17:00:02.000000 | | cinder-backup | cinder-backup-0 | nova | enabled | up | 2023-06-28T17:00:01.000000 | +------------------+------------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+
Apply the DB data migrations:
You are not required to run the data migrations at this step, but you must run them before the next upgrade. However, for adoption, you can run the migrations now to ensure that there are no issues before you run production workloads on the deployment.
$ oc exec -it cinder-scheduler-0 -- cinder-manage db online_data_migrations
Ensure that the
alias is defined:$ alias openstack="oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack"
Confirm that Block Storage service endpoints are defined and pointing to the control plane FQDNs:
$ openstack endpoint list --service <endpoint>
with the name of the endpoint that you want to confirm.
Confirm that the Block Storage services are running:
$ openstack volume service list
Cinder API services do not appear in the list. However, if you get a response from the openstack volume service list
command, that means at least one of the cinder API services is running. -
Confirm that you have your previous volume types, volumes, snapshots, and backups:
$ openstack volume type list $ openstack volume list $ openstack volume snapshot list $ openstack volume backup list
To confirm that the configuration is working, perform the following steps:
Create a volume from an image to check that the connection to Image Service (glance) is working:
$ openstack volume create --image cirros --bootable --size 1 disk_new
Back up the previous attached volume:
$ openstack --os-volume-api-version 3.47 volume create --backup <backup_name>
with the name of your new backup location.You do not boot a Compute service (nova) instance by using the new volume from
image or try to detach the previous volume because the Compute service and the Block Storage service are still not connected.
Adopting the Dashboard service
To adopt the Dashboard service (horizon), you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) that has the Dashboard service disabled. The patch starts the service with the configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment.
You adopted Memcached. For more information, see Deploying back-end services.
You adopted the Identity service (keystone). For more information, see Adopting the Identity service.
Patch the
CR to deploy the Dashboard service:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: horizon: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: memcachedInstance: memcached secret: osp-secret '
Verify that the Dashboard service instance is successfully deployed and ready:
$ oc get horizon
Confirm that the Dashboard service is reachable and returns a
status code:PUBLIC_URL=$(oc get horizon horizon -o jsonpath='{.status.endpoint}') curl --silent --output /dev/stderr --head --write-out "%{http_code}" "$PUBLIC_URL/dashboard/auth/login/?next=/dashboard/" -k | grep 200
Adopting the Shared File Systems service
The Shared File Systems service (manila) in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) provides a self-service API to create and manage file shares. File shares (or "shares"), are built for concurrent read/write access from multiple clients. This makes the Shared File Systems service essential in cloud environments that require a ReadWriteMany persistent storage.
File shares in RHOSO require network access. Ensure that the networking in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 environment matches the network plans for your new cloud after adoption. This ensures that tenant workloads remain connected to storage during the adoption process. The Shared File Systems service control plane services are not in the data path. Shutting down the API, scheduler, and share manager services do not impact access to existing shared file systems.
Typically, storage and storage device management are separate networks. Shared File Systems services only need access to the storage device management network. For example, if you used a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster in the deployment, the "storage" network refers to the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster’s public network, and the Shared File Systems service’s share manager service needs to be able to reach it.
The Shared File Systems service supports the following storage networking scenarios:
You can directly control the networking for your respective file shares.
The RHOSO administrator configures the storage networking.
Guidelines for preparing the Shared File Systems service configuration
To deploy Shared File Systems service (manila) on the control plane, you must copy the original configuration file from the Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 deployment. You must review the content in the file to make sure you are adopting the correct configuration for Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) 18.0. Not all of the content needs to be brought into the new cloud environment.
Review the following guidelines for preparing your Shared File Systems service configuration file for adoption:
The Shared File Systems service operator sets up the following configurations and can be ignored:
Database-related configuration (
) -
Service authentication (
) -
Message bus configuration (
) -
The default paste config (
) -
Inter-service communication configuration (
Ignore the
configuration. In Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) 18.0, you rely on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) routes and ingress. -
Check for policy overrides. In RHOSO 18.0, the Shared File Systems service ships with a secure default Role-based access control (RBAC), and overrides might not be necessary.
If a custom policy is necessary, you must provide it as a
. The following example spec illustrates how you can set up aConfigMap
with the contents of a file calledpolicy.yaml
:spec: manila: enabled: true template: manilaAPI: customServiceConfig: | [oslo_policy] policy_file=/etc/manila/policy.yaml extraMounts: - extraVol: - extraVolType: Undefined mounts: - mountPath: /etc/manila/ name: policy readOnly: true propagation: - ManilaAPI volumes: - name: policy projected: sources: - configMap: name: manila-policy items: - key: policy path: policy.yaml
The value of the
option under the[DEFAULT]
section must behostgroup
. -
To run the Shared File Systems service API service, you must add the
option to thecustomServiceConfig
section inmanila: template: manilaAPI
. -
If you have scheduler overrides, add them to the
section inmanila: template: manilaScheduler
. -
If you have multiple storage back-end drivers configured with RHOSP 17.1, you need to split them up when deploying RHOSO 18.0. Each storage back-end driver needs to use its own instance of the
service. -
If a storage back-end driver needs a custom container image, find it in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog, and create or modify an
custom resource (CR) to specify the custom image using the samecustom name
.The following example shows a manila spec from the
CR that includes multiple storage back-end drivers, where only one is using a custom container image:spec: manila: enabled: true template: manilaAPI: customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_share_protocols = nfs replicas: 3 manilaScheduler: replicas: 3 manilaShares: netapp: customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] debug = true enabled_share_backends = netapp host = hostgroup [netapp] driver_handles_share_servers = False share_backend_name = netapp share_driver = manila.share.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver netapp_storage_family = ontap_cluster netapp_transport_type = http replicas: 1 pure: customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] debug = true enabled_share_backends=pure-1 host = hostgroup [pure-1] driver_handles_share_servers = False share_backend_name = pure-1 share_driver = manila.share.drivers.purestorage.flashblade.FlashBladeShareDriver flashblade_mgmt_vip = flashblade_data_vip = replicas: 1
The following example shows the
CR that defines the custom container image:apiVersion: kind: OpenStackVersion metadata: name: openstack spec: customContainerImages: cinderVolumeImages: pure:
The name of the
CR must match the name of yourOpenStackControlPlane
CR. -
If you are providing sensitive information, such as passwords, hostnames, and usernames, use RHOCP secrets, and the
key. You can usecustomConfigSecrets
in any service. If you use third party storage that requires credentials, create a secret that is referenced in the manila CR/patch file by using thecustomServiceConfigSecrets
key. For example:-
Create a file that includes the secrets, for example,
:$ cat << __EOF__ > ~/netapp_secrets.conf [netapp] netapp_server_hostname = netapp_login = fancy_netapp_user netapp_password = secret_netapp_password netapp_vserver = mydatavserver __EOF__
$ oc create secret generic osp-secret-manila-netapp --from-file=~/<secret> -n openstack
with the name of the file that includes your secrets, for example,netapp_secrets.conf
Add the secret to any Shared File Systems service file in the
section. The following example adds theosp-secret-manila-netapp
secret to themanilaShares
service:spec: manila: enabled: true template: < . . . > manilaShares: netapp: customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] debug = true enabled_share_backends = netapp host = hostgroup [netapp] driver_handles_share_servers = False share_backend_name = netapp share_driver = manila.share.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver netapp_storage_family = ontap_cluster netapp_transport_type = http customServiceConfigSecrets: - osp-secret-manila-netapp replicas: 1 < . . . >
Deploying the Shared File Systems service on the control plane
Copy the Shared File Systems service (manila) configuration from the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 deployment, and then deploy the Shared File Systems service on the control plane.
The Shared File Systems service systemd services such as
, andscheduler
are stopped. For more information, see Stopping Red Hat OpenStack Platform services. -
If the deployment uses CephFS through NFS as a storage back end, the Pacemaker ordering and collocation constraints are adjusted. For more information, see Stopping Red Hat OpenStack Platform services.
The Shared File Systems service Pacemaker service (
) is stopped. For more information, see Stopping Red Hat OpenStack Platform services. -
The database migration is complete. For more information, see Migrating databases to MariaDB instances.
The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) nodes where the
service is to be deployed can reach the management network that the storage system is in. -
If the deployment uses CephFS through NFS as a storage back end, a new clustered Ceph NFS service is deployed on the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with the help of Ceph orchestrator. For more information, see Creating a Ceph NFS cluster.
Services such as the Identity service (keystone) and memcached are available prior to adopting the Shared File Systems services.
If you enabled tenant-driven networking by setting
, the Networking service (neutron) is deployed. -
environment variable is defined and points to the RHOSP Controller node. Replace the following example values with values that are correct for your environment:$ CONTROLLER1_SSH="ssh -i <path to SSH key> root@<node IP>"
Copy the configuration file from RHOSP 17.1 for reference:
$ CONTROLLER1_SSH cat /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/manila/etc/manila/manila.conf | awk '!/^ *#/ && NF' > ~/manila.conf
Review the configuration file for configuration changes that were made since RHOSP 17.1. For more information on preparing this file for Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO), see Guidelines for preparing the Shared File Systems service configuration.
Create a patch file for the
CR to deploy the Shared File Systems service. The following examplemanila.patch
file uses native CephFS:$ cat << __EOF__ > ~/manila.patch spec: manila: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: databaseInstance: openstack databaseAccount: manila secret: osp-secret manilaAPI: replicas: 3 customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_share_protocols = cephfs override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer manilaScheduler: replicas: 3 manilaShares: cephfs: replicas: 1 customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_share_backends = tripleo_ceph host = hostgroup [cephfs] driver_handles_share_servers=False share_backend_name=cephfs (2) share_driver=manila.share.drivers.cephfs.driver.CephFSDriver cephfs_conf_path=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf cephfs_auth_id=openstack cephfs_cluster_name=ceph cephfs_volume_mode=0755 cephfs_protocol_helper_type=CEPHFS networkAttachments: (3) - storage extraMounts: (4) - name: v1 region: r1 extraVol: - propagation: - ManilaShare extraVolType: Ceph volumes: - name: ceph secret: secretName: ceph-conf-files mounts: - name: ceph mountPath: "/etc/ceph" readOnly: true __EOF__
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
.2 Ensure that the names of the back ends ( share_backend_name
) are the same as they were in RHOSP 17.1.3 Ensure that you specify the appropriate storage management network in the networkAttachments
section. For example, themanilaShares
instance with the CephFS back-end driver is connected to thestorage
network.4 If you need to add extra files to any of the services, you can use extraMounts
. For example, when using Red Hat Ceph Storage, you can add the Shared File Systems service Ceph user’s keyring file as well as theceph.conf
configuration file.The following example patch file uses CephFS through NFS:
$ cat << __EOF__ > ~/manila.patch spec: manila: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: databaseInstance: openstack secret: osp-secret manilaAPI: replicas: 3 customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_share_protocols = cephfs override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi spec: type: LoadBalancer manilaScheduler: replicas: 3 manilaShares: cephfs: replicas: 1 customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_share_backends = cephfs host = hostgroup [cephfs] driver_handles_share_servers=False share_backend_name=tripleo_ceph share_driver=manila.share.drivers.cephfs.driver.CephFSDriver cephfs_conf_path=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf cephfs_auth_id=openstack cephfs_cluster_name=ceph cephfs_protocol_helper_type=NFS cephfs_nfs_cluster_id=cephfs cephfs_ganesha_server_ip= networkAttachments: - storage __EOF__
Prior to adopting the
service for CephFS through NFS, ensure that you create a clustered Ceph NFS service. The name of the service must becephfs_nfs_cluster_id
. Thecephfs_nfs_cluster_id
option is set with the name of the NFS cluster created on Red Hat Ceph Storage. -
option is preserved from the configuration on the RHOSP 17.1 environment.-
Patch the
CR:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch-file=~/<manila.patch>
with the name of your patch file.
Inspect the resulting Shared File Systems service pods:
$ oc get pods -l service=manila
Check that the Shared File Systems API service is registered in the Identity service (keystone):
$ openstack service list | grep manila
$ openstack endpoint list | grep manila | 1164c70045d34b959e889846f9959c0e | regionOne | manila | share | True | internal | http://manila-internal.openstack.svc:8786/v1/%(project_id)s | | 63e89296522d4b28a9af56586641590c | regionOne | manilav2 | sharev2 | True | public | https://manila-public-openstack.apps-crc.testing/v2 | | af36c57adcdf4d50b10f484b616764cc | regionOne | manila | share | True | public | https://manila-public-openstack.apps-crc.testing/v1/%(project_id)s | | d655b4390d7544a29ce4ea356cc2b547 | regionOne | manilav2 | sharev2 | True | internal | http://manila-internal.openstack.svc:8786/v2 |
Test the health of the service:
$ openstack share service list $ openstack share pool list --detail
Check existing workloads:
$ openstack share list $ openstack share snapshot list
Decommissioning the Red Hat OpenStack Platform standalone Ceph NFS service
If your deployment uses CephFS through NFS, you must decommission the Red Hat OpenStack Platform(RHOSP) standalone NFS service. Since future software upgrades do not support the previous NFS service, ensure that the decommissioning period is short.
You identified the new export locations for your existing shares by querying the Shared File Systems API.
You unmounted and remounted the shared file systems on each client to stop using the previous NFS server.
If you are consuming the Shared File Systems service shares with the Shared File Systems service CSI plugin for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP), you migrated the shares by scaling down the application pods and scaling them back up.
Clients that are creating new workloads cannot use share exports through the previous NFS service. The Shared File Systems service no longer communicates with the previous NFS service, and cannot apply or alter export rules on the previous NFS service. |
Remove the
option from themanila-share
service configuration:This restarts the manila-share
process and removes the export locations that applied to the previous NFS service from all the shares.$ cat << __EOF__ > ~/manila.patch spec: manila: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: manilaShares: cephfs: replicas: 1 customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] enabled_share_backends = cephfs host = hostgroup [cephfs] driver_handles_share_servers=False share_backend_name=cephfs share_driver=manila.share.drivers.cephfs.driver.CephFSDriver cephfs_conf_path=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf cephfs_auth_id=openstack cephfs_cluster_name=ceph cephfs_protocol_helper_type=NFS cephfs_nfs_cluster_id=cephfs networkAttachments: - storage __EOF__
Patch the
custom resource:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch-file=~/<manila.patch>
with the name of your patch file.
Clean up the standalone
service from the RHOSP control plane nodes by disabling and deleting the Pacemaker resources associated with the service:You can defer this step until after RHOSO 18.0 is operational. During this time, you cannot decommission the Controller nodes. $ sudo pcs resource disable ceph-nfs $ sudo pcs resource disable ip-<VIP> $ sudo pcs resource unmanage ceph-nfs $ sudo pcs resource unmanage ip-<VIP>
with the IP address assigned to theceph-nfs
service in your environment.
Adopting the Bare Metal Provisioning service
Review information about your Bare Metal Provisioning service (ironic) configuration and then adopt the Bare Metal Provisioning service to the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift control plane.
Bare Metal Provisioning service configurations
You configure the Bare Metal Provisioning service (ironic) by using configuration snippets. For more information about configuring the control plane with the Bare Metal Provisioning service, see Customizing the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift deployment.
Some Bare Metal Provisioning service configuration is overridden in director Operator, for example, PXE Loader file names are often overridden at intermediate layers. You must pay attention to the settings you apply in your Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) deployment. The ironic-operator
applies a reasonable working default configuration, but if you override them with your prior configuration, your experience might not be ideal or your new Bare Metal Provisioning service fails to operate. Similarly, additional configuration might be necessary, for example, if you enable and use additional hardware types in your ironic.conf
The model of reasonable defaults includes commonly used hardware-types and driver interfaces. For example, the redfish-virtual-media
boot interface and the ramdisk
deploy interface are enabled by default. If you add new bare metal nodes after the adoption is complete, the driver interface selection occurs based on the order of precedence in the configuration if you do not explicitly set it on the node creation request or as an established default in the ironic.conf
Some configuration parameters do not need to be set on an individual node level, for example, network UUID values, or they are centrally configured in the ironic.conf
file, as the setting controls security behavior.
It is critical that you maintain the following parameters that you configured and formatted as [section]
and parameter name from the prior deployment to the new deployment. These parameters that govern the underlying behavior and values in the previous configuration would have used specific values if set.
You can set the following parameters individually on a node. However, you might choose to use embedded configuration options to avoid the need to set the parameters individually when creating or managing bare metal nodes. Check your prior ironic.conf
file for these parameters, and if set, apply a specific override configuration.
The instances of kernel_append_params
, formerly pxe_append_params
in the [pxe]
and [redfish]
configuration sections, are used to apply boot time options like "console" for the deployment ramdisk and as such often must be changed.
You cannot migrate hardware types that are set with the ironic.conf file enabled_hardware_types parameter, and hardware type driver interfaces starting with staging- into the adopted configuration.
Deploying the Bare Metal Provisioning service
To deploy the Bare Metal Provisioning service (ironic), you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) that has the Bare Metal Provisioning service disabled. The ironic-operator
applies the configuration and starts the Bare Metal Provisioning services. After the services are running, the Bare Metal Provisioning service automatically begins polling the power state of the bare metal nodes that it manages.
By default, newer versions of the Bare Metal Provisioning service contain a more restrictive access control model while also becoming multi-tenant aware. As a result, bare metal nodes might be missing from a openstack baremetal node list command after you adopt the Bare Metal Provisioning service. Your nodes are not deleted. You must set the owner field on each bare metal node due to the increased access restrictions in the role-based access control (RBAC) model. Because this involves access controls and the model of use can be site specific, you should identify which project owns the bare metal nodes.
You have imported the service databases into the control plane MariaDB.
The Identity service (keystone), Networking service (neutron), Image Service (glance), and Block Storage service (cinder) are operational.
If you use the Bare Metal Provisioning service in a Bare Metal as a Service configuration, you have not yet adopted the Compute service (nova). -
For the Bare Metal Provisioning service conductor services, the services must be able to reach Baseboard Management Controllers of hardware that is configured to be managed by the Bare Metal Provisioning service. If this hardware is unreachable, the nodes might enter "maintenance" state and be unavailable until connectivity is restored later.
You have downloaded the
file locally:$CONTROLLER1_SSH cat /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/ironic/etc/ironic/ironic.conf > ironic.conf
This configuration file must come from one of the Controller nodes and not a director Operator undercloud node. The director Operator undercloud node operates with different configuration that does not apply when you adopt the Overcloud Ironic deployment. -
If you are adopting the Ironic Inspector service, you need the value of the
director Operator parameter. Use the same values to populate thedhcpRanges
parameter in the RHOSO environment. -
You have defined the following shell variables. Replace the following example values with values that apply to your environment:
$ alias openstack="oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack"
Patch the
custom resource (CR) to deploy the Bare Metal Provisioning service:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack -n openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: ironic: enabled: true template: rpcTransport: oslo databaseInstance: openstack ironicAPI: replicas: 1 override: service: internal: metadata: annotations: internalapi internalapi (1) spec: type: LoadBalancer ironicConductors: - replicas: 1 networkAttachments: - baremetal provisionNetwork: baremetal storageRequest: 10G customServiceConfig: | [neutron] cleaning_network=<cleaning network uuid> provisioning_network=<provisioning network uuid> rescuing_network=<rescuing network uuid> inspection_network=<introspection network uuid> [conductor] automated_clean=true ironicInspector: replicas: 1 inspectionNetwork: baremetal networkAttachments: - baremetal dhcpRanges: - name: inspector-0 cidr: start: end: gateway: serviceUser: ironic-inspector databaseAccount: ironic-inspector passwordSelectors: database: IronicInspectorDatabasePassword service: IronicInspectorPassword ironicNeutronAgent: replicas: 1 rabbitMqClusterName: rabbitmq secret: osp-secret '
1 If you use IPv6, change the load balancer IP to the load balancer IP in your environment, for example, fd00:bbbb::80
. -
Wait for the Bare Metal Provisioning service control plane services CRs to become ready:
$ oc wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=300s ironic
Verify that the individual services are ready:
$ oc wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=300s ironic-api $ oc wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=300s ironic-conductor $ oc wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=300s ironic-inspector $ oc wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=300s ironic-ironic-neutron-agent
Update the DNS Nameservers on the provisoning, cleaning, and rescue networks:
For name resolution to work for Bare Metal Provisioning service operations, you must set the DNS nameserver to use the internal DNS servers in the RHOSO control plane: $ openstack subnet set --dns-nameserver provisioning-subnet
Verify that no Bare Metal Provisioning service nodes are missing from the node list:
$ openstack baremetal node list
If the openstack baremetal node list
command output reports an incorrect power status, wait a few minutes and re-run the command to see if the output syncs with the actual state of the hardware being managed. The time required for the Bare Metal Provisioning service to review and reconcile the power state of bare metal nodes depends on the number of operating conductors through thereplicas
parameter and which are present in the Bare Metal Provisioning service deployment being adopted. -
If any Bare Metal Provisioning service nodes are missing from the
openstack baremetal node list
command, temporarily disable the new RBAC policy to see the nodes again:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack -n openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: ironic: enabled: true template: databaseInstance: openstack ironicAPI: replicas: 1 customServiceConfig: | [oslo_policy] enforce_scope=false enforce_new_defaults=false '
After you set the
field on the bare metal nodes, you can re-enable RBAC by removing thecustomServiceConfig
section or by setting the following values totrue
:customServiceConfig: | [oslo_policy] enforce_scope=true enforce_new_defaults=true
After this configuration is applied, the operator restarts the Ironic API service and disables the new RBAC policy that is enabled by default. After the RBAC policy is disabled, you can view bare metal nodes without an
field:$ openstack baremetal node list -f uuid,provision_state,owner
Assign all bare metal nodes with no owner to a new project, for example, the admin project:
ADMIN_PROJECT_ID=$(openstack project show -c id -f value --domain default admin) for node in $(openstack baremetal node list -f json -c UUID -c Owner | jq -r '.[] | select(.Owner == null) | .UUID'); do openstack baremetal node set --owner $ADMIN_PROJECT_ID $node; done
Re-apply the default RBAC:
$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack -n openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: ironic: enabled: true template: databaseInstance: openstack ironicAPI: replicas: 1 customServiceConfig: | [oslo_policy] enforce_scope=true enforce_new_defaults=true '
Verify the list of endpoints:
$ openstack endpoint list |grep ironic
Verify the list of bare metal nodes:
$ openstack baremetal node list
Adopting the Orchestration service
To adopt the Orchestration service (heat), you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR), where the Orchestration service
is disabled. The patch starts the service with the configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment.
After you complete the adoption process, you have CRs for Heat
, HeatAPI
, HeatEngine
, and HeatCFNAPI
, and endpoints within the Identity service (keystone) to facilitate these services.
The source director Operator environment is running.
The target Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) environment is running.
You adopted MariaDB and the Identity service.
If your existing Orchestration service stacks contain resources from other services such as Networking service (neutron), Compute service (nova), Object Storage service (swift), and so on, adopt those sevices before adopting the Orchestration service.
Retrieve the existing
passwords. You use these passwords to patch theosp-secret
. In the following example, theauth_encryption_key
is used asHeatAuthEncryptionKey
and theservice
password is used asHeatPassword
:[stack@rhosp17 ~]$ grep -E 'HeatPassword|HeatAuth|HeatStackDomainAdmin' ~/overcloud-deploy/overcloud/overcloud-passwords.yaml HeatAuthEncryptionKey: Q60Hj8PqbrDNu2dDCbyIQE2dibpQUPg2 HeatPassword: dU2N0Vr2bdelYH7eQonAwPfI3 HeatStackDomainAdminPassword: dU2N0Vr2bdelYH7eQonAwPfI3
Log in to a Controller node and verify the
value in use:[stack@rhosp17 ~]$ ansible -i overcloud-deploy/overcloud/config-download/overcloud/tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml overcloud-controller-0 -m shell -a "grep auth_encryption_key /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/heat/etc/heat/heat.conf | grep -Ev '^#|^$'" -b overcloud-controller-0 | CHANGED | rc=0 >> auth_encryption_key=Q60Hj8PqbrDNu2dDCbyIQE2dibpQUPg2
Encode the password to Base64 format:
$ echo Q60Hj8PqbrDNu2dDCbyIQE2dibpQUPg2 | base64 UTYwSGo4UHFickROdTJkRENieUlRRTJkaWJwUVVQZzIK
Patch the
to update theHeatAuthEncryptionKey
parameters. These values must match the values in the director Operator Orchestration service configuration:$ oc patch secret osp-secret --type='json' -p='[{"op" : "replace" ,"path" : "/data/HeatAuthEncryptionKey" ,"value" : "UTYwSGo4UHFickROdTJkRENieUlRRTJkaWJwUVVQZzIK"}]' secret/osp-secret patched
Patch the
CR to deploy the Orchestration service:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: heat: enabled: true apiOverride: route: {} template: databaseInstance: openstack databaseAccount: heat secret: osp-secret memcachedInstance: memcached passwordSelectors: authEncryptionKey: HeatAuthEncryptionKey service: HeatPassword stackDomainAdminPassword: HeatStackDomainAdminPassword '
Ensure that the statuses of all the CRs are
Setup complete
:$ oc get Heat,HeatAPI,HeatEngine,HeatCFNAPI NAME STATUS MESSAGE True Setup complete NAME STATUS MESSAGE True Setup complete NAME STATUS MESSAGE True Setup complete NAME STATUS MESSAGE True Setup complete
Check that the Orchestration service is registered in the Identity service:
$ oc exec -it openstackclient -- openstack service list -c Name -c Type +------------+----------------+ | Name | Type | +------------+----------------+ | heat | orchestration | | glance | image | | heat-cfn | cloudformation | | ceilometer | Ceilometer | | keystone | identity | | placement | placement | | cinderv3 | volumev3 | | nova | compute | | neutron | network | +------------+----------------+
$ oc exec -it openstackclient -- openstack endpoint list --service=heat -f yaml - Enabled: true ID: 1da7df5b25b94d1cae85e3ad736b25a5 Interface: public Region: regionOne Service Name: heat Service Type: orchestration URL: - Enabled: true ID: 414dd03d8e9d462988113ea0e3a330b0 Interface: internal Region: regionOne Service Name: heat Service Type: orchestration URL: http://heat-api-internal.openstack-operators.svc:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s
Check that the Orchestration service engine services are running:
$ oc exec -it openstackclient -- openstack orchestration service list -f yaml - Binary: heat-engine Engine ID: b16ad899-815a-4b0c-9f2e-e6d9c74aa200 Host: heat-engine-6d47856868-p7pzz Hostname: heat-engine-6d47856868-p7pzz Status: up Topic: engine Updated At: '2023-10-11T21:48:01.000000' - Binary: heat-engine Engine ID: 887ed392-0799-4310-b95c-ac2d3e6f965f Host: heat-engine-6d47856868-p7pzz Hostname: heat-engine-6d47856868-p7pzz Status: up Topic: engine Updated At: '2023-10-11T21:48:00.000000' - Binary: heat-engine Engine ID: 26ed9668-b3f2-48aa-92e8-2862252485ea Host: heat-engine-6d47856868-p7pzz Hostname: heat-engine-6d47856868-p7pzz Status: up Topic: engine Updated At: '2023-10-11T21:48:00.000000' - Binary: heat-engine Engine ID: 1011943b-9fea-4f53-b543-d841297245fd Host: heat-engine-6d47856868-p7pzz Hostname: heat-engine-6d47856868-p7pzz Status: up Topic: engine Updated At: '2023-10-11T21:48:01.000000'
Verify that you can see your Orchestration service stacks:
$ openstack stack list -f yaml - Creation Time: '2023-10-11T22:03:20Z' ID: 20f95925-7443-49cb-9561-a1ab736749ba Project: 4eacd0d1cab04427bc315805c28e66c9 Stack Name: test-networks Stack Status: CREATE_COMPLETE Updated Time: null
Adopting the Load-balancing service
To adopt the Load-balancing service (octavia), you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) where the Load-balancing service is disabled. The patch starts the service with the configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment. Existing load balancers fail over after the adoption process to upgrade their image, and set up a network connection with the new control plane.
Create an alias for the
command:$ alias openstack="oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack"
Use the
shell variable to set the value of the existingCONTROLLER1_SSH
variable:$ CONTROLLER1_SCP=$(echo "$CONTROLLER1_SSH" | sed 's/^ssh/scp/g')
Run the following set of commands to regenerate the keys and certificates and install the data in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP). Convert the existing single certificate authority (CA) configuration into a dual CA configuration. You can use these commands to regenerate the keys and certificates and insert them into RHOCP:
SERVER_CA_PASSPHRASE=$($CONTROLLER1_SSH grep ^ca_private_key_passphrase /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/octavia/etc/octavia/octavia.conf) export SERVER_CA_PASSPHRASE=$(echo "${SERVER_CA_PASSPHRASE}" | cut -d '=' -f 2 | xargs) export CLIENT_PASSPHRASE="ThisIsOnlyAppliedTemporarily" CERT_SUBJECT="/C=US/ST=Denial/L=Springfield/O=Dis/" CERT_MIGRATE_PATH="$HOME/octavia_cert_migration" mkdir -p ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH} cd ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH} # Set up the server CA mkdir -p server_ca cd server_ca mkdir -p certs crl newcerts private csr chmod 700 private ${CONTROLLER1_SCP}:/var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/octavia/etc/octavia/certs/private/cakey.pem private/server_ca.key.pem chmod 400 private/server_ca.key.pem ${CONTROLLER1_SCP}:{{ octavia_ssh_path }}/client-.pem certs/old_client_cert.pem ${CONTROLLER1_SCP}:{{ octavia_ssh_path }}/index.txt* ./ ${CONTROLLER1_SCP}:{{ octavia_ssh_path }}/serial* ./ ${CONTROLLER1_SCP}:{{ octavia_ssh_path }}/openssl.cnf ../ openssl req -config ../openssl.cnf -key private/server_ca.key.pem -new -passin env:SERVER_CA_PASSPHRASE -x509 -days 18250 -sha256 -extensions v3_ca -out certs/server_ca.cert.pem -subj "/C=US/ST=Denial/L=Springfield/O=Dis/" # Set up the new client CA sed -i "s|^dir\s\+=\s\+\"{{ octavia_ssh_path }}\"|dir = \"$CERT_MIGRATE_PATH/client_ca\"|" ../openssl.cnf cd ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH} mkdir -p client_ca cd client_ca mkdir -p certs crl csr newcerts private chmod 700 private touch index.txt echo 1000 > serial openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private/ca.key.pem -passout env:SERVER_CA_PASSPHRASE 4096 chmod 400 private/ca.key.pem openssl req -config ../openssl.cnf -key private/ca.key.pem -new -passin env:SERVER_CA_PASSPHRASE -x509 -days 18250 -sha256 -extensions v3_ca -out certs/client_ca.cert.pem -subj "${CERT_SUBJECT}" # Create client certificates cd ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/client_ca openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private/client.key.pem -passout env:CLIENT_PASSPHRASE 4096 openssl req -config ../openssl.cnf -new -passin env:CLIENT_PASSPHRASE -sha256 -key private/client.key.pem -out csr/client.csr.pem -subj "${CERT_SUBJECT}" mkdir -p ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/client_ca/private ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/client_ca/newcerts ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/private chmod 700 ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/client_ca/private ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/private cp ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/client_ca/private/ca.key.pem ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/client_ca/private/cakey.pem cp ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/client_ca/certs/client_ca.cert.pem $CERT_MIGRATE_PATH/client_ca/ca_01.pem openssl ca -config ../openssl.cnf -extensions usr_cert -passin env:SERVER_CA_PASSPHRASE -days 1825 -notext -batch -md sha256 -in csr/client.csr.pem -out certs/client.cert.pem openssl rsa -passin env:CLIENT_PASSPHRASE -in private/client.key.pem -out private/client.cert-and-key.pem cat certs/client.cert.pem >> private/client.cert-and-key.pem # Install new data in k8s oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: octavia-certs-secret namespace: {{ rhoso_namespace }} type: Opaque data: server_ca.key.pem: $(cat ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/server_ca/private/server_ca.key.pem | base64 -w0) server_ca.cert.pem: $(cat ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/server_ca/certs/server_ca.cert.pem | base64 -w0) client_ca.cert.pem: $(cat ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/client_ca/certs/client_ca.cert.pem | base64 -w0) client.cert-and-key.pem: $(cat ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}/client_ca/private/client.cert-and-key.pem | base64 -w0) EOF oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: octavia-ca-passphrase namespace: {{ rhoso_namespace }} type: Opaque data: server-ca-passphrase: $(echo $SERVER_CA_PASSPHRASE | base64 -w0) EOF rm -rf ${CERT_MIGRATE_PATH}
Optional: Copy the existing public SSH key that you can use for connecting to the amphorae and install it into RHOCP:
${CONTROLLER1_SCP}:<octavia_ssh_pubkey_path> $HOME/ # Install new data in k8s oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: octavia-ssh-pubkey namespace: openstack data: key: $(cat $HOME/ EOF rm -f $HOME/
with the path that you configured by using theOctaviaAmphoraSshKeyFile
parameter in the previous deployment. The default path is/etc/octavia/ssh/octavia_id_rsa
. For example:parameter_defaults: OctaviaAmphoraSshKeyFile: /etc/octavia/ssh/octavia_id_rsa
To isolate the management network, add the network interface for the VLAN base interface:
$ oc get -n openstack --no-headers nncp | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | while read; do interfaces=$(oc get nncp $REPLY -o jsonpath="{.spec.desiredState.interfaces[*].name}") (echo $interfaces | grep -w -q "octbr|enp6s0.24") || \ oc patch -n openstack nncp $REPLY --type json --patch ' [{ "op": "add", "path": "/spec/desiredState/interfaces/-", "value": { "description": "Octavia VLAN host interface", "name": "enp6s0.24", "state": "up", "type": "vlan", "vlan": { "base-iface": "<enp6s0>", (1) "id": 24 } } }, { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/desiredState/interfaces/-", "value": { "description": "Octavia Bridge", "mtu": <mtu>, (2) "state": "up", "type": "linux-bridge", "name": "octbr", "bridge": { "options": { "stp": { "enabled": "false" } }, "port": [ { "name": "enp6s0.24" } ] } } }]' done
1 Replace <enp6s0>
with the name of the network interface in your RHOCP setup.2 Replace <mtu>
with themtu
value in your environment. -
To connect pods that manage load balancer virtual machines (amphorae) and the OpenvSwitch pods that are managed by the OVN operator, configure the Load-balancing service network attachment definition:
$ cat >> octavia-nad.yaml << EOF_CAT apiVersion: kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: labels: osp/net: octavia name: octavia namespace: openstack spec: config: | { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "name": "octavia", "type": "bridge", "bridge": "octbr", "ipam": { "type": "whereabouts", "range": "", "range_start": "", "range_end": "", "routes": [ { "dst": "", "gw" : "" } ] } } EOF_CAT $ oc apply -n openstack -f octavia-nad.yaml
Enable the Load-balancing service in RHOCP:
$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack -n openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: ovn: template: ovnController: networkAttachment: tenant nicMappings: octavia: octbr octavia: enabled: true template: apacheContainerImage: amphoraImageContainerImage: databaseInstance: openstack octaviaHousekeeping: networkAttachments: - octavia octaviaHealthManager: networkAttachments: - octavia octaviaWorker: networkAttachments: - octavia '
Wait for the Load-balancing service control plane services CRs to be ready:
$ oc wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=600s
Ensure that the Load-balancing service is registered in the Identity service:
$ openstack service list | grep load-balancer | bd078ca6f90c4b86a48801f45eb6f0d7 | octavia | load-balancer | $ openstack endpoint list | grep load-balancer | f1ae7756b6164baf9cb82a1a670067a2 | regionOne | octavia | load-balancer | True | public | https://octavia-public-openstack.apps-crc.testing | | ff3222b4621843669e89843395213049 | regionOne | octavia | load-balancer | True | internal | http://octavia-internal.openstack.svc:9876 |
Change the
option in the network script for the management interface tono
to ensure that the interface is disabled on reboot:-
Connect to each of the Controller nodes on the old control plane, for example,
. -
Open the management interface configuration file in a text editor such as
:$ sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-o-hm0
The script name is based on the previous
setting and might differ in your environment.
Delete old flavors that are migrated to the new control plane:
$ openstack flavor list --all | grep octavia | 484c351a-57ca-4a4b-8e6e-93d31596fec5 | octavia-amphora-4vcpus | 4096 | 3 | 0 | 4 | False | | 65 | octavia_65 | 1024 | 3 | 0 | 1 | False | | amphora-mvcpu-ha | octavia_amphora-mvcpu-ha | 4096 | 3 | 0 | 4 | False | | cf9d1d80-5680-4ed8-a051-e8ec4c5871e0 | octavia-amphora | 1024 | 3 | 0 | 1 | False | $ openstack flavor delete octavia_65 $ openstack flavor delete octavia_amphora-mvcpu-ha $ openstack flavor list --all | grep octavia | 484c351a-57ca-4a4b-8e6e-93d31596fec5 | octavia-amphora-4vcpus | 4096 | 3 | 0 | 4 | False | | cf9d1d80-5680-4ed8-a051-e8ec4c5871e0 | octavia-amphora | 1024 | 3 | 0 | 1 | False |
Delete old Load-balancing service flavors that are migrated to the new control plane:
$ openstack loadbalancer flavor list +--------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------+---------+ | id | name | flavor_profile_id | enabled | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------+---------+ | 5db54d9b-ba08-4b51-a859-0a81533604aa | octavia_amphora-mvcpu-ha | 4fa6a793-4c20-4480-be4f-806912840511 | True | | 6d649fd5-6322-4265-b5f3-c3277fc29ec8 | amphora-4vcpus | d9764a80-99f5-4f22-bbe0-3ddbdc5c485c | True | | 93f34308-24a7-42de-9065-959a3b36e7f6 | amphora | e75e50c8-7786-4623-abcf-bccbea59d213 | True | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------+---------+ $ openstack loadbalancer flavor delete octavia_amphora-mvcpu-ha $ openstack loadbalancer flavor list +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------+---------+ | id | name | flavor_profile_id | enabled | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------+---------+ | 6d649fd5-6322-4265-b5f3-c3277fc29ec8 | amphora-4vcpus | d9764a80-99f5-4f22-bbe0-3ddbdc5c485c | True | | 93f34308-24a7-42de-9065-959a3b36e7f6 | amphora | e75e50c8-7786-4623-abcf-bccbea59d213 | True | +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------+---------+
Delete old flavor profiles that are migrated to the new control plane:
$ openstack loadbalancer flavorprofile list +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ | id | name | provider_name | +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ | 4fa6a793-4c20-4480-be4f-806912840511 | octavia_amphora-mvcpu-ha_profile | amphora | | d9764a80-99f5-4f22-bbe0-3ddbdc5c485c | amphora-4vcpus | amphora | | e75e50c8-7786-4623-abcf-bccbea59d213 | amphora | amphora | +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ $ openstack loadbalancer flavorprofile delete octavia_amphora-mvcpu-ha_profile $ openstack loadbalancer flavorprofile list +--------------------------------------+----------------+---------------+ | id | name | provider_name | +--------------------------------------+----------------+---------------+ | d9764a80-99f5-4f22-bbe0-3ddbdc5c485c | amphora-4vcpus | amphora | | e75e50c8-7786-4623-abcf-bccbea59d213 | amphora | amphora | +--------------------------------------+----------------+---------------+
Delete the old management network ports. Store the network ID of the old management network in the variable
to use later:$ for net_id in $(openstack network list -f value -c ID --name lb-mgmt-net); do desc=$(openstack network show "$net_id" -f value -c description); [ -z "$desc" ] && WALLABY_LB_MGMT_NET_ID="$net_id" ; done $ echo $WALLABY_LB_MGMT_NET_ID 1e21f9c1-7485-4104-a2f3-eed098ab9cad
Delete all ports that are used in this network:
$ for id in $(openstack port list --network "$WALLABY_LB_MGMT_NET_ID" -f value -c ID) ; do openstack port delete "$id" ; done
Delete the old management network:
$ openstack network delete "$WALLABY_LB_MGMT_NET_ID"
Verify that only one
and onelb-mgmt-subnet
exists:$ openstack network list | grep lb-mgmt-net | fe470c29-0482-4809-9996-6d636e3feea3 | lb-mgmt-net | 6a881091-097d-441c-937b-5a23f4f243b7 | $ openstack subnet list | grep lb-mgmt-subnet | 6a881091-097d-441c-937b-5a23f4f243b7 | lb-mgmt-subnet | fe470c29-0482-4809-9996-6d636e3feea3 | |
Adopting Telemetry services
To adopt Telemetry services, you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) that has Telemetry services disabled to start the service with the configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 environment.
If you adopt Telemetry services, the observability solution that is used in the RHOSP 17.1 environment, Service Telemetry Framework, is removed from the cluster. The new solution is deployed in the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) environment, allowing for metrics, and optionally logs, to be retrieved and stored in the new back ends.
You cannot automatically migrate old data because different back ends are used. Metrics and logs are considered short-lived data and are not intended to be migrated to the RHOSO environment. For information about adopting legacy autoscaling stack templates to the RHOSO environment, see Adopting Autoscaling services.
The director Operator environment is running (the source cloud).
The Single Node OpenShift or OpenShift Local is running in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster.
Previous adoption steps are completed.
Patch the
CR to deploycluster-observability-operator
:$ oc create -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: name: cluster-observability-operator namespace: openshift-operators spec: channel: stable installPlanApproval: Automatic name: cluster-observability-operator source: redhat-operators sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace EOF
Wait for the installation to succeed:
$ oc wait --for jsonpath="{.status.phase}"=Succeeded csv --namespace=openshift-operators -l
Patch the
CR to deploy Ceilometer services:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: telemetry: enabled: true template: ceilometer: passwordSelector: ceilometerService: CeilometerPassword enabled: true secret: osp-secret serviceUser: ceilometer '
Enable the metrics storage back end:
$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: telemetry: template: metricStorage: enabled: true monitoringStack: alertingEnabled: true scrapeInterval: 30s storage: strategy: persistent retention: 24h persistent: pvcStorageRequest: 20G '
Verify that the
pods are available:$ oc get pods -l alertmanager=metric-storage -n openstack NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE alertmanager-metric-storage-0 2/2 Running 0 46s alertmanager-metric-storage-1 2/2 Running 0 46s $ oc get pods -l prometheus=metric-storage -n openstack NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE prometheus-metric-storage-0 3/3 Running 0 46s
Inspect the resulting Ceilometer pods:
CEILOMETETR_POD=`oc get pods -l service=ceilometer -n openstack | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d' '` oc exec -t $CEILOMETETR_POD -c ceilometer-central-agent -- cat /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf
Inspect enabled pollsters:
$ oc get secret ceilometer-config-data -o jsonpath="{.data['polling\.yaml\.j2']}" | base64 -d
Optional: Override default pollsters according to the requirements of your environment:
$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane controlplane --type=merge --patch ' spec: telemetry: template: ceilometer: defaultConfigOverwrite: polling.yaml.j2: | --- sources: - name: pollsters interval: 100 meters: - volume.* - image.size enabled: true secret: osp-secret '
Optional: Patch the
CR to includelogging
:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: telemetry: template: logging: enabled: false ipaddr: port: 10514 cloNamespace: openshift-logging '
Adopting autoscaling services
To adopt services that enable autoscaling, you patch an existing OpenStackControlPlane
custom resource (CR) where the Alarming services (aodh) are disabled. The patch starts the service with the configuration parameters that are provided by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment.
The source director Operator environment is running.
A Single Node OpenShift or OpenShift Local is running in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster.
You have adopted the following services:
Identity service (keystone)
Orchestration service (heat)
Telemetry service
Patch the
CR to deploy the autoscaling services:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: telemetry: enabled: true template: autoscaling: enabled: true aodh: passwordSelector: aodhService: AodhPassword databaseAccount: aodh databaseInstance: openstack secret: osp-secret serviceUser: aodh heatInstance: heat '
Inspect the aodh pods:
$ AODH_POD=`oc get pods -l service=aodh -n openstack | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d' '` $ oc exec -t $AODH_POD -c aodh-api -- cat /etc/aodh/aodh.conf
Check whether the aodh API service is registered in the Identity service:
$ openstack endpoint list | grep aodh | d05d120153cd4f9b8310ac396b572926 | regionOne | aodh | alarming | True | internal | http://aodh-internal.openstack.svc:8042 | | d6daee0183494d7a9a5faee681c79046 | regionOne | aodh | alarming | True | public | http://aodh-public.openstack.svc:8042 |
Optional: Create aodh alarms with the
alarm type:You must use the PrometheusAlarm
alarm type instead ofGnocchiAggregationByResourcesAlarm
.$ openstack alarm create --name high_cpu_alarm \ --type prometheus \ --query "(rate(ceilometer_cpu{resource_name=~'cirros'})) * 100" \ --alarm-action 'log://' \ --granularity 15 \ --evaluation-periods 3 \ --comparison-operator gt \ --threshold 7000000000
Verify that the alarm is enabled:
$ openstack alarm list +--------------------------------------+------------+------------------+-------------------+----------+ | alarm_id | type | name | state | severity | enabled | +--------------------------------------+------------+------------------+-------------------+----------+ | 209dc2e9-f9d6-40e5-aecc-e767ce50e9c0 | prometheus | prometheus_alarm | ok | low | True | +--------------------------------------+------------+------------------+-------------------+----------+
Pulling the configuration from a director Operator deployment
Before you start the data plane adoption workflow, back up the configuration from the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) services and director Operator. You can then use the files during the configuration of the adopted services to ensure that nothing is missed or misconfigured.
The os-diff tool is installed and configured. For more information, see Comparing configuration files between deployments.
Update your ssh parameters according to your environment in the
. Os-diff uses the ssh parameters to connect to your director Operator node, and then query and download the configuration files:ssh_cmd=ssh -F ssh.config standalone container_engine=podman connection=ssh remote_config_path=/tmp/tripleo
Ensure that the ssh command you provide in
parameter is correct and includes key authentication. -
Enable the services that you want to include in the
file, and disable the services that you want to exclude from the file. Ensure that you have the correct permissions to edit the file:$ chown ospng:ospng /etc/os-diff/config.yaml
The following example enables the default Identity service (keystone) to be included in the
file:# service name and file location services: # Service name keystone: # Bool to enable/disable a service (not implemented yet) enable: true # Pod name, in both OCP and podman context. # It could be strict match or will only just grep the podman_name # and work with all the pods which matched with pod_name. # To enable/disable use strict_pod_name_match: true/false podman_name: keystone pod_name: keystone container_name: keystone-api # pod options # strict match for getting pod id in TripleO and podman context strict_pod_name_match: false # Path of the config files you want to analyze. # It could be whatever path you want: # /etc/<service_name> or /etc or /usr/share/<something> or even / # @TODO: need to implement loop over path to support multiple paths such as: # - /etc # - /usr/share path: - /etc/ - /etc/keystone - /etc/keystone/keystone.conf - /etc/keystone/logging.conf
Repeat this step for each RHOSP service that you want to disable or enable.
If you use non-containerized services, such as the
, pull the configuration or the command output. For example:services: ovs_external_ids: hosts: (1) - standalone service_command: "ovs-vsctl list Open_vSwitch . | grep external_ids | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }'" (2) cat_output: true (3) path: - ovs_external_ids.json config_mapping: (4) ovn-bridge-mappings: edpm_ovn_bridge_mappings (5) ovn-bridge: edpm_ovn_bridge ovn-encap-type: edpm_ovn_encap_type ovn-monitor-all: ovn_monitor_all ovn-remote-probe-interval: edpm_ovn_remote_probe_interval ovn-ofctrl-wait-before-clear: edpm_ovn_ofctrl_wait_before_clear
You must correctly configure an SSH configuration file or equivalent for non-standard services, such as OVS. The ovs_external_ids
service does not run in a container, and the OVS data is stored on each host of your cloud, for example,controller_1/controller_2/
, and so on.1 The list of hosts, for example, compute-1
.2 The command that runs against the hosts. 3 Os-diff gets the output of the command and stores the output in a file that is specified by the key path. 4 Provides a mapping between, in this example, the data plane custom resource definition and the ovs-vsctl
output.5 The edpm_ovn_bridge_mappings
variable must be a list of strings, for example,["datacentre:br-ex"]
Compare the values:
$ os-diff diff ovs_external_ids.json edpm.crd --crd --service ovs_external_ids
For example, to check the
on every host, you must put the following statement in theconfig.yaml
file. The following example uses a file calledyum_config
:services: yum_config: hosts: - undercloud - controller_1 - compute_1 - compute_2 service_command: "cat /etc/yum.conf" cat_output: true path: - yum.conf
Pull the configuration:
The following command pulls all the configuration files that are included in the
file. You can configure os-diff to update this file automatically according to your running environment by using the--update
option. These options set the podman information into theconfig.yaml
for all running containers. The podman information can be useful later, when all the Red Hat OpenStack Platform services are turned off.Note that when the
file is populated automatically you must provide the configuration paths manually for each service.# will only update the /etc/os-diff/config.yaml os-diff pull --update-only
# will update the /etc/os-diff/config.yaml and pull configuration os-diff pull --update
# will update the /etc/os-diff/config.yaml and pull configuration os-diff pull
The configuration is pulled and stored by default in the following directory:
Verify that you have a directory for each service configuration in your local path:
▾ tmp/ ▾ tripleo/ ▾ glance/ ▾ keystone/
Rolling back the control plane adoption
If you encountered a problem and are unable to complete the adoption of the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) control plane services, you can roll back the control plane adoption.
Do not attempt the rollback if you altered the data plane nodes in any way. You can only roll back the control plane adoption if you altered the control plane. |
During the control plane adoption, services on the RHOSP control plane are stopped but not removed. The databases on the RHOSP control plane are not edited during the adoption procedure. The Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) control plane receives a copy of the original control plane databases. The rollback procedure assumes that the data plane has not yet been modified by the adoption procedure, and it is still connected to the RHOSP control plane.
The rollback procedure consists of the following steps:
Restoring the functionality of the RHOSP control plane.
Removing the partially or fully deployed RHOSO control plane.
To restore the source cloud to a working state, start the RHOSP control plane services that you previously stopped during the adoption procedure:
ServicesToStart=("tripleo_horizon.service" "tripleo_keystone.service" "tripleo_barbican_api.service" "tripleo_barbican_worker.service" "tripleo_barbican_keystone_listener.service" "tripleo_cinder_api.service" "tripleo_cinder_api_cron.service" "tripleo_cinder_scheduler.service" "tripleo_cinder_volume.service" "tripleo_cinder_backup.service" "tripleo_glance_api.service" "tripleo_manila_api.service" "tripleo_manila_api_cron.service" "tripleo_manila_scheduler.service" "tripleo_neutron_api.service" "tripleo_placement_api.service" "tripleo_nova_api_cron.service" "tripleo_nova_api.service" "tripleo_nova_conductor.service" "tripleo_nova_metadata.service" "tripleo_nova_scheduler.service" "tripleo_nova_vnc_proxy.service" "tripleo_aodh_api.service" "tripleo_aodh_api_cron.service" "tripleo_aodh_evaluator.service" "tripleo_aodh_listener.service" "tripleo_aodh_notifier.service" "tripleo_ceilometer_agent_central.service" "tripleo_ceilometer_agent_compute.service" "tripleo_ceilometer_agent_ipmi.service" "tripleo_ceilometer_agent_notification.service" "tripleo_ovn_cluster_north_db_server.service" "tripleo_ovn_cluster_south_db_server.service" "tripleo_ovn_cluster_northd.service" "tripleo_octavia_api.service" "tripleo_octavia_health_manager.service" "tripleo_octavia_rsyslog.service" "tripleo_octavia_driver_agent.service" "tripleo_octavia_housekeeping.service" "tripleo_octavia_worker.service") PacemakerResourcesToStart=("galera-bundle" "haproxy-bundle" "rabbitmq-bundle" "openstack-cinder-volume" "openstack-cinder-backup" "openstack-manila-share") echo "Starting systemd OpenStack services" for service in ${ServicesToStart[*]}; do for i in {1..3}; do SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER${i}_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo systemctl is-enabled $service &> /dev/null; then echo "Starting the $service in controller $i" ${!SSH_CMD} sudo systemctl start $service fi fi done done echo "Checking systemd OpenStack services" for service in ${ServicesToStart[*]}; do for i in {1..3}; do SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER${i}_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo systemctl is-enabled $service &> /dev/null; then if ! ${!SSH_CMD} systemctl show $service | grep ActiveState=active >/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: Service $service is not running on controller $i" else echo "OK: Service $service is running in controller $i" fi fi fi done done echo "Starting pacemaker OpenStack services" for i in {1..3}; do SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER${i}_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then echo "Using controller $i to run pacemaker commands" for resource in ${PacemakerResourcesToStart[*]}; do if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource config $resource &>/dev/null; then echo "Starting $resource" ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource enable $resource else echo "Service $resource not present" fi done break fi done echo "Checking pacemaker OpenStack services" for i in {1..3}; do SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER${i}_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then echo "Using controller $i to run pacemaker commands" for resource in ${PacemakerResourcesToStop[*]}; do if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource config $resource &>/dev/null; then if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource status $resource | grep Started >/dev/null; then echo "OK: Service $resource is started" else echo "ERROR: Service $resource is stopped" fi fi done break fi done
If the Ceph NFS service is running on the deployment as a Shared File Systems service (manila) back end, you must restore the Pacemaker order and colocation constraints for the
service:$ sudo pcs constraint order start ceph-nfs then openstack-manila-share kind=Optional id=order-ceph-nfs-openstack-manila-share-Optional $ sudo pcs constraint colocation add openstack-manila-share with ceph-nfs score=INFINITY id=colocation-openstack-manila-share-ceph-nfs-INFINITY
Verify that the source cloud is operational again, for example, you can run
CLI commands such asopenstack server list
, or check that you can access the Dashboard service (horizon). -
Remove the partially or fully deployed control plane so that you can attempt the adoption again later:
$ oc delete --ignore-not-found=true --wait=false openstackcontrolplane/openstack $ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge --patch ' metadata: finalizers: [] ' || true while oc get pod | grep rabbitmq-server-0; do sleep 2 done while oc get pod | grep openstack-galera-0; do sleep 2 done $ oc delete --ignore-not-found=true --wait=false pod mariadb-copy-data $ oc delete --ignore-not-found=true --wait=false pvc mariadb-data $ oc delete --ignore-not-found=true --wait=false pod ovn-copy-data $ oc delete --ignore-not-found=true secret osp-secret
After you restore the RHOSP control plane services, their internal state might have changed. Before you retry the adoption procedure, verify that all the control plane resources are removed and that there are no leftovers which could affect the following adoption procedure attempt. You must not use previously created copies of the database contents in another adoption attempt. You must make a new copy of the latest state of the original source database contents. For more information about making new copies of the database, see Migrating databases to the control plane. |
Adopting the data plane
Adopting the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) data plane involves the following steps:
Deploy the required custom resources.
Perform a fast-forward upgrade on Compute services from RHOSP 17.1 to RHOSO 18.0.
Adopt Networker services to the RHOSO data plane.
After the RHOSO control plane manages the newly deployed data plane, you must not re-enable services on the RHOSP 17.1 control plane and data plane. If you re-enable services, workloads are managed by two control planes or two data planes, resulting in data corruption, loss of control of existing workloads, inability to start new workloads, or other issues. |
Stopping infrastructure management and Compute services
You must stop cloud database nodes, and messaging nodes on the Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 control plane. Do not stop nodes that are running the Compute, Storage, Networker or Controller(if running OVN Controller Gateway agent
network agent) roles on the control plane.
The following procedure applies to a single node standalone director Operator deployment. You must remove conflicting repositories and packages from your Compute hosts, so that you can install libvirt packages when these hosts are adopted as data plane nodes, where modular libvirt daemons are no longer running in podman containers.
Define the shell variables. Replace the following example values with values that apply to your environment:
CONTROLLER1_SSH="ssh -i <path_to_SSH_key> root@<controller-1 IP>" # ... # ... (1) EDPM_PRIVATEKEY_PATH="<path_to_SSH_key>" (2)
settings, provide SSH connection details for all Controller nodes, including cell Controller nodes, of the source director Operator cloud.2 Replace <path_to_SSH_key>
with the path to your SSH key.
Remove the conflicting repositories and packages from all Compute hosts:
PacemakerResourcesToStop=( "galera-bundle" "haproxy-bundle" "rabbitmq-bundle") echo "Stopping pacemaker services" for i in {1..3}; do SSH_CMD=CONTROLLER${i}_SSH if [ ! -z "${!SSH_CMD}" ]; then echo "Using controller $i to run pacemaker commands" for resource in ${PacemakerResourcesToStop[*]}; do if ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource config $resource; then ${!SSH_CMD} sudo pcs resource disable $resource fi done break fi done
Adopting Compute services to the RHOSO data plane
Adopt your Compute (nova) services to the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) data plane.
You have stopped the remaining control plane nodes, repositories, and packages on the Compute service (nova) hosts. For more information, see Stopping infrastructure management and Compute services.
You have configured the Ceph back end for the
service. For more information, see Configuring a Ceph back end. -
You have configured IP Address Management (IPAM):
$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: NetConfig metadata: name: netconfig spec: networks: - name: ctlplane dnsDomain: subnets: - name: subnet1 allocationRanges: - end: start: - end: start: cidr: gateway: - name: internalapi dnsDomain: subnets: - name: subnet1 allocationRanges: - end: start: cidr: vlan: 20 - name: External dnsDomain: subnets: - name: subnet1 allocationRanges: - end: start: cidr: gateway: - name: storage dnsDomain: subnets: - name: subnet1 allocationRanges: - end: start: cidr: vlan: 21 - name: storagemgmt dnsDomain: subnets: - name: subnet1 allocationRanges: - end: start: cidr: vlan: 23 - name: tenant dnsDomain: subnets: - name: subnet1 allocationRanges: - end: start: cidr: vlan: 22 EOF
is running on your Compute service nodes, ensure that the physical device mappings match the values that are defined in theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
custom resource (CR). For more information, see Pulling the configuration from a director Operator deployment. -
You have defined the shell variables to run the script that runs the fast-forward upgrade:
CEPH_FSID=$(oc get secret ceph-conf-files -o json | jq -r '.data."ceph.conf"' | base64 -d | grep fsid | sed -e 's/fsid = //' alias openstack="oc exec -t openstackclient -- openstack" declare -A computes export computes=( ["standalone.localdomain"]="" # ... )
with the name and IP address of the Compute service node.Do not set a value for the CEPH_FSID
parameter if the local storage back end is configured by the Compute service for libvirt. The storage back end must match the source cloud storage back end. You cannot change the storage back end during adoption.
Create an SSH authentication secret for the data plane nodes:
$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: dataplane-adoption-secret namespace: openstack data: ssh-privatekey: | $(cat <path_to_SSH_key> | base64 | sed 's/^/ /') EOF
with the path to your SSH key.
Generate an ssh key-pair
secret:$ cd "$(mktemp -d)" ssh-keygen -f ./id -t ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 -N '' oc get secret nova-migration-ssh-key || oc create secret generic nova-migration-ssh-key \ -n openstack \ --from-file=ssh-privatekey=id \ \ --type rm -f id* cd -
If TLS Everywhere is enabled, set LIBVIRT_PASSWORD to match the existing RHOSP deployment password:
declare -A TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]="$HOME/overcloud-passwords.yaml" LIBVIRT_PASSWORD=$(cat ${TRIPLEO_PASSWORDS[default]} | grep ' LibvirtTLSPassword:' | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2; }') LIBVIRT_PASSWORD_BASE64=$(echo -n "$LIBVIRT_PASSWORD" | base64)
Create libvirt-secret when TLS-e is enabled:
$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: libvirt-secret namespace: openstack type: Opaque data: LibvirtPassword: ${LIBVIRT_PASSWORD_BASE64} EOF
If you use a local storage back end for libvirt, create a
service to remove pre-fast-forward workarounds and configure Compute services to use a local storage back end:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: nova-extra-config namespace: openstack data: 19-nova-compute-cell1-workarounds.conf: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=true EOF
The secret nova-cell<X>-compute-config
auto-generates for eachcell<X>
. You must specify values for thenova-cell<X>-compute-config
parameters for each customOpenStackDataPlaneService
CR that is related to the Compute service. -
If TLS Everywhere is enabled, append the following content to the
CR:tlsCerts: contents: - dnsnames - ips networks: - ctlplane issuer: osp-rootca-issuer-internal caCerts: combined-ca-bundle edpmServiceType: nova
If you use a Ceph back end for libvirt, create a
service to remove pre-fast-forward upgrade workarounds and configure Compute services to use a Ceph back end:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: nova-extra-config namespace: openstack data: 19-nova-compute-cell1-workarounds.conf: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=true 03-ceph-nova.conf: | [libvirt] images_type=rbd images_rbd_pool=vms images_rbd_ceph_conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf images_rbd_glance_store_name=default_backend images_rbd_glance_copy_poll_interval=15 images_rbd_glance_copy_timeout=600 rbd_user=openstack rbd_secret_uuid=$CEPH_FSID EOF
The resources in the
contain cell-specific configurations. -
Create a secret for the subscription manager:
$ oc create secret generic subscription-manager \ --from-literal rhc_auth='{"login": {"username": "<subscription_manager_username>", "password": "<subscription_manager_password>"}}'
with the applicable username. -
with the applicable password.
Create a secret for the Red Hat registry:
$ oc create secret generic redhat-registry \ --from-literal edpm_container_registry_logins='{"": {"<registry_username>": "<registry_password>"}}'
with the applicable username. -
with the applicable password.
Deploy the
CR:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet metadata: name: openstack-cell1 spec: tlsEnabled: false (1) networkAttachments: - ctlplane preProvisioned: true services: - redhat - bootstrap - download-cache - configure-network - validate-network - install-os - configure-os - ssh-known-hosts - run-os - reboot-os - install-certs - libvirt - nova - ovn - neutron-metadata - telemetry env: - name: ANSIBLE_CALLBACKS_ENABLED value: "profile_tasks" - name: ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR value: "True" nodes: standalone: hostName: standalone (2) ansible: ansibleHost: ${computes[standalone.localdomain]} networks: - defaultRoute: true fixedIP: ${computes[standalone.localdomain]} name: ctlplane subnetName: subnet1 - name: internalapi subnetName: subnet1 - name: storage subnetName: subnet1 - name: tenant subnetName: subnet1 nodeTemplate: ansibleSSHPrivateKeySecret: dataplane-adoption-secret ansible: ansibleUser: root ansibleVarsFrom: - secretRef: name: subscription-manager - secretRef: name: redhat-registry ansibleVars: rhc_release: 9.2 rhc_repositories: - {name: "*", state: disabled} - {name: "rhel-9-for-x86_64-baseos-eus-rpms", state: enabled} - {name: "rhel-9-for-x86_64-appstream-eus-rpms", state: enabled} - {name: "rhel-9-for-x86_64-highavailability-eus-rpms", state: enabled} - {name: "rhoso-18.0-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms", state: enabled} - {name: "fast-datapath-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms", state: enabled} - {name: "rhceph-7-tools-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms", state: enabled} edpm_bootstrap_release_version_package: [] # edpm_network_config # Default nic config template for a EDPM node # These vars are edpm_network_config role vars edpm_network_config_template: | --- {% set mtu_list = [ctlplane_mtu] %} {% for network in nodeset_networks %} {{ mtu_list.append(lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_mtu')) }} {%- endfor %} {% set min_viable_mtu = mtu_list | max %} network_config: - type: ovs_bridge name: {{ neutron_physical_bridge_name }} mtu: {{ min_viable_mtu }} use_dhcp: false dns_servers: {{ ctlplane_dns_nameservers }} domain: {{ dns_search_domains }} addresses: - ip_netmask: {{ ctlplane_ip }}/{{ ctlplane_cidr }} routes: {{ ctlplane_host_routes }} members: - type: interface name: nic1 mtu: {{ min_viable_mtu }} # force the MAC address of the bridge to this interface primary: true {% for network in nodeset_networks %} - type: vlan mtu: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_mtu') }} vlan_id: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_vlan_id') }} addresses: - ip_netmask: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_ip') }}/{{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_cidr') }} routes: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_host_routes') }} {% endfor %} edpm_network_config_hide_sensitive_logs: false # # These vars are for the network config templates themselves and are # considered EDPM network defaults. neutron_physical_bridge_name: br-ctlplane neutron_public_interface_name: eth0 # edpm_nodes_validation edpm_nodes_validation_validate_controllers_icmp: false edpm_nodes_validation_validate_gateway_icmp: false # edpm ovn-controller configuration edpm_ovn_bridge_mappings: <bridge_mappings> (3) edpm_ovn_bridge: br-int edpm_ovn_encap_type: geneve ovn_monitor_all: true edpm_ovn_remote_probe_interval: 60000 edpm_ovn_ofctrl_wait_before_clear: 8000 timesync_ntp_servers: - hostname: - hostname: edpm_bootstrap_command: | # FIXME: perform dnf upgrade for other packages in EDPM ansible # here we only ensuring that decontainerized libvirt can start dnf -y upgrade openstack-selinux rm -f /run/ gather_facts: false # edpm firewall, change the allowed CIDR if needed edpm_sshd_configure_firewall: true edpm_sshd_allowed_ranges: [''] # Do not attempt OVS major upgrades here edpm_ovs_packages: - openvswitch3.3 edpm_default_mounts: (4) - path: /dev/hugepages<size> opts: pagesize=<size> fstype: hugetlbfs group: hugetlbfs EOF
1 If TLS Everywhere is enabled, change spec:tlsEnabled
.2 If your deployment has a custom DNS Domain, modify the spec:nodes:[NODE NAME]:hostName
to use fqdn for the node.3 Replace <bridge_mappings>
with the value of the bridge mappings in your configuration, for example,"datacentre:br-ctlplane"
.4 If you need to configure hugepages, adjust <size>
. To configure multi-sized hugepages, create more items in the list. Note that the mount points must match the source cloud configuration. -
Ensure that you use the same
settings in theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR that you used in the Compute service nodes before adoption. This configuration is stored in theexternal_ids
column in theOpen_vSwitch
table in the Open vSwitch database:ovs-vsctl list Open . ... external_ids : {hostname=standalone.localdomain, ovn-bridge=br-int, ovn-bridge-mappings=<bridge_mappings>, ovn-chassis-mac-mappings="datacentre:1e:0a:bb:e6:7c:ad", ovn-encap-ip="", ovn-encap-tos="0", ovn-encap-type=geneve, ovn-match-northd-version=False, ovn-monitor-all=True, ovn-ofctrl-wait-before-clear="8000", ovn-openflow-probe-interval="60", ovn-remote="tcp:ovsdbserver-sb.openstack.svc:6642", ovn-remote-probe-interval="60000", rundir="/var/run/openvswitch", system-id="2eec68e6-aa21-4c95-a868-31aeafc11736"} ...
with the value of the bridge mappings in your configuration, for example,"datacentre:br-ctlplane"
If you use a Ceph back end for Block Storage service (cinder), prepare the adopted data plane workloads:
$ oc patch osdpns/openstack-cell1 --type=merge --patch " spec: services: - redhat - bootstrap - download-cache - configure-network - validate-network - install-os - configure-os - ssh-known-hosts - run-os - reboot-os - ceph-client - install-certs - ovn - neutron-metadata - libvirt - nova - telemetry nodeTemplate: extraMounts: - extraVolType: Ceph volumes: - name: ceph secret: secretName: ceph-conf-files mounts: - name: ceph mountPath: "/etc/ceph" readOnly: true "
Ensure that you use the same list of services from the original OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR, except for the insertedceph-client
service. -
Optional: Enable
in theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR:$ oc patch openstackdataplanenodeset openstack-cell1 --type='json' --patch='[ { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/services/-", "value": "neutron-sriov" }, { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/nodeTemplate/ansible/ansibleVars/edpm_neutron_sriov_agent_SRIOV_NIC_physical_device_mappings", "value": "dummy_sriov_net:dummy-dev" }, { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/nodeTemplate/ansible/ansibleVars/edpm_neutron_sriov_agent_SRIOV_NIC_resource_provider_bandwidths", "value": "dummy-dev:40000000:40000000" }, { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/nodeTemplate/ansible/ansibleVars/edpm_neutron_sriov_agent_SRIOV_NIC_resource_provider_hypervisors", "value": "dummy-dev:standalone.localdomain" } ]'
Optional: Enable
in theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR:$ oc patch openstackdataplanenodeset openstack-cell1 --type='json' --patch='[ { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/services/-", "value": "neutron-dhcp" }]'
To use
with OVN for the Bare Metal Provisioning service (ironic), you must set thedisable_ovn_dhcp_for_baremetal_ports
configuration option for the Networking service (neutron) totrue
. You can set this configuration in theNeutronAPI
spec:.. spec: serviceUser: neutron ... customServiceConfig: | [DEFAULT] dhcp_agent_notification = True [ovn] disable_ovn_dhcp_for_baremetal_ports = true
Run the pre-adoption validation:
Create the validation service:
$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: OpenStackDataPlaneService metadata: name: pre-adoption-validation spec: playbook: osp.edpm.pre_adoption_validation EOF
Create a
CR that runs only the validation:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment metadata: name: openstack-pre-adoption spec: nodeSets: - openstack servicesOverride: - pre-adoption-validation EOF
When the validation is finished, confirm that the status of the Ansible EE pods is
:$ watch oc get pod -l app=openstackansibleee
$ oc logs -l app=openstackansibleee -f --max-log-requests 20
Wait for the deployment to reach the
status:$ oc wait --for condition=Ready openstackdataplanedeployment/openstack-pre-adoption --timeout=10m
If any openstack-pre-adoption validations fail, you must reference the Ansible logs to determine which ones were unsuccessful, and then try the following troubleshooting options:
If the hostname validation failed, check that the hostname of the data plane node is correctly listed in the
CR. -
If the kernel argument check failed, ensure that the kernel argument configuration in the
variables in theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR is the same as the kernel argument configuration that you used in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1 node. -
If the tuned profile check failed, ensure that the
variable in theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR is configured to use the same profile as the one set on the RHOSP 17.1 node.
Remove the remaining director Operator services:
Create an
CR to clean up the data plane services you are adopting:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: OpenStackDataPlaneService metadata: name: tripleo-cleanup spec: playbook: osp.edpm.tripleo_cleanup EOF
Create the
CR to run the clean-up:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment metadata: name: tripleo-cleanup spec: nodeSets: - openstack servicesOverride: - tripleo-cleanup EOF
When the clean-up is finished, deploy the
CR:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment metadata: name: openstack spec: nodeSets: - openstack EOF
If you have other node sets to deploy, such as Networker nodes, you can add them in the nodeSets
list in this step, or create separateOpenStackDataPlaneDeployment
CRs later. You cannot add new node sets to anOpenStackDataPlaneDeployment
CR after deployment.
Confirm that all the Ansible EE pods reach a
status:$ watch oc get pod -l app=openstackansibleee
$ oc logs -l app=openstackansibleee -f --max-log-requests 20
Wait for the data plane node set to reach the
status:$ oc wait --for condition=Ready osdpns/openstack-cell1 --timeout=30m
Verify that the Networking service (neutron) agents are running:
$ oc exec openstackclient -- openstack network agent list +--------------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+-------+-------+----------------------------+ | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | +--------------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+-------+-------+----------------------------+ | 174fc099-5cc9-4348-b8fc-59ed44fcfb0e | DHCP agent | standalone.localdomain | nova | :-) | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent | | 10482583-2130-5b0d-958f-3430da21b929 | OVN Metadata agent | standalone.localdomain | | :-) | UP | neutron-ovn-metadata-agent | | a4f1b584-16f1-4937-b2b0-28102a3f6eaa | OVN Controller agent | standalone.localdomain | | :-) | UP | ovn-controller | +--------------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+-------+-------+----------------------------+
You must perform a fast-forward upgrade on your Compute services. For more information, see Performing a fast-forward upgrade on Compute services.
Performing a fast-forward upgrade on Compute services
You must upgrade the Compute services from Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 to Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) 18.0 on the control plane and data plane by completing the following tasks:
Update the cell1 Compute data plane services version.
Remove pre-fast-forward upgrade workarounds from the Compute control plane services and Compute data plane services.
Run Compute database online migrations to update live data.
Define the shell variables necessary to apply the fast-forward upgrade commands for each Compute service cell.
DEFAULT_CELL_NAME="cell1" RENAMED_CELLS="$DEFAULT_CELL_NAME" NAMESPACE="openstack" declare -A PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD for CELL in $(echo "super $RENAMED_CELLS"); do PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]=$(oc get -o json secret/osp-secret | jq -r .data.DbRootPassword | base64 -d) done
Wait for cell1 Compute data plane services version to update:
$ for CELL in $(echo $RENAMED_CELLS); do oc exec openstack-$CELL-galera-0 -n $NAMESPACE -c galera -- mysql -rs -uroot -p"${PODIFIED_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD[$CELL]}" \ -e "select a.version from nova_${CELL}.services a join nova_${CELL}.services b where a.version!=b.version and a.binary='nova-compute' and a.deleted=0;" done
The query returns an empty result when the update is completed. No downtime is expected for virtual machine workloads.
Review any errors in the nova Compute agent logs on the data plane, and the
journal records on the control plane. -
Patch the
CR to remove the pre-fast-forward upgrade workarounds from the Compute control plane services:$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack -n openstack --type=merge --patch ' spec: nova: template: cellTemplates: cell0: conductorServiceTemplate: customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=false cell1: metadataServiceTemplate: customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=false conductorServiceTemplate: customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=false apiServiceTemplate: customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=false metadataServiceTemplate: customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=false schedulerServiceTemplate: customServiceConfig: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=false '
Wait until the Compute control plane services CRs are ready:
$ oc wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=300s Nova/nova
Complete the steps in Adopting Compute services to the RHOSO data plane.
Remove the pre-fast-forward upgrade workarounds from the Compute data plane services:
$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: nova-extra-config namespace: openstack data: 20-nova-compute-cell1-workarounds.conf: | [workarounds] disable_compute_service_check_for_ffu=false --- apiVersion: kind: OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment metadata: name: openstack-nova-compute-ffu namespace: openstack spec: nodeSets: - openstack servicesOverride: - nova EOF
The service included in the servicesOverride
key must match the name of the service that you included in theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR. For example, if you use a custom service callednova-custom
, ensure that you add it to theservicesOverride
key. -
Wait for the Compute data plane services to be ready:
$ oc wait --for condition=Ready openstackdataplanedeployment/openstack-nova-compute-ffu --timeout=5m
Run Compute database online migrations to complete the fast-forward upgrade:
$ oc exec -it nova-cell0-conductor-0 -- nova-manage db online_data_migrations $ oc exec -it nova-cell1-conductor-0 -- nova-manage db online_data_migrations
Discover the Compute hosts in the cell:
$ oc rsh nova-cell0-conductor-0 nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts --verbose
Verify if the existing test VM instance is running:
${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} server --os-compute-api-version 2.48 show --diagnostics test 2>&1 || echo FAIL
Verify if the Compute services can stop the existing test VM instance:
${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} server list -c Name -c Status -f value | grep -qF "test ACTIVE" && ${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} server stop test || echo PASS ${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} server list -c Name -c Status -f value | grep -qF "test SHUTOFF" || echo FAIL ${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} server --os-compute-api-version 2.48 show --diagnostics test 2>&1 || echo PASS
Verify if the Compute services can start the existing test VM instance:
${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} server list -c Name -c Status -f value | grep -qF "test SHUTOFF" && ${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} server start test || echo PASS ${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} server list -c Name -c Status -f value | grep -qF "test ACTIVE" && \ ${BASH_ALIASES[openstack]} server --os-compute-api-version 2.48 show --diagnostics test --fit-width -f json | jq -r '.state' | grep running || echo FAIL
After the data plane adoption, the Compute hosts continue to run Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.2. To take advantage of RHEL 9.4, perform a minor update procedure after finishing the adoption procedure. |
Adopting Networker services to the RHOSO data plane
Adopt the Networker services in your existing Red Hat OpenStack Platform deployment to the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) data plane. The Networker
services could be running on Conroller
nodes or dedicated Networker
nodes. You decide which services you want to run on the Networker nodes, and create a separate OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
custom resource (CR) for the Networker nodes. You might also decide to implement the following options if they apply to your environment:
Depending on your topology, you might need to run the
service on the nodes, specifically when you want to serve metadata to SR-IOV ports that are hosted on Compute nodes. -
If you want to continue running OVN gateway services on Networker nodes, keep
service in the list to deploy. -
Optional: You can run the
service on your Networker nodes instead of your Compute nodes. You might not need to useneutron-dhcp
with OVN, unless your deployment uses DHCP relays, or advanced DHCP options that are supported by dnsmasq but not by the OVN DHCP implementation.
Adopt each Controller or Networker node in your existing Red Hat OpenStack Platform deployment to the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) when your node is set as an OVN chassis gateway. Any node with
parameter set to enable-chassis-as-gw
is considered OVN gateway chassis. In this case, such nodes will become edpm networker nodes after adoption.
Check for the nodes where
OVN Controller Gateway agent
agents are running. The list of agents varies depending on the services you enabled:$ oc exec openstackclient -- openstack network agent list +--------------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------------+-------+-------+----------------------------+ | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | +--------------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------------+-------+-------+----------------------------+ | e5075ee0-9dd9-4f0a-a42a-6bbdf1a6111c | OVN Controller Gateway agent | controller-0.localdomain | | XXX | UP | ovn-controller | | f3112349-054c-403a-b00a-e219238192b8 | OVN Controller agent | compute-0.localdomain | | XXX | UP | ovn-controller | | af9dae2d-1c1c-55a8-a743-f84719f6406d | OVN Metadata agent | compute-0.localdomain | | XXX | UP | neutron-ovn-metadata-agent | | 51a11df8-a66e-47a2-aec0-52eb8589626c | OVN Controller Gateway agent | controller-1.localdomain | | XXX | UP | ovn-controller | | bb817e5e-7832-410a-9e67-934dac8c602f | OVN Controller Gateway agent | controller-2.localdomain | | XXX | UP | ovn-controller | +--------------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------------+-------+-------+----------------------------+
Define the shell variable. Based on above agent list output, controller-0, controller-1, controller-2 are our target hosts. If you have both
nodes running networker services then add all those hosts below.declare -A networkers networkers+=( ["controller-0.localdomain"]="" ["controller-1.localdomain"]="" ["controller-2.localdomain"]="" # ... )
with the name and IP address of the corresponding Networker or Controller node as per your environment.
Deploy the
CR for your nodes:You can reuse most of the nodeTemplate
section from theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR that is designated for your Compute nodes. You can omit some of the variables because of the limited set of services that are running on the Networker nodes.$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet metadata: name: openstack-networker spec: tlsEnabled: false (1) networkAttachments: - ctlplane preProvisioned: true services: - redhat - bootstrap - download-cache - configure-network - validate-network - install-os - configure-os - ssh-known-hosts - run-os - install-certs - ovn env: - name: ANSIBLE_CALLBACKS_ENABLED value: "profile_tasks" - name: ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR value: "True" nodes: controller-0: hostName: controller-0 ansible: ansibleHost: ${networkers[controller-0.localdomain]} networks: - defaultRoute: true fixedIP: ${networkers[controller-0.localdomain]} name: ctlplane subnetName: subnet1 - name: internalapi subnetName: subnet1 - name: storage subnetName: subnet1 - name: tenant subnetName: subnet1 controller-1: hostName: controller-1 ansible: ansibleHost: ${networkers[controller-1.localdomain]} networks: - defaultRoute: true fixedIP: ${networkers[controller-1.localdomain]} name: ctlplane subnetName: subnet1 - name: internalapi subnetName: subnet1 - name: storage subnetName: subnet1 - name: tenant subnetName: subnet1 controller-2: hostName: controller-2 ansible: ansibleHost: ${networkers[controller-2.localdomain]} networks: - defaultRoute: true fixedIP: ${networkers[controller-2.localdomain]} name: ctlplane subnetName: subnet1 - name: internalapi subnetName: subnet1 - name: storage subnetName: subnet1 - name: tenant subnetName: subnet1 nodeTemplate: ansibleSSHPrivateKeySecret: dataplane-adoption-secret ansible: ansibleUser: root ansibleVarsFrom: - secretRef: name: subscription-manager - secretRef: name: redhat-registry ansibleVars: rhc_release: 9.2 rhc_repositories: - {name: "*", state: disabled} - {name: "rhel-9-for-x86_64-baseos-eus-rpms", state: enabled} - {name: "rhel-9-for-x86_64-appstream-eus-rpms", state: enabled} - {name: "rhel-9-for-x86_64-highavailability-eus-rpms", state: enabled} - {name: "rhoso-18.0-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms", state: enabled} - {name: "fast-datapath-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms", state: enabled} - {name: "rhceph-7-tools-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms", state: enabled} edpm_bootstrap_release_version_package: [] # edpm_network_config # Default nic config template for a EDPM node # These vars are edpm_network_config role vars edpm_network_config_template: | --- {% set mtu_list = [ctlplane_mtu] %} {% for network in nodeset_networks %} {{ mtu_list.append(lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_mtu')) }} {%- endfor %} {% set min_viable_mtu = mtu_list | max %} network_config: - type: ovs_bridge name: {{ neutron_physical_bridge_name }} mtu: {{ min_viable_mtu }} use_dhcp: false dns_servers: {{ ctlplane_dns_nameservers }} domain: {{ dns_search_domains }} addresses: - ip_netmask: {{ ctlplane_ip }}/{{ ctlplane_cidr }} routes: {{ ctlplane_host_routes }} members: - type: interface name: nic1 mtu: {{ min_viable_mtu }} # force the MAC address of the bridge to this interface primary: true {% for network in nodeset_networks %} - type: vlan mtu: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_mtu') }} vlan_id: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_vlan_id') }} addresses: - ip_netmask: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_ip') }}/{{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_cidr') }} routes: {{ lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_host_routes') }} {% endfor %} edpm_network_config_hide_sensitive_logs: false # # These vars are for the network config templates themselves and are # considered EDPM network defaults. neutron_physical_bridge_name: br-ctlplane neutron_public_interface_name: eth0 # edpm_nodes_validation edpm_nodes_validation_validate_controllers_icmp: false edpm_nodes_validation_validate_gateway_icmp: false # edpm ovn-controller configuration edpm_ovn_bridge_mappings: <bridge_mappings> (2) edpm_ovn_bridge: br-int edpm_ovn_encap_type: geneve ovn_monitor_all: true edpm_ovn_remote_probe_interval: 60000 edpm_ovn_ofctrl_wait_before_clear: 8000 # serve as a OVN gateway edpm_enable_chassis_gw: true (3) timesync_ntp_servers: - hostname: - hostname: gather_facts: false enable_debug: false # edpm firewall, change the allowed CIDR if needed edpm_sshd_configure_firewall: true edpm_sshd_allowed_ranges: [''] # SELinux module edpm_selinux_mode: enforcing # Do not attempt OVS major upgrades here edpm_ovs_packages: - openvswitch3.3 EOF
1 If TLS Everywhere is enabled, change spec:tlsEnabled
.2 Set to the same values that you used in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 deployment. 3 Set to true
to runovn-controller
in gateway mode. -
Ensure that you use the same
settings in theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR that you used in the Networker nodes before adoption. This configuration is stored in theexternal_ids
column in theOpen_vSwitch
table in the Open vSwitch database:ovs-vsctl list Open . ... external_ids : {hostname=controller-0.localdomain, ovn-bridge=br-int, ovn-bridge-mappings=<bridge_mappings>, ovn-chassis-mac-mappings="datacentre:1e:0a:bb:e6:7c:ad", ovn-cms-options=enable-chassis-as-gw, ovn-encap-ip="", ovn-encap-tos="0", ovn-encap-type=geneve, ovn-match-northd-version=False, ovn-monitor-all=True, ovn-ofctrl-wait-before-clear="8000", ovn-openflow-probe-interval="60", ovn-remote="tcp:ovsdbserver-sb.openstack.svc:6642", ovn-remote-probe-interval="60000", rundir="/var/run/openvswitch", system-id="2eec68e6-aa21-4c95-a868-31aeafc11736"} ...
with the value of the bridge mappings in your configuration, for example,"datacentre:br-ctlplane"
Optional: Enable
in theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR:$ oc patch openstackdataplanenodeset <networker_CR_name> --type='json' --patch='[ { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/services/-", "value": "neutron-metadata" }]'
with the name of the CR that you deployed for your Networker nodes, for example,openstack-networker
Optional: Enable
in theOpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet
CR:$ oc patch openstackdataplanenodeset <networker_CR_name> --type='json' --patch='[ { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/services/-", "value": "neutron-dhcp" }]'
Run the
service for Networker nodes:-
Create a
CR that runs only the validation:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment metadata: name: openstack-pre-adoption-networker spec: nodeSets: - openstack-networker servicesOverride: - pre-adoption-validation EOF
When the validation is finished, confirm that the status of the Ansible EE pods is
:$ watch oc get pod -l app=openstackansibleee
$ oc logs -l app=openstackansibleee -f --max-log-requests 20
Wait for the deployment to reach the
status:$ oc wait --for condition=Ready openstackdataplanedeployment/openstack-pre-adoption-networker --timeout=10m
Deploy the
CR for Networker nodes:$ oc apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment metadata: name: openstack-networker spec: nodeSets: - openstack-networker EOF
Alternatively, you can include the Networker node set in the nodeSets
list before you deploy the mainOpenStackDataPlaneDeployment
CR. You cannot add new node sets to theOpenStackDataPlaneDeployment
CR after deployment.
Confirm that all the Ansible EE pods reach a
status:$ watch oc get pod -l app=openstackansibleee
$ oc logs -l app=openstackansibleee -f --max-log-requests 20
Wait for the data plane node set to reach the
status:$ oc wait --for condition=Ready osdpns/<networker_CR_name> --timeout=30m
with the name of the CR that you deployed for your Networker nodes, for example,openstack-networker
Verify that the Networking service (neutron) agents are running. The list of agents varies depending on the services you enabled:
$ oc exec openstackclient -- openstack network agent list +--------------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------------+-------+-------+----------------------------+ | ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary | +--------------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------------+-------+-------+----------------------------+ | e5075ee0-9dd9-4f0a-a42a-6bbdf1a6111c | OVN Controller Gateway agent | controller-0.localdomain | | :-) | UP | ovn-controller | | f3112349-054c-403a-b00a-e219238192b8 | OVN Controller agent | compute-0.localdomain | | :-) | UP | ovn-controller | | af9dae2d-1c1c-55a8-a743-f84719f6406d | OVN Metadata agent | compute-0.localdomain | | :-) | UP | neutron-ovn-metadata-agent | | 51a11df8-a66e-47a2-aec0-52eb8589626c | OVN Controller Gateway agent | controller-1.localdomain | | :-) | UP | ovn-controller | | bb817e5e-7832-410a-9e67-934dac8c602f | OVN Controller Gateway agent | controller-2.localdomain | | :-) | UP | ovn-controller | +--------------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------------+-------+-------+----------------------------+
Migrating the Object Storage service to Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift nodes
If you are using the Red Hat OpenStack Platform Object Storage service (swift) as an Object Storage service, you must migrate your Object Storage service to Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift nodes. If you are using the Object Storage API of the Ceph Object Gateway (RGW), you can skip this chapter.
The data migration happens replica by replica. For example, if you have 3 replicas, move them one at a time to ensure that the other 2 replicas are still operational, which enables you to continue to use the Object Storage service during the migration.
Data migration to the new deployment is a long-running process that executes mostly in the background. The Object Storage service replicators move data from old to new nodes, which might take a long time depending on the amount of storage used. To reduce downtime, you can use the old nodes if they are running and continue with adopting other services while waiting for the migration to complete. Performance might be degraded due to the amount of replication traffic in the network. |
Migrating the Object Storage service data from RHOSP to RHOSO nodes
The Object Storage service (swift) migration involves the following steps:
Add new nodes to the Object Storage service rings.
Set weights of existing nodes to 0.
Rebalance rings by moving one replica.
Copy rings to old nodes and restart services.
Check replication status and repeat the previous two steps until the old nodes are drained.
Remove the old nodes from the rings.
Adopt the Object Storage service. For more information, see Adopting the Object Storage service.
For DNS servers, ensure that all existing nodes are able to resolve the hostnames of the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) pods, for example, by using the external IP of the DNSMasq service as the nameserver in
:$ oc get service dnsmasq-dns -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}" | $CONTROLLER1_SSH sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf
Track the current status of the replication by using the
tool:$ oc debug --keep-labels=true job/swift-ring-rebalance -- /bin/sh -c 'swift-ring-tool get && swift-dispersion-populate'
The command might need a few minutes to complete. It creates 0-byte objects that are distributed across the Object Storage service deployment, and you can use the
afterward to show the current replication status:$ oc debug --keep-labels=true job/swift-ring-rebalance -- /bin/sh -c 'swift-ring-tool get && swift-dispersion-report'
The output of the
command looks similar to the following:Queried 1024 containers for dispersion reporting, 5s, 0 retries 100.00% of container copies found (3072 of 3072) Sample represents 100.00% of the container partition space Queried 1024 objects for dispersion reporting, 4s, 0 retries There were 1024 partitions missing 0 copies. 100.00% of object copies found (3072 of 3072) Sample represents 100.00% of the object partition space
Add new nodes by scaling up the SwiftStorage resource from 0 to 3:
$ oc patch openstackcontrolplane openstack --type=merge -p='{"spec":{"swift":{"template":{"swiftStorage":{"replicas": 3}}}}}'
This command creates three storage instances on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster that use Persistent Volume Claims.
Wait until all three pods are running and the rings include the new devices:
$ oc wait pods --for condition=Ready -l component=swift-storage $ oc debug --keep-labels=true job/swift-ring-rebalance -- /bin/sh -c 'swift-ring-tool get && swift-ring-builder object.builder search --device pv'
From the current rings, get the storage management IP addresses of the nodes to drain:
$ oc debug --keep-labels=true job/swift-ring-rebalance -- /bin/sh -c 'swift-ring-tool get && swift-ring-builder object.builder search _' | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $4}' | sort -u
The output looks similar to the following: swift-storage-0.swift-storage.openstack.svc swift-storage-1.swift-storage.openstack.svc swift-storage-2.swift-storage.openstack.svc
Drain the old nodes. In the following example, the old node
is drained:$ oc debug --keep-labels=true job/swift-ring-rebalance -- /bin/sh -c ' swift-ring-tool get swift-ring-tool drain swift-ring-tool rebalance swift-ring-tool push'
Depending on your deployment, you might have more nodes to include in the command.
Copy and apply the updated rings to the original nodes. Run the ssh commands for your existing nodes that store the Object Storage service data:
$ oc extract --confirm cm/swift-ring-files $CONTROLLER1_SSH "tar -C /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/swift/etc/swift/ -xzf -" < swiftrings.tar.gz $CONTROLLER1_SSH "systemctl restart tripleo_swift_*"
Track the replication progress by using the
tool:$ oc debug --keep-labels=true job/swift-ring-rebalance -- /bin/sh -c "swift-ring-tool get && swift-dispersion-report"
The output shows less than 100% of copies found. Repeat the command until all container and object copies are found:
Queried 1024 containers for dispersion reporting, 6s, 0 retries There were 5 partitions missing 1 copy. 99.84% of container copies found (3067 of 3072) Sample represents 100.00% of the container partition space Queried 1024 objects for dispersion reporting, 7s, 0 retries There were 739 partitions missing 1 copy. There were 285 partitions missing 0 copies. 75.94% of object copies found (2333 of 3072) Sample represents 100.00% of the object partition space
Move the next replica to the new nodes by rebalancing and distributing the rings:
$ oc debug --keep-labels=true job/swift-ring-rebalance -- /bin/sh -c ' swift-ring-tool get swift-ring-tool rebalance swift-ring-tool push' $ oc extract --confirm cm/swift-ring-files $CONTROLLER1_SSH "tar -C /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/swift/etc/swift/ -xzf -" < swiftrings.tar.gz $CONTROLLER1_SSH "systemctl restart tripleo_swift_*"
Monitor the
output again, wait until all copies are found, and then repeat this step until all your replicas are moved to the new nodes. -
Remove the nodes from the rings:
$ oc debug --keep-labels=true job/swift-ring-rebalance -- /bin/sh -c ' swift-ring-tool get swift-ring-tool remove swift-ring-tool rebalance swift-ring-tool push'
Even if all replicas are on the new nodes and the swift-dispersion-report command reports 100% of the copies found, there might still be data on the old nodes. The replicators remove this data, but it might take more time.
Check the disk usage of all disks in the cluster:
$ oc debug --keep-labels=true job/swift-ring-rebalance -- /bin/sh -c 'swift-ring-tool get && swift-recon -d'
Confirm that there are no more
files in the/srv/node
directory on the nodes:$CONTROLLER1_SSH "find /srv/node/ -type f -name '*.db' -o -name '*.data' | wc -l"
Troubleshooting the Object Storage service migration
You can troubleshoot issues with the Object Storage service (swift) migration.
If the replication is not working and the
is not back to 100% availability, check the replicator progress to help you debug:$ CONTROLLER1_SSH tail /var/log/containers/swift/swift.log | grep object-server
The following shows an example of the output:
Mar 14 06:05:30 standalone object-server[652216]: <f+++++++++ 4e2/9cbea55c47e243994b0b10d8957184e2/ Mar 14 06:05:30 standalone object-server[652216]: Successful rsync of /srv/node/vdd/objects/626/4e2 to swift-storage-1.swift-storage.openstack.svc::object/d1/objects/626 (0.094) Mar 14 06:05:30 standalone object-server[652216]: Removing partition: /srv/node/vdd/objects/626 Mar 14 06:05:31 standalone object-server[652216]: <f+++++++++ 85f/cf53b5a048e5b19049e05a548cde185f/ Mar 14 06:05:31 standalone object-server[652216]: Successful rsync of /srv/node/vdb/objects/829/85f to swift-storage-2.swift-storage.openstack.svc::object/d1/objects/829 (0.095) Mar 14 06:05:31 standalone object-server[652216]: Removing partition: /srv/node/vdb/objects/829
You can also check the ring consistency and replicator status:
$ oc debug --keep-labels=true job/swift-ring-rebalance -- /bin/sh -c 'swift-ring-tool get && swift-recon -r --md5'
The output might show a md5 mismatch until approximately 2 minutes after pushing the new rings. After the 2 minutes, the output looks similar to the following example:
Oldest completion was 2024-03-14 16:53:27 (3 minutes ago) by Most recent completion was 2024-03-14 16:56:38 (12 seconds ago) by swift-storage-0.swift-storage.openstack.svc:6200. =============================================================================== [2024-03-14 16:56:50] Checking ring md5sums 4/4 hosts matched, 0 error[s] while checking hosts.
Migrating the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster
In the context of data plane adoption, where the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) services are redeployed in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP), you migrate a director Operator-deployed Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster by using a process called “externalizing” the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
There are two deployment topologies that include an internal Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster:
RHOSP includes dedicated Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes to host object storage daemons (OSDs)
Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI), where Compute and Storage services are colocated on hyperconverged nodes
In either scenario, there are some Red Hat Ceph Storage processes that are deployed on RHOSP Controller nodes: Red Hat Ceph Storage monitors, Ceph Object Gateway (RGW), Rados Block Device (RBD), Ceph Metadata Server (MDS), Ceph Dashboard, and NFS Ganesha. To migrate your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, you must decommission the Controller nodes and move the Red Hat Ceph Storage daemons to a set of target nodes that are already part of the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
Complete the tasks in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 environment. For more information, see Red Hat Ceph Storage prerequisites.
Red Hat Ceph Storage daemon cardinality
Red Hat Ceph Storage 7 and later applies strict constraints in the way daemons can be colocated within the same node. For more information, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase article Red Hat Ceph Storage: Supported configurations. Your topology depends on the available hardware and the amount of Red Hat Ceph Storage services in the Controller nodes that you retire. The amount of services that you can migrate depends on the amount of available nodes in the cluster. The following diagrams show the distribution of Red Hat Ceph Storage daemons on Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes where at least 3 nodes are required.
The following scenario includes only RGW and RBD, without the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard:
| | | | |----|---------------------|-------------| | osd | mon/mgr/crash | rgw/ingress | | osd | mon/mgr/crash | rgw/ingress | | osd | mon/mgr/crash | rgw/ingress |
With the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard, but without Shared File Systems service (manila), at least 4 nodes are required. The Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard has no failover:
| | | | |-----|---------------------|-------------| | osd | mon/mgr/crash | rgw/ingress | | osd | mon/mgr/crash | rgw/ingress | | osd | mon/mgr/crash | dashboard/grafana | | osd | rgw/ingress | (free) |
With the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard and the Shared File Systems service, a minimum of 5 nodes are required, and the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard has no failover:
| | | | |-----|---------------------|-------------------------| | osd | mon/mgr/crash | rgw/ingress | | osd | mon/mgr/crash | rgw/ingress | | osd | mon/mgr/crash | mds/ganesha/ingress | | osd | rgw/ingress | mds/ganesha/ingress | | osd | mds/ganesha/ingress | dashboard/grafana |
Migrating the monitoring stack component to new nodes within an existing Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster
The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard module adds web-based monitoring and administration to the Ceph Manager. With director Operator-deployed Red Hat Ceph Storage, the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard is enabled as part of the overcloud deploy and is composed of the following components:
Ceph Manager module
Node exporter
The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard containers are included through tripleo-container-image-prepare
parameters, and high availability (HA) relies
on HAProxy
and Pacemaker
to be deployed on the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment. For an external Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, HA is not supported.
In this procedure, you migrate and relocate the Ceph Monitoring components to free Controller nodes.
Complete the tasks in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 environment. For more information, see Red Hat Ceph Storage prerequisites.
Migrating the monitoring stack to the target nodes
To migrate the monitoring stack to the target nodes, you add the monitoring label to your existing nodes and update the configuration of each daemon. You do not need to migrate node exporters. These daemons are deployed across the nodes that are part of the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster (the placement is ‘*’).
Confirm that the firewall rules are in place and the ports are open for a given monitoring stack service.
Depending on the target nodes and the number of deployed or active daemons, you can either relocate the existing containers to the target nodes, or
select a subset of nodes that host the monitoring stack daemons. High availability (HA) is not supported. Reducing the placement with count: 1 allows you to migrate the existing daemons in a Hyperconverged Infrastructure, or hardware-limited, scenario without impacting other services.
Migrating the existing daemons to the target nodes
The following procedure is an example of an environment with 3 Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes or ComputeHCI nodes. This scenario extends the monitoring labels to all the Red Hat Ceph Storage or ComputeHCI nodes that are part of the cluster. This means that you keep 3 placements for the target nodes.
Add the monitoring label to all the Red Hat Ceph Storage or ComputeHCI nodes in the cluster:
for item in $(sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host ls --format json | jq -r '.[].hostname'); do sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label add $item monitoring; done
Verify that all the hosts on the target nodes have the monitoring label:
[tripleo-admin@controller-0 ~]$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host ls HOST ADDR LABELS cephstorage-0.redhat.local osd monitoring cephstorage-1.redhat.local osd monitoring cephstorage-2.redhat.local osd monitoring controller-0.redhat.local _admin mon mgr monitoring controller-1.redhat.local mon _admin mgr monitoring controller-2.redhat.local mon _admin mgr monitoring
Remove the labels from the Controller nodes:
$ for i in 0 1 2; do sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label rm "controller-$i.redhat.local" monitoring; done Removed label monitoring from host controller-0.redhat.local Removed label monitoring from host controller-1.redhat.local Removed label monitoring from host controller-2.redhat.local
Dump the current monitoring stack spec:
function export_spec { local component="$1" local target_dir="$2" sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ls --export "$component" > "$target_dir/$component" } SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} mkdir -p ${SPEC_DIR} for m in grafana prometheus alertmanager; do export_spec "$m" "$SPEC_DIR" done
For each daemon, edit the current spec and replace the
section with theplacement.label:
section, for example:service_type: grafana service_name: grafana placement: label: monitoring networks: - spec: port: 3100
This step also applies to Prometheus and Alertmanager specs.
Apply the new monitoring spec to relocate the monitoring stack daemons:
SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} function migrate_daemon { local component="$1" local target_dir="$2" sudo cephadm shell -m "$target_dir" -- ceph orch apply -i /mnt/ceph_specs/$component } for m in grafana prometheus alertmanager; do migrate_daemon "$m" "$SPEC_DIR" done
Verify that the daemons are deployed on the expected nodes:
[ceph: root@controller-0 /]# ceph orch ps | grep -iE "(prome|alert|grafa)" alertmanager.cephstorage-2 cephstorage-2.redhat.local,9094 grafana.cephstorage-0 cephstorage-0.redhat.local prometheus.cephstorage-1 cephstorage-1.redhat.local
After you migrate the monitoring stack, you lose high availability. The monitoring stack daemons no longer have a Virtual IP address and HAProxy anymore. Node exporters are still running on all the nodes. -
Review the Red Hat Ceph Storage configuration to ensure that it aligns with the configuration on the target nodes. In particular, focus on the following configuration entries:
[ceph: root@controller-0 /]# ceph config dump | grep -i dashboard ... mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/ALERTMANAGER_API_HOST mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/GRAFANA_API_URL mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/PROMETHEUS_API_HOST mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/controller-0.ycokob/server_addr mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/controller-1.lmzpuc/server_addr mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/controller-2.xpdgfl/server_addr
Verify that the
of thegrafana
services points to the IP addresses on the storage network of the node where each daemon is relocated:[ceph: root@controller-0 /]# ceph orch ps | grep -iE "(prome|alert|grafa)" alertmanager.cephstorage-0 cephstorage-0.redhat.local,9094 alertmanager.cephstorage-1 cephstorage-1.redhat.local,9094 alertmanager.cephstorage-2 cephstorage-2.redhat.local,9094 grafana.cephstorage-0 cephstorage-0.redhat.local grafana.cephstorage-1 cephstorage-1.redhat.local grafana.cephstorage-2 cephstorage-2.redhat.local prometheus.cephstorage-0 cephstorage-0.redhat.local prometheus.cephstorage-1 cephstorage-1.redhat.local prometheus.cephstorage-2 cephstorage-2.redhat.local
[ceph: root@controller-0 /]# ceph config dump ... ... mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/ALERTMANAGER_API_HOST mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/PROMETHEUS_API_HOST mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/GRAFANA_API_URL
The Ceph Dashboard, as the service provided by the Ceph mgr
, is not impacted by the relocation. You might experience an impact when the activemgr
daemon is migrated or is force-failed. However, you can define 3 replicas in the Ceph Manager configuration to redirect requests to a different instance.
Migrating Red Hat Ceph Storage MDS to new nodes within the existing cluster
You can migrate the MDS daemon when Shared File Systems service (manila), deployed with either a cephfs-native or ceph-nfs back end, is part of the overcloud deployment. The MDS migration is performed by cephadm
, and you move the daemons placement from a hosts-based approach to a label-based approach.
This ensures that you can visualize the status of the cluster and where daemons are placed by using the ceph orch host
command. You can also have a general view of how the daemons are co-located within a given host, as described in the Red Hat Knowledgebase article Red Hat Ceph Storage: Supported configurations.
Complete the tasks in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 environment. For more information, see Red Hat Ceph Storage prerequisites.
Verify that the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster is healthy and check the MDS status:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph fs ls name: cephfs, metadata pool: manila_metadata, data pools: [manila_data ] $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph mds stat cephfs:1 {0=mds.controller-2.oebubl=up:active} 2 up:standby $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph fs status cephfs cephfs - 0 clients ====== RANK STATE MDS ACTIVITY DNS INOS DIRS CAPS 0 active mds.controller-2.oebubl Reqs: 0 /s 696 196 173 0 POOL TYPE USED AVAIL manila_metadata metadata 152M 141G manila_data data 3072M 141G STANDBY MDS mds.controller-0.anwiwd mds.controller-1.cwzhog
Retrieve more detailed information on the Ceph File System (CephFS) MDS status:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph fs dump e8 enable_multiple, ever_enabled_multiple: 1,1 default compat: compat={},rocompat={},incompat={1=base v0.20,2=client writeable ranges,3=default file layouts on dirs,4=dir inode in separate object,5=mds uses versioned encoding,6=dirfrag is stored in omap,8=no anchor table,9=file layout v2,10=snaprealm v2} legacy client fscid: 1 Filesystem 'cephfs' (1) fs_name cephfs epoch 5 flags 12 joinable allow_snaps allow_multimds_snaps created 2024-01-18T19:04:01.633820+0000 modified 2024-01-18T19:04:05.393046+0000 tableserver 0 root 0 session_timeout 60 session_autoclose 300 max_file_size 1099511627776 required_client_features {} last_failure 0 last_failure_osd_epoch 0 compat compat={},rocompat={},incompat={1=base v0.20,2=client writeable ranges,3=default file layouts on dirs,4=dir inode in separate object,5=mds uses versioned encoding,6=dirfrag is stored in omap,7=mds uses inline data,8=no anchor table,9=file layout v2,10=snaprealm v2} max_mds 1 in 0 up {0=24553} failed damaged stopped data_pools [7] metadata_pool 9 inline_data disabled balancer standby_count_wanted 1 [mds.mds.controller-2.oebubl{0:24553} state up:active seq 2 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] Standby daemons: [mds.mds.controller-0.anwiwd{-1:14715} state up:standby seq 1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] [mds.mds.controller-1.cwzhog{-1:24566} state up:standby seq 1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] dumped fsmap epoch 8
Check the OSD blocklist and clean up the client list:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph osd blocklist ls .. .. for item in $(sudo cephadm shell -- ceph osd blocklist ls | awk '{print $1}'); do sudo cephadm shell -- ceph osd blocklist rm $item; done
When a file system client is unresponsive or misbehaving, the access to the file system might be forcibly terminated. This process is called eviction. Evicting a CephFS client prevents it from communicating further with MDS daemons and OSD daemons.
Ordinarily, a blocklisted client cannot reconnect to the servers; you must unmount and then remount the client. However, permitting a client that was evicted to attempt to reconnect can be useful. Because CephFS uses the RADOS OSD blocklist to control client eviction, you can permit CephFS clients to reconnect by removing them from the blocklist.
Get the hosts that are currently part of the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster:
[ceph: root@controller-0 /]# ceph orch host ls HOST ADDR LABELS STATUS cephstorage-0.redhat.local osd cephstorage-1.redhat.local osd cephstorage-2.redhat.local osd controller-0.redhat.local _admin mgr mon controller-1.redhat.local mgr _admin mon controller-2.redhat.local mgr _admin mon 6 hosts in cluster
Apply the MDS labels to the target nodes:
for item in $(sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host ls --format json | jq -r '.[].hostname'); do sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label add $item mds; done
Verify that all the hosts have the MDS label:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host ls HOST ADDR LABELS cephstorage-0.redhat.local osd mds cephstorage-1.redhat.local osd mds cephstorage-2.redhat.local osd mds controller-0.redhat.local _admin mon mgr mds controller-1.redhat.local mon _admin mgr mds controller-2.redhat.local mon _admin mgr mds
Dump the current MDS spec:
$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ mkdir -p ${SPEC_DIR} $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ls --export mds > ${SPEC_DIR}/mds
Edit the retrieved spec and replace the
section withplacement.label
:service_type: mds service_id: mds service_name: mds.mds placement: label: mds
Use the
ceph orchestrator
to apply the new MDS spec:$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ sudo cephadm shell -m ${SPEC_DIR}/mds -- ceph orch apply -i /mnt/mds Scheduling new mds deployment ...
This results in an increased number of MDS daemons.
Check the new standby daemons that are temporarily added to the CephFS:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph fs dump Active standby_count_wanted 1 [mds.mds.controller-0.awzplm{0:463158} state up:active seq 307 join_fscid=1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] Standby daemons: [mds.mds.cephstorage-1.jkvomp{-1:463800} state up:standby seq 1 join_fscid=1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] [mds.mds.controller-2.gfrqvc{-1:475945} state up:standby seq 1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] [mds.mds.cephstorage-0.fqcshx{-1:476503} state up:standby seq 1 join_fscid=1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] [mds.mds.cephstorage-2.gnfhfe{-1:499067} state up:standby seq 1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] [mds.mds.controller-1.tyiziq{-1:499136} state up:standby seq 1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}]
To migrate MDS to the target nodes, set the MDS affinity that manages the MDS failover:
It is possible to elect a dedicated MDS as "active" for a particular file system. To configure this preference, CephFS
provides a configuration option for MDS calledmds_join_fs
, which enforces this affinity. When failing over MDS daemons, cluster monitors prefer standby daemons withmds_join_fs
equal to the file system name with the failed rank. If no standby exists withmds_join_fs
equal to the file system name, it chooses an unqualified standby as a replacement.$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph config set mds.mds.cephstorage-0.fqcshx mds_join_fs cephfs
with the daemon deployed oncephstorage-0
that was retrieved from the previous step.
Remove the labels from the Controller nodes and force the MDS failover to the target node:
$ for i in 0 1 2; do sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label rm "controller-$i.redhat.local" mds; done Removed label mds from host controller-0.redhat.local Removed label mds from host controller-1.redhat.local Removed label mds from host controller-2.redhat.local
The switch to the target node happens in the background. The new active MDS is the one that you set by using the
command. -
Check the result of the failover and the new deployed daemons:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph fs dump … … standby_count_wanted 1 [mds.mds.cephstorage-0.fqcshx{0:476503} state up:active seq 168 join_fscid=1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] Standby daemons: [mds.mds.cephstorage-2.gnfhfe{-1:499067} state up:standby seq 1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] [mds.mds.cephstorage-1.jkvomp{-1:499760} state up:standby seq 1 join_fscid=1 addr [v2:,v1:] compat {c=[1],r=[1],i=[7ff]}] $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ls NAME PORTS RUNNING REFRESHED AGE PLACEMENT crash 6/6 10m ago 10d * mds.mds 3/3 10m ago 32m label:mds $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ps | grep mds mds.mds.cephstorage-0.fqcshx cephstorage-0.redhat.local running (79m) 3m ago 79m 27.2M - 17.2.6-100.el9cp 1af7b794f353 2a2dc5ba6d57 mds.mds.cephstorage-1.jkvomp cephstorage-1.redhat.local running (79m) 3m ago 79m 21.5M - 17.2.6-100.el9cp 1af7b794f353 7198b87104c8 mds.mds.cephstorage-2.gnfhfe cephstorage-2.redhat.local running (79m) 3m ago 79m 24.2M - 17.2.6-100.el9cp 1af7b794f353 f3cb859e2a15
Migrating Red Hat Ceph Storage RGW to external RHEL nodes
For Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) or dedicated Storage nodes, you must migrate the Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) daemons that are included in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform Controller nodes into the existing external Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) nodes. The external RHEL nodes typically include the Compute nodes for an HCI environment or Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes. Your environment must have Red Hat Ceph Storage 7 or later and be managed by cephadm
or Ceph Orchestrator.
Complete the tasks in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 environment. For more information, see Red Hat Ceph Storage prerequisites.
Migrating the Red Hat Ceph Storage RGW back ends
You must migrate your Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) back ends from your Controller nodes to your Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes. To ensure that you distribute the correct amount of services to your available nodes, you use cephadm
labels to refer to a group of nodes where a given daemon type is deployed. For more information about the cardinality diagram, see Red Hat Ceph Storage daemon cardinality.
The following procedure assumes that you have three target nodes, cephstorage-0
, cephstorage-1
, cephstorage-2
Add the RGW label to the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes that you want to migrate your RGW back ends to:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label add cephstorage-0 rgw; $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label add cephstorage-1 rgw; $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label add cephstorage-2 rgw; Added label rgw to host cephstorage-0 Added label rgw to host cephstorage-1 Added label rgw to host cephstorage-2 $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host ls HOST ADDR LABELS STATUS cephstorage-0 osd rgw cephstorage-1 osd rgw cephstorage-2 osd rgw controller-0 _admin mon mgr controller-1 _admin mon mgr controller-2 _admin mon mgr 6 hosts in cluster
Locate the RGW spec and dump in the spec directory:
$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ mkdir -p ${SPEC_DIR} $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ls --export rgw > ${SPEC_DIR}/rgw $ cat ${SPEC_DIR}/rgw networks: - placement: hosts: - controller-0 - controller-1 - controller-2 service_id: rgw service_name: rgw.rgw service_type: rgw spec: rgw_frontend_port: 8080 rgw_realm: default rgw_zone: default
This example assumes that
is thestorage
network. -
In the
section, ensure that thelabel
values are set:--- networks: - placement: label: rgw (2) service_id: rgw service_name: rgw.rgw service_type: rgw spec: rgw_frontend_port: 8090 (3) rgw_realm: default rgw_zone: default rgw_frontend_ssl_certificate: ... (4) ssl: true
1 Add the storage network where the RGW back ends are deployed. 2 Replace the Controller nodes with the label: rgw
label.3 Change the rgw_frontend_port
value to8090
to avoid conflicts with the Ceph ingress daemon.4 Optional: if TLS is enabled, add the SSL certificate and key concatenation as described in Configuring RGW with TLS for an external Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster in Configuring persistent storage. -
Apply the new RGW spec by using the orchestrator CLI:
$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ sudo cephadm shell -m ${SPEC_DIR}/rgw -- ceph orch apply -i /mnt/rgw
This command triggers the redeploy, for example:
... osd.9 cephstorage-2 rgw.rgw.cephstorage-0.wsjlgx cephstorage-0 starting rgw.rgw.cephstorage-1.qynkan cephstorage-1 starting rgw.rgw.cephstorage-2.krycit cephstorage-2 starting rgw.rgw.controller-1.eyvrzw controller-1 running (5h) rgw.rgw.controller-2.navbxa controller-2 running (5h) ... osd.9 cephstorage-2 rgw.rgw.cephstorage-0.wsjlgx cephstorage-0 running (19s) rgw.rgw.cephstorage-1.qynkan cephstorage-1 running (16s) rgw.rgw.cephstorage-2.krycit cephstorage-2 running (13s)
Ensure that the new RGW back ends are reachable on the new ports, so you can enable an ingress daemon on port
later. Log in to each Red Hat Ceph Storage node that includes RGW and add theiptables
rule to allow connections to both 8080 and 8090 ports in the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes:$ iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m comment --comment "ceph rgw ingress" -j ACCEPT $ iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8090 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m comment --comment "ceph rgw backends" -j ACCEPT $ sudo iptables-save $ sudo systemctl restart iptables
is used in the existing deployment, edit/etc/nftables/tripleo-rules.nft
and add the following content:# 100 ceph_rgw {'dport': ['8080','8090']} add rule inet filter TRIPLEO_INPUT tcp dport { 8080,8090 } ct state new counter accept comment "100 ceph_rgw"
Save the file.
Restart the
service:$ sudo systemctl restart nftables
Verify that the rules are applied:
$ sudo nft list ruleset | grep ceph_rgw
From a Controller node, such as
, try to reach the RGW back ends:$ curl;
You should observe the following output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns=""><Owner><ID>anonymous</ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner><Buckets></Buckets></ListAllMyBucketsResult>
Repeat the verification for each node where a RGW daemon is deployed.
If you migrated RGW back ends to the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes, there is no
network, except in the case of HCI nodes. You must reconfigure the RGW keystone endpoint to point to the external network that you propagated:[ceph: root@controller-0 /]# ceph config dump | grep keystone global basic rgw_keystone_url [ceph: root@controller-0 /]# ceph config set global rgw_keystone_url http://<keystone_endpoint>:5000
with the Identity service (keystone) internal endpoint of the service that is deployed in theOpenStackControlPlane
CR when you adopt the Identity service. For more information, see Adopting the Identity service.
Deploying a Red Hat Ceph Storage ingress daemon
To deploy the Ceph ingress daemon, you perform the following actions:
Remove the existing
configuration. -
Clean up the configuration created by director Operator.
Redeploy the Object Storage service (swift).
When you deploy the ingress daemon, two new containers are created:
HAProxy, which you use to reach the back ends.
Keepalived, which you use to own the virtual IP address.
You use the rgw
label to distribute the ingress daemon to only the number of nodes that host Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) daemons. For more information about distributing daemons among your nodes, see Red Hat Ceph Storage daemon cardinality.
After you complete this procedure, you can reach the RGW back end from the ingress daemon and use RGW through the Object Storage service CLI.
Log in to each Controller node and remove the following configuration from the
file:listen ceph_rgw bind transparent mode http balance leastconn http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc } http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto http if !{ ssl_fc } http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port] option httpchk GET /swift/healthcheck option httplog option forwardfor server check fall 5 inter 2000 rise 2 server check fall 5 inter 2000 rise 2 server check fall 5 inter 2000 rise 2
and confirm that it is started:[root@controller-0 ~]# sudo pcs resource restart haproxy-bundle haproxy-bundle successfully restarted [root@controller-0 ~]# sudo pcs status | grep haproxy * Container bundle set: haproxy-bundle [undercloud-0.ctlplane.redhat.local:8787/rh-osbs/rhosp17-openstack-haproxy:pcmklatest]: * haproxy-bundle-podman-0 (ocf:heartbeat:podman): Started controller-0 * haproxy-bundle-podman-1 (ocf:heartbeat:podman): Started controller-1 * haproxy-bundle-podman-2 (ocf:heartbeat:podman): Started controller-2
Confirm that no process is connected to port 8080:
[root@controller-0 ~]# ss -antop | grep 8080 [root@controller-0 ~]#
You can expect the Object Storage service (swift) CLI to fail to establish the connection:
(overcloud) [root@cephstorage-0 ~]# swift list HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8080): Max retries exceeded with url: /swift/v1/AUTH_852f24425bb54fa896476af48cbe35d3?format=json (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fc41beb0430>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))
Set the required images for both HAProxy and Keepalived:
[ceph: root@controller-0 /]# ceph config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_haproxy [ceph: root@controller-0 /]# ceph config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_keepalived
Create a file called
:$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ vim ${SPEC_DIR}/rgw_ingress
Paste the following content into the
file:--- service_type: ingress service_id: rgw.rgw placement: label: rgw spec: backend_service: rgw.rgw virtual_ip: frontend_port: 8080 monitor_port: 8898 virtual_interface_networks: - <external_network> ssl_cert: ...
with your external network, for example,
. For more information, see Completing prerequisites for migrating Red Hat Ceph Storage RGW. -
If TLS is enabled, add the SSL certificate and key concatenation as described in Configuring RGW with TLS for an external Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster in Configuring persistent storage.
Apply the
spec by using the Ceph orchestrator CLI:$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ cephadm shell -m ${SPEC_DIR}/rgw_ingress -- ceph orch apply -i /mnt/rgw_ingress
Wait until the ingress is deployed and query the resulting endpoint:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ls NAME PORTS RUNNING REFRESHED AGE PLACEMENT crash 6/6 6m ago 3d * ingress.rgw.rgw,8898 6/6 37s ago 60s label:rgw mds.mds 3/3 6m ago 3d controller-0;controller-1;controller-2 mgr 3/3 6m ago 3d controller-0;controller-1;controller-2 mon 3/3 6m ago 3d controller-0;controller-1;controller-2 osd.default_drive_group 15 37s ago 3d cephstorage-0;cephstorage-1;cephstorage-2 rgw.rgw ?:8090 3/3 37s ago 4m label:rgw
$ curl --- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns=""><Owner><ID>anonymous</ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner><Buckets></Buckets></ListAllMyBucketsResult>[ceph: root@controller-0 /]# —
Updating the Object Storage service endpoints
You must update the Object Storage service (swift) endpoints to point to the new virtual IP address (VIP) that you reserved on the same network that you used to deploy RGW ingress.
List the current endpoints:
(overcloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack endpoint list | grep object | 1326241fb6b6494282a86768311f48d1 | regionOne | swift | object-store | True | internal | | | 8a34817a9d3443e2af55e108d63bb02b | regionOne | swift | object-store | True | public | | | fa72f8b8b24e448a8d4d1caaeaa7ac58 | regionOne | swift | object-store | True | admin | |
Update the endpoints that are pointing to the Ingress VIP:
(overcloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack endpoint set --url "" 95596a2d92c74c15b83325a11a4f07a3 (overcloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack endpoint list | grep object-store | 6c7244cc8928448d88ebfad864fdd5ca | regionOne | swift | object-store | True | internal | | | 95596a2d92c74c15b83325a11a4f07a3 | regionOne | swift | object-store | True | public | | | e6d0599c5bf24a0fb1ddf6ecac00de2d | regionOne | swift | object-store | True | admin | |
Repeat this step for both internal and admin endpoints.
Test the migrated service:
(overcloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ swift list --debug DEBUG:swiftclient:Versionless auth_url - using as endpoint DEBUG:keystoneclient.auth.identity.v3.base:Making authentication request to DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1): DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 201 7795 DEBUG:keystoneclient.auth.identity.v3.base:{"token": {"methods": ["password"], "user": {"domain": {"id": "default", "name": "Default"}, "id": "6f87c7ffdddf463bbc633980cfd02bb3", "name": "admin", "password_expires_at": null}, ... ... ... DEBUG:swiftclient:REQ: curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: gAAAAABj7KHdjZ95syP4c8v5a2zfXckPwxFQZYg0pgWR42JnUs83CcKhYGY6PFNF5Cg5g2WuiYwMIXHm8xftyWf08zwTycJLLMeEwoxLkcByXPZr7kT92ApT-36wTfpi-zbYXd1tI5R00xtAzDjO3RH1kmeLXDgIQEVp0jMRAxoVH4zb-DVHUos" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" DEBUG:swiftclient:RESP STATUS: 200 OK DEBUG:swiftclient:RESP HEADERS: {'content-length': '2', 'x-timestamp': '1676452317.72866', 'x-account-container-count': '0', 'x-account-object-count': '0', 'x-account-bytes-used': '0', 'x-account-bytes-used-actual': '0', 'x-account-storage-policy-default-placement-container-count': '0', 'x-account-storage-policy-default-placement-object-count': '0', 'x-account-storage-policy-default-placement-bytes-used': '0', 'x-account-storage-policy-default-placement-bytes-used-actual': '0', 'x-trans-id': 'tx00000765c4b04f1130018-0063eca1dd-1dcba-default', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'tx00000765c4b04f1130018-0063eca1dd-1dcba-default', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'date': 'Wed, 15 Feb 2023 09:11:57 GMT'} DEBUG:swiftclient:RESP BODY: b'[]'
Migrating Red Hat Ceph Storage RBD to external RHEL nodes
For Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) or dedicated Storage nodes that are running Red Hat Ceph Storage 7 or later, you must migrate the daemons that are included in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform control plane into the existing external Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) nodes. The external RHEL nodes typically include the Compute nodes for an HCI environment or dedicated storage nodes.
Complete the tasks in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 environment. For more information, see Red Hat Ceph Storage prerequisites.
Migrating Ceph Manager daemons to Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes
You must migrate your Ceph Manager daemons from the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) Controller nodes to a set of target nodes. Target nodes are either existing Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes, or RHOSP Compute nodes if Red Hat Ceph Storage is deployed by director Operator with a Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) topology.
The following procedure uses cephadm and the Ceph Orchestrator to drive the Ceph Manager migration, and the Ceph spec to modify the placement and reschedule the Ceph Manager daemons. Ceph Manager is run in an active/passive state. It also provides many modules, including the Ceph Orchestrator. Every potential module, such as the Ceph Dashboard, that is provided by ceph-mgr is implicitly migrated with Ceph Manager.
SSH into the target node and enable the firewall rules that are required to reach a Ceph Manager service:
dports="6800:7300" ssh heat-admin@<target_node> sudo iptables -I INPUT \ -p tcp --match multiport --dports $dports -j ACCEPT;
with the hostname of the hosts that are listed in the Red Hat Ceph Storage environment. Runceph orch host ls
to see the list of the hosts.Repeat this step for each target node.
Check that the rules are properly applied to the target node and persist them:
$ sudo iptables-save $ sudo systemctl restart iptables
is used in the existing deployment, edit/etc/nftables/tripleo-rules.nft
and add the following content:# 113 ceph_mgr {'dport': ['6800-7300', 8444]} add rule inet filter TRIPLEO_INPUT tcp dport { 6800-7300,8444 } ct state new counter accept comment "113 ceph_mgr"
Save the file.
Restart the
service:$ sudo systemctl restart nftables
Verify that the rules are applied:
$ sudo nft list ruleset | grep ceph_mgr
Prepare the target node to host the new Ceph Manager daemon, and add the
label to the target node:$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label add <target_node> mgr
Repeat steps 1-7 for each target node that hosts a Ceph Manager daemon.
Get the Ceph Manager spec:
$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ mkdir -p ${SPEC_DIR} $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ls --export mgr > ${SPEC_DIR}/mgr
Edit the retrieved spec and add the
label: mgr
section to theplacement
section:service_type: mgr service_id: mgr placement: label: mgr
Save the spec.
Apply the spec with
by using the Ceph Orchestrator:$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ sudo cephadm shell -m ${SPEC_DIR}/mgr -- ceph orch apply -i /mnt/mgr
Verify that the new Ceph Manager daemons are created in the target nodes:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ps | grep -i mgr $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph -s
The Ceph Manager daemon count should match the number of hosts where the
label is added.The migration does not shrink the Ceph Manager daemons. The count grows by the number of target nodes, and migrating Ceph Monitor daemons to Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes decommissions the stand-by Ceph Manager instances. For more information, see Migrating Ceph Monitor daemons to Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes.
Migrating Ceph Monitor daemons to Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes
You must move Ceph Monitor daemons from the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) Controller nodes to a set of target nodes. Target nodes are either existing Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes, or RHOSP Compute nodes if Red Hat Ceph Storage is
deployed by director Operator with a Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) topology. Additional Ceph Monitors are deployed to the target nodes, and they are promoted as _admin
nodes that you can use to manage the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster and perform day 2 operations.
To migrate the Ceph Monitor daemons, you must perform the following high-level steps:
Repeat these steps for any additional Controller node that hosts a Ceph Monitor until you migrate all the Ceph Monitor daemons to the target nodes.
Configuring target nodes for Ceph Monitor migration
Prepare the target Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes for the Ceph Monitor migration by performing the following actions:
Enable firewall rules in a target node and persist them.
Create a spec that is based on labels and apply it by using
. -
Ensure that the Ceph Monitor quorum is maintained during the migration process.
SSH into the target node and enable the firewall rules that are required to reach a Ceph Monitor service:
$ for port in 3300 6789; { ssh heat-admin@<target_node> sudo iptables -I INPUT \ -p tcp -m tcp --dport $port -m conntrack --ctstate NEW \ -j ACCEPT; }
with the hostname of the node that hosts the new Ceph Monitor.
Check that the rules are properly applied to the target node and persist them:
$ sudo iptables-save $ sudo systemctl restart iptables
is used in the existing deployment, edit/etc/nftables/tripleo-rules.nft
and add the following content:# 110 ceph_mon {'dport': [6789, 3300, '9100']} add rule inet filter TRIPLEO_INPUT tcp dport { 6789,3300,9100 } ct state new counter accept comment "110 ceph_mon"
Save the file.
Restart the
service:$ sudo systemctl restart nftables
Verify that the rules are applied:
$ sudo nft list ruleset | grep ceph_mon
To migrate the existing Ceph Monitors to the target Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes, retrieve the Red Hat Ceph Storage mon spec from the first Ceph Monitor, or the first Controller node:
$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ mkdir -p ${SPEC_DIR} $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ls --export mon > ${SPEC_DIR}/mon
Add the
section to theplacement
section:service_type: mon service_id: mon placement: label: mon
Save the spec.
Apply the spec with
by using the Ceph Orchestrator:$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ sudo cephadm shell -m ${SPEC_DIR}/mon -- ceph orch apply -i /mnt/mon
Extend the
label to the remaining Red Hat Ceph Storage target nodes to ensure that quorum is maintained during the migration process:for item in $(sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host ls --format json | jq -r '.[].hostname'); do sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label add $item mon; sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label add $item _admin; done
Applying the mon
spec allows the existing strategy to uselabels
instead ofhosts
. As a result, any node with themon
label can host a Ceph Monitor daemon. Perform this step only once to avoid multiple iterations when multiple Ceph Monitors are migrated. -
Check the status of the Red Hat Ceph Storage and the Ceph Orchestrator daemons list. Ensure that Ceph Monitors are in a quorum and listed by the
ceph orch
command:$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph -s cluster: id: f6ec3ebe-26f7-56c8-985d-eb974e8e08e3 health: HEALTH_OK services: mon: 6 daemons, quorum controller-0,controller-1,controller-2,ceph-0,ceph-1,ceph-2 (age 19m) mgr: controller-0.xzgtvo(active, since 32m), standbys: controller-1.mtxohd, controller-2.ahrgsk osd: 8 osds: 8 up (since 12m), 8 in (since 18m); 1 remapped pgs data: pools: 1 pools, 1 pgs objects: 0 objects, 0 B usage: 43 MiB used, 400 GiB / 400 GiB avail pgs: 1 active+clean
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host ls HOST ADDR LABELS STATUS ceph-0 osd mon mgr _admin ceph-1 osd mon mgr _admin ceph-2 osd mon mgr _admin controller-0 _admin mgr mon controller-1 _admin mgr mon controller-2 _admin mgr mon
Set up a Ceph client on the first Controller node that is used during the rest of the procedure to interact with Red Hat Ceph Storage. Set up an additional IP address on the storage network that is used to interact with Red Hat Ceph Storage when the first Controller node is decommissioned:
Back up the content of
in theceph_client_backup
directory.$ mkdir -p $HOME/ceph_client_backup $ sudo cp -R /etc/ceph/* $HOME/ceph_client_backup
and add- ip_netmask:
after the IP address on the VLAN that belongs to the storage network. Replace172.17.3.200
with any other available IP address on the storage network that can be statically assigned tocontroller-0
. -
Save the file and refresh the
network configuration:$ sudo os-net-config -c /etc/os-net-config/config.yaml
Verify that the IP address is present in the Controller node:
$ ip -o a | grep
Ping the IP address and confirm that it is reachable:
$ ping -c 3
Verify that you can interact with the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster:
$ sudo cephadm shell -c $HOME/ceph_client_backup/ceph.conf -k $HOME/ceph_client_backup/ceph.client.admin.keyring -- ceph -s
Proceed to the next step Draining the source node.
Draining the source node
Drain the source node and remove the source node host from the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
On the source node, back up the
directory to runcephadm
and get a shell for the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster from the source node:$ mkdir -p $HOME/ceph_client_backup $ sudo cp -R /etc/ceph $HOME/ceph_client_backup
Identify the active
instance:$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph mgr stat
Fail the
if it is active on the source node:$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph mgr fail <mgr_instance>
with the Ceph Manager daemon to fail.
From the
shell, remove the labels on the source node:$ for label in mon mgr _admin; do sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host label rm <source_node> $label; done
with the hostname of the source node.
Optional: Ensure that you remove the Ceph Monitor daemon from the source node if it is still running:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch daemon rm mon.<source_node> --force
Drain the source node to remove any leftover daemons:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host drain <source_node>
Remove the source node host from the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host rm <source_node> --force
The source node is not part of the cluster anymore, and should not appear in the Red Hat Ceph Storage host list when you run
sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch host ls
. However, if you runsudo podman ps
in the source node, the list might show that both Ceph Monitors and Ceph Managers are still running.[root@controller-1 ~]# sudo podman ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 5c1ad36472bc -n mon.contro... 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes ago ceph-f6ec3ebe-26f7-56c8-985d-eb974e8e08e3-mon-controller-1 3b14cc7bf4dd -n mgr.contro... 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes ago ceph-f6ec3ebe-26f7-56c8-985d-eb974e8e08e3-mgr-controller-1-mtxohd
To clean up the existing containers and remove the
data from the source node, contact Red Hat Support. -
Confirm that mons are still in quorum:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph -s $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ps | grep -i mon
Proceed to the next step Migrating the Ceph Monitor IP address.
Migrating the Ceph Monitor IP address
You must migrate your Ceph Monitor IP addresses to the target Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes. The
IP address migration assumes that the target nodes are originally deployed by
director Operator and that the network configuration is managed by
Get the original Ceph Monitor IP addresses from
file on themon_host
line, for example:mon_host = [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:]
Match the IP address retrieved in the previous step with the storage network IP addresses on the source node, and find the Ceph Monitor IP address:
[tripleo-admin@controller-0 ~]$ ip -o -4 a | grep 172.17.3 9: vlan30 inet brd scope global vlan30\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 9: vlan30 inet brd scope global vlan30\ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Confirm that the Ceph Monitor IP address is present in the
configuration that is located in the/etc/os-net-config
directory on the source node:[tripleo-admin@controller-0 ~]$ grep "" /etc/os-net-config/config.yaml - ip_netmask:
Edit the
file and remove theip_netmask
line. -
Save the file and refresh the node network configuration:
$ sudo os-net-config -c /etc/os-net-config/config.yaml
Verify that the IP address is not present in the source node anymore, for example:
[controller-0]$ ip -o a | grep
SSH into the target node, for example
, and add the IP address for the new Ceph Monitor. -
On the target node, edit
and add the- ip_netmask:
line that you removed in the source node. -
Save the file and refresh the node network configuration:
$ sudo os-net-config -c /etc/os-net-config/config.yaml
Verify that the IP address is present in the target node.
$ ip -o a | grep
From the Ceph client node,
, ping the IP address that is migrated to the target node and confirm that it is still reachable:[controller-0]$ ping -c 3
Proceed to the next step Redeploying the Ceph Monitor on the target node.
Redeploying a Ceph Monitor on the target node
You use the IP address that you migrated to the target node to redeploy the Ceph Monitor on the target node.
From the Ceph client node, for example
, get the Ceph mon spec:$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ls --export mon > ${SPEC_DIR}/mon
Edit the retrieved spec and add the
unmanaged: true
keyword:service_type: mon service_id: mon placement: label: mon unmanaged: true
Save the spec.
Apply the spec with
by using the Ceph Orchestrator:$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ sudo cephadm shell -m ${SPEC_DIR}/mon -- ceph orch apply -i /mnt/mon
The Ceph Monitor daemons are marked as
, and you can now redeploy the existing daemon and bind it to the migrated IP address. -
Delete the existing Ceph Monitor on the target node:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch daemon rm mon.<target_node> --force
with the hostname of the target node that is included in the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
Redeploy the new Ceph Monitor on the target node by using the migrated IP address:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch daemon add mon <target_node>:<ip_address>
with the IP address of the migrated IP address.
Get the Ceph Monitor spec:
$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch ls --export mon > ${SPEC_DIR}/mon
Edit the retrieved spec and set the
keyword tofalse
:service_type: mon service_id: mon placement: label: mon unmanaged: false
Save the spec.
Apply the spec with
by using the Ceph Orchestrator:$ SPEC_DIR=${SPEC_DIR:-"$PWD/ceph_specs"} $ sudo cephadm shell -m ${SPEC_DIR}/mon -- ceph orch apply -i /mnt/mon
The new Ceph Monitor runs on the target node with the original IP address.
Identify the running
:$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph mgr stat
Refresh the Ceph Manager information by force-failing it:
$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph mgr fail
Refresh the
information:$ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph orch reconfig osd.default_drive_group
Repeat the procedure starting from step Draining the source node for each node that you want to decommission. Proceed to the next step Verifying the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster after Ceph Monitor migration.
Verifying the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster after Ceph Monitor migration
After you finish migrating your Ceph Monitor daemons to the target nodes, verify that the the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster is healthy.
Verify that the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster is healthy:
$ ceph -s cluster: id: f6ec3ebe-26f7-56c8-985d-eb974e8e08e3 health: HEALTH_OK ... ...
Verify that the Red Hat Ceph Storage mons are running with the old IP addresses. SSH into the target nodes and verify that the Ceph Monitor daemons are bound to the expected IP and port:
$ netstat -tulpn | grep 3300
Updating the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster Ceph Dashboard configuration
If the Ceph Dashboard is part of the enabled Ceph Manager modules, you need to reconfigure the failover settings.
Regenerate the following Red Hat Ceph Storage configuration keys to point to the right
container:mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/controller-0.ycokob/server_addr mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/controller-1.lmzpuc/server_addr mgr advanced mgr/dashboard/controller-2.xpdgfl/server_addr
$ sudo cephadm shell $ ceph orch ps | awk '/mgr./ {print $1}'
For each retrieved
daemon, update the corresponding entry in the Red Hat Ceph Storage configuration:$ ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/<>/server_addr/<ip addr>